Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2146: Sell ​​my face

High in the sky, flames raged.

The five-color flames, layer upon layer, are overwhelming and flooded in all directions.

That young man, that kendo evildoer, seemed to be the center of everything in this world.

The flames of heaven and earth seemed to be gathering towards this young man.

This flame, which was like destroying the sky, obeyed the orders of this young man and was under his control.

A terrible flame filled the entire space, permeating tens of millions of miles.

That young man, for an instant, became the focus of everyone present.

The momentum is so great that it even surpasses any strong person present, including the woman, including the eight main hall masters.

Xiao Yi's cold eyes were already fixed on the elders of Beiyin Palace.

A group of titled elders, including the fourth elder of Beiyin Palace headed by them, all trembled.

They could clearly feel that those clear eyes that were looking at them were holding the monstrous anger and raging flames at this moment, and any trace of it was enough to burn them to ashes.

"Zi Yan Yi Xiao, you, you, you..." The Fourth Elder of Beiyin Palace shivered.

"No, no, you are Xiao Yi... the old man advises you not to mess around..."

Xiao Yi looked at these elders of Beiyin Palace coldly.

In his eyes, these eighty thousand legends, eight levels of the Holy Venerable Realm, placed outside, and even the entire Middle Territory, are almost strong and powerful, and they appear to be extremely weak.

Yes, weak.

In my own perception, the group of elders in the Beiyin Palace in front of him did not give him any pressure.

This kind of incomparable strength is flooded all over, and it feels like invincibility. This is the first time he has possessed it, and it is the first time he is so shocked.

He felt that he was boiling.

He even felt that he could actually look at the master hall masters.

The boundless sea of ​​fire between the sky and the earth is giving him endless power.

"Damn you guys." Xiao Yi spit out four indifferent characters.


The fourth elder of Beiyin Palace who was horrified, his body flashed with fire and suddenly turned into ashes.

"Four elders." A group of title elders behind them changed their expressions drastically.


There was an explosion in the air.

A purple flame and a golden flame blasted at the same time.

More than twenty elders of Beiyin Palace died in an instant.

Some were instantly vanity under the purple flame, without leaving even a trace.

Some are like being in molten lava under the golden flames, and instantly there is no bones left.


Xiao Yi's footsteps moved.

His gaze turned to the Beiyin Palace seat.

On the seats in Beiyin Palace, the three old men's eyes narrowed.


Xiao Yi's figure disappeared out of thin air.

When he appeared again, he was already on the seat of Beiyin Palace.

"So fast." The headed old man looked surprised.

The three elders are the Great Elder, the Second Elder, and the Third Elder of Beiyin Palace.

The three of them are the strongest elders in the Beiyin Palace, and their strength even exceeds the title elders and retreat elders of the Beiyin Palace.

With the status of three people, only the Palace Master of Beiyin Palace and the Young Palace Master could drive them, even the second son of Beiyin Wuwei had no right to drive them.

Coming to the Holy Moon Sect today was originally ordered by the palace lord.

They never expected that they would suddenly fall into this situation.

Not to mention the sudden defection of the Eight Palaces, the eight masters alone easily suppressed the Holy Moon Sect and the Hundreds of Hidden Family. The consequences of their team in Beiyin Palace are uncertain.

The terrifying flame aura of the young man in front of him alone was enough to make the three of them tremble.


Xiao Yi's footsteps suddenly took a step forward.

He said that none of the warriors in Beiyin Palace today should survive.

He stared at the three old men coldly.

But he didn't notice that in the distance behind, the eyes of the head of the Soul Palace suddenly became a little inexplicable.

The head of the Soul Palace, who had been looking plain, frowned.

A pair of old palms also moved unconsciously.

On the side, the Lord of the Heavenly Mystery Hall frowned and murmured, "Old man..."

The head of the soul hall nodded solemnly and put down his hand.

In the distance, Xiao Yi's hand also moved.

Perhaps, as clever as he is, he should think of something wrong.

Why would it be the head of the Soul Palace who first appeared on the seat of Beiyin Palace?

And why the head of the soul hall would sit down at that time.

The head of the Soul Palace, was it really going to contain the three elders of Beiyin Palace?

At this moment, Xiao Yi didn't think much about it. In his eyes, the three people in front of him were like dead people.


High in the sky, in the sky full of flames, suddenly flame meteors fell.

The meteors in the sky, with violent impact, and the sky of fire, densely descend.

"The fire of stars?" Beiyin Palace Grand Elder's expression changed.


The sky fire meteor fell extremely fast.

It fell down almost instantly when it appeared.

With a roar, the entire Beiyin Palace seats were submerged in a meteor flame.


The four figures suddenly flew up from the sky, leaping out of the sea of ​​fire.

Yes, four ways.

The three ways are three elders, and the other way is Beiyin Wuwei.

At this moment, the Great Elder of Beiyin Palace is protecting Beiyin Wuwei and leap out.

The other two, the second elder and the third elder, were all embarrassed and their mouths overflowed.

A meteor from the sky caused the three elders of Beiyin Palace to be injured in an instant. At this moment, Xiao Yi was indeed powerful.

"The legendary ninety thousand roads, the ninth level of the saintly realm?" Xiao Yi squinted at the three people who escaped in a panic.

"Go." High in the sky, the Great Elder of Beiyin Palace did not hesitate, and instantly spit out a note, fleeing away.

"Want to run?" Xiao Yi grinned.

Whoosh... the figure turned into a flame and disappeared instantly.

When he appeared again, he was already proudly above the air and appeared in front of the three of them.

"Fast speed." The Great Elder of Beiyin Palace looked at the flame figure in front of him, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Xiao Yi." The Great Elder of the Beiyin Palace said suddenly, "You and my Beiyin Palace have no grudges or grudges, so why bother to kill."

"The grievances between you and the Holy Moon Sect, my Beiyin Palace will no longer interfere."

The great elder of Beiyin Palace, the words at this moment, already contained half pleading.

This young man who didn't even look at him before, at this moment, there is no doubt that he has the ability to kill him.

Xiao Yi's eyes were indifferent, "There is no hatred, but you provoke hatred."

"Do you dare to fight the idea of ​​my maid?"

In fact, Shengyuezong's idea of ​​hitting Beiyin Palace, and Beiyin Palace, is it not the idea of ​​hitting Shengyuezong.

It's just that the two sides' bargaining chips and cross-connect points are Yiyi.

"That's just a woman..." The Great Elder of Beiyin Palace wanted to say something.

"That's my woman." Xiao Yi's tone was extremely overbearing at this moment.

Naha's words resounded throughout the sky.

Below, Yiyi blushed and lowered his head.

On the side, Sky Splitting Sword Fairy smiled, "This kid, I saw him so overbearing for the first time."

While talking, Sky Splitting Sword Fairy glanced at Yiyi and nodded frequently, "Not bad, not bad, she's a beauty."

High in the sky.


Purple inflammation in the sky is already raging.

"Amethyst Lingyan." The Grand Elder of Beiyin Palace's expression changed.

Amethyst spirit flame, the effect of burning everything, no one knows.

Coupled with Xiao Yi's current strength, the power of Amethyst Lingyan will reach a terrifying point.

Just at this time.

Below, an urgent old word suddenly sounded.

"Boy, save his life."

"Huh?" Suddenly, one after another looked at the words of speaking.

It was the head of the Soul Palace who spoke.

"Boy Xiao Xun, betray the old man and save them life." The head of the Soul Palace gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

It can be clearly seen that the gaze of the head of the Soul Palace is drifting over Xiao Yi and Bei Yin Wuwei.

However, facing the head of the Soul Palace, it was an extremely cold look.

"I'm sorry, I don't sell this face." Xiao Yi didn't even shake his head, only spit out indifferently.

The next second, he waved his hand.


The monstrous purple flame instantly swallowed the four of Beiyin Palace.


First more.

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