Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2153: Isshin martial arts

Inside the boudoir.

Xiao Yi already sat up, leaning against the bed, and took a deep breath.

He was adapting and accepting the pain caused by his trauma.

After a long while, Xiao Yi breathed out lightly, glanced at Yiyi, but saw that Yiyi frowned slightly, with an eager look on his face.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yi asked softly.

Yiyi shook his head, "Nothing."

But you can clearly see that her pair of slender hands is grabbing a corner of her clothes and twisting it.

"Do you think you can hide from me?" Xiao Yi smiled lightly, "Forget about how clever your son is?"

Yiyi hesitated for a moment, and shook his head, "The son is hurt, and I will talk about it when the son is well cultivated."

Xiao Yi smiled, touched the mattress beside him, and sniffed again.

There was a faint fragrance on the mattress.

"This is your boudoir." Xiao Yi asked.

Yiyi nodded.

Xiao Yi smiled lightly, "I heard that Shengjun loves you as a saint especially."

"The Sacred Heart Palace is also the first palace of the Holy Moon Sect besides the Holy Moon Palace."

"In other words, this is the Sacred Heart Temple, and I am still in the Holy Moon Sect."

"Due to my grievances with the Holy Moon Sect, I actually stayed in the Holy Moon Sect and returned to the bed in the boudoir of your great saint."

"Heh." A triumphant flashed in Xiao Yi's eyes and said, "This also means that the Holy Moon Sect cannot control me now. To be precise, the Holy Moon Sect cannot even control me."

"This is Shengyuezong's own territory, but it can't control me."

"It seems that the Eight Palaces blocked this place."

"In other words, what you are worried about now is this."

Yiyi's eyes were startled and flashed again and again. Her son, really smart, easily guessed her thoughts.

"It can be said." Xiao Yi joked and laughed, "Could it be that I have to endure the injury and continue to guess?"

"Yiyi dare not." Yiyi shook his head repeatedly, lowered his head, and muttered, "The eight senior masters of the main hall have now blocked the entire family."

"Sixty thousand elites in each hall have never left, sealing the end of the space."

"Shengyuezong, including the hundreds of hidden families, no one can leave."

Yiyi's head became lower and lower, and his voice became lower and lower, gradually becoming more complicated.

Xiao Yi shook his head, just about to say something.


The door of the boudoir knocked suddenly.

Outside the room, there was eight heavy breaths.

The main hall master of Shura knocked again and took the lead in opening the door.

"Boy, awake." The main hall of Shura smiled, and there was no cold warfare in the hall before.

"Hallmaster General." Xiao Yi cried out, and wanted to get up and salute.

"Eh eh eh, no need." The Master Palace Master Shura squeezed his hand and said in a deep voice.

Soft and thick palm strength slowly pressed Xiao Yi back onto the bed.

"Your boy is injured so badly, we know it very well, so there is no need to salute."

"It doesn't matter." Xiao Yi shook his head. His injury has stabilized, and he can recuperate slowly.

Except for the whole body pain, it has no effect.

Xiao Yi never cared about these.

The remaining seven main hall masters entered one by one.

Xiao Yi glanced at the crowd, his expression regained his former indifference.

Those clear eyes were cold again.

"Little Xiao Yi..."

"Boy Yi Xiao..."

"Xiao Xun boy..."

The eight old people clearly noticed these changes in Xiao Yi's face and eyes.

I wanted to say something, but the words came to my lips, but the words were lost.

For the two chief hall masters of Shura and Fengcha, the young man they had been familiar with had once been lost, and now he has lost it again.

This is their hope, they have been furious, they have been close to despair.

This young man returned in a more terrifying way, stepping into the legend in one fell swoop, and embarking on the Holy Moon Sect.

They were ecstatic, but then they were extremely worried.

This young man was imprisoned, fighting a hundred families and not falling into the wind, but after all, he was almost like a Jedi.

Now that the young man is okay, they are relieved again.

Such ups and downs made them sigh for a while.

As for the head of the three halls of the hunting demon, what echoed in their minds was more of a picture of Yi Xiao.

The figure wearing a mask and a strong outfit, that powerful fire-controlling skill, extremely strong strength in the other hand, and extremely cold and arrogant but extremely stubborn character.

The phrase ‘if I have committed the Iron Rules of the Eight Temples, a heinous crime’ is still vivid.

Obviously he is a young man, but he can talk and laugh happily with their three current legends, and even "calculate" each other to compete.

These pictures are also vivid.

But more often, seven days ago, the three of them slapped the ‘familiar’ figure with three palms. The figure vomited blood, and questioned weakly and disappointedly, ‘Are you still fighting?’

As for the three senior Luo, they can almost be described as mixed.

That black robe with a terrifying face, but a strong and unruly young man, had given them countless surprises and surprises in the past six months.

They are extremely satisfied and see it as their own hope.

The three of them also remembered countless memories.

For example, this young man didn't deal with them at the beginning, didn't like them, and even didn't want to deal with them at all.

Another example is that this young man suddenly saluted most of a month ago.

‘If one day, I will not see or die’

Of course, no one is more complicated than Senior Luo.

The word Xiao Yi, for him, was full of countless complexity.

When the two identities of Xiao Xun and Xiao Yi overlapped, the torture was complicated, and it soared to the extreme.

The young man in black robes has repeatedly rejected him in the past six months, and he has been so angry that he has smoked. He also understands the reason.

At this moment, the eight people were choked up for a while, and the atmosphere became awkward again.

After a long while, the Master Yaozun was the first to speak, and stepped a few steps forward to the bedside, "Little girl, stand aside first."

"Yes, senior." Yiyi got up and stepped aside obediently.

"Come on, old man, help you see." The old but soft palm of the main hall master Yao Zun was placed on Xiao Yi's hand.

After closing his eyes and perceiving for a while, the main hall master Yaozun nodded.

His perception is naturally much deeper than Senior Jian Ji and others.

"Injuries are basically intact, but they still can't relax. Many injuries are extremely serious. Even if they stabilize now, they can't recur."

"Several injuries, if they break out again, they will be left to your disadvantage in the future."

Xiao Yi nodded indifferently and said nothing.

Senior Luo, who has been silent, said in an unhappy tone, "Yes, injury is what I deserve."

"If you told the three of us about your identity earlier, wouldn't it be possible that I and Tianji would still hurt you?"

"With the three of us, who would dare to hurt half of your hair?"

Senior Luo's icy tone was slightly blamed.

However, what responded to him was a cold look.

"Heh." Xiao Yi snorted, "Is it possible that I should tell my identity directly, and then beg for mercy like a dog, so that you don't want to do anything to me?"

"You..." Senior Luo's face was cold, "You know that the old man didn't mean that..."

"I said." Xiao Yi said coldly, "I don't owe you, nor do you owe me."

Yes, he does not owe the three senior Luo; nor does the three senior Luo owe him.

The two are not in arrears with each other.

So, what qualifications does he have to let the three of Luo seniors not attack him?

Could it be that because he knew his identity as Xiao Xun, he was favored by the three of Senior Luo, and exposed, so that the three of Luo could not make a move, and even turned back, and thus exposed?

What is the difference between this and use?

The identity of Yi Xiao is the same.

If it weren't for the speed of these six people's previous shots too fast, his handprints of the flames would have been shot.

His identity will never be revealed.

Although the flame array is extremely powerful with 15 martial arts relics, the backlash is also extremely terrifying.

If Xiao Yi needs to confront the sage for this, he is sure to kill the sage.

Swordsmanship, plus 15 martial arts relics, he has enough confidence.

Of course, the price must be his death by Xiao Yi backlash.

So Xiao Yi said, that day, he will die, but the woman will die too.

Xiao Yi also made preparations and confessed to the Holy Moon Sect.

Comparing death and exposure, Xiao Yi chose the former, seemingly stupid.

However, if a person does everything in order to survive, then such a person can't hold his own heart. Such a person can really become a martial **** and reach the end of the road of martial arts?

Xiao Yi didn't believe that he was killed.

If you want to live, you will lose your heart and your persistence.

Is he Xiao Yi, or is he Xiao Yi?

Is it Xiao Yi who walked all the way from the mere Houtian to today's kendo evildoer?

The atmosphere was silent again.

"Okay." At this time, the main hall master of Asura said in a deep voice, "Little Xiao Yi, we are looking for you at this time, it is about the inheritance of the Eight Palaces."

"The Eight Palaces have their own iron rules, which cannot be inherited by one person at the same time."

"You have to give up one..."

Xiao Yi shook his head and interrupted, "Eight Halls, I will not inherit any of them."

"What?" The eight chief hall masters all changed their expressions.

"We will not inherit the two halls?" The main hall of Shura frowned.

Xiao Yi nodded seriously.

He was willing to get up and salute before because the two masters of the Asura Palace had always treated him extremely well, and they were the elders he was willing to respect.

But this does not mean that he is willing to inherit the two halls of Shura and Fengsha.

"You are fooling around..." The main hall master of Shura, the main hall master of hunting demon and others all scolded together.

Xiao Yi shook his head and interrupted again, "Originally, I was really in awe of the Eight Palaces."

"But the Eight Halls today are not the Eight Halls I imagined."

"So, I won't inherit any temple."

"Everyone, I'm sorry."

The eight main hall masters were stunned, not knowing what to say.

They knew very well what the Eight Palaces Civil War represented, and they also knew how disappointed this young man was.

At this time, Xiao Yi supported his body and looked to Yiyi aside, "I don't know why, I feel a little depressed."

"Yiyi, let me go for a walk."

"Yeah." Yiyi walked quickly, worrying, "The son is hurt, don't you take a break?"

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head before getting out of bed.

In the corner of the bed, there is a set of son's clothes that have been neatly folded.

Xiao Yi picked it up, put on his clothes, and left.

Behind them, the eight main hall masters looked complicated and said, "If you don't inherit the eight halls, what will you do in the future?"

Xiao Yi didn't look back, but paused, and said in a deep voice, "One-hearted martial arts."

After all, without stopping, and Yiyi left the room.


Second more.

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