Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2154: One sword, the continent collapsed

Out of the boudoir, it was a courtyard soon.

In the courtyard, there are strange flowers and plants, one is colorful, one is colorful, and two are green.

It makes people feel refreshed and refreshed.

The Sacred Heart Hall, worthy of being the second hall in the Holy Moon Sect, is not only large, but also full of dazzling arrays everywhere.

"It seems that the old thing has not treated you badly these years." Xiao Yi chuckled lightly.

"Yeah." Yiyi nodded repeatedly, "Master has treated me very well these years."

Xiao Yi walked a few steps, before facing him, Senior Jian Ji came.

"Yo." Senior Jian Ji was slightly surprised, and said, "Boy, why did you get out of bed? Don't rest for a while?"

Xiao Yi arched his hands, "Senior Jian Ji."

Xiao Yi smiled lightly, "Senior Jian Ji knows, the kid has never been idle."

"After sleeping for seven days and seven nights, I slept enough for everything."

"Rather than lying on the bed with a sore back, it's better to come out and walk."

Senior Jian Ji shrugged and said, "You kid."

In the next second, he seemed to have thought of something, raised his brows, and smiled, "Tsk tut, I see."

"You kid, the beautiful lady is on your side, so you don't have the plan to fall asleep and lonely."

"It's a pleasure to be accompanied by beauties, to enjoy the flowers and want to go shopping."

"Um." Xiao Yi touched his nose, embarrassed for a while.

"Oh right." Xiao Yi pulled Yiyi beside him and said, "Yiyi, this is my martial arts senior when I was in the Eastern Region."

"Always take care of me and treat me very well."

"Yeah, I know." Yiyi bowed a little obediently. "The seven days and seven nights of the son's drowsiness, Senior has always been with him."

"Senior said that he was too lazy to pay attention to the son, but in fact he has been worried about him."

Senior Jian Ji curled his lips when he heard the words.

Xiao Yi smiled, looked at Senior Jian Ji, and nodded for a long while.

"What are you doing?" Senior Jian Ji asked in confusion.

Xiao Yi smiled lightly, "If the kid didn't guess wrong, Senior Jian Ji has had a great opportunity for more than half a year."

"Not bad." Senior Jian Ji smiled and nodded.

"Thanks to the Master Palace Master Shura."

With that said, Senior Jian Ji glanced at the Master Palace Master Shura behind Xiao Yi.

The eight main hall masters also left the boudoir at this time and caught up with Xiao Yi.

It's just that the eight people don't know what to say.

Senior Jian Ji continued, "More than half a year ago, everyone thought your kid was dead."

"I don't believe it, and I'm too angry, so I went to the main hall of Shura. I planned to change your merits and take some cultivation things to quickly improve your cultivation."

"Then see if I can find any clues about you."

"I know, your kid will never die easily."

"At that time, the main hall master of Asura gave me the ice holy pill."

"Ice Saint Sacred Pill?" Behind him, Senior Luo, the Head of the Hunting Demon Hall and the others were surprised.

Senior Luo's eyes narrowed, "There has long been a rumor that after the ancient war, the ice holy pill will be left in your Asura main hall by that senior."

"It seems that the rumors are true."

The main hallmaster of the hunting demon also narrowed his eyes, "The sacred pill of the predecessor is so easy to send out."

"Sura, you are really a big deal."

The Master of the Wind Brake sneered, "It's not Shura that he is big."

"But his eyes are like a torch, and he can see at a glance who this holy pill is more suitable for."

"The result is obvious. He didn't misunderstand the wrong person and gave Senior Bing Sheng's holy pill to the most suitable person."

"This little girl, with the help of Ice Saint Sacred Pill, found the legacy cave of Senior Ice Saint, and got the recognition of Senior Ice Saint's biography, and also received the magic weapon of Bing Bai Zhanyou."

In the tone of the main hall of the wind brake, there was obviously some pride.

It stands to reason that the ice holy pill should not be given to outsiders, even in the main hall of Asura, no one is qualified to get it.

However, the main hall master of Asura had considered people wisely and gave this ice holy pill to the most suitable person.

And Senior Jian Ji, it did not disappoint.

At this time, Senior Jian Ji looked at Xiao Yi and continued, "About four months ago, I went deep into the north and stepped into the depths of the vast snow mountain."

"That area is probably equivalent to the Far East, at the far north of the northern area."

"Or if I was lucky, I found the leftover cave of Ice Saint."

"I was in that retreat for April, not only digested the Ice Saint Sacred Pill, and used this to perform the second Martial Spirit Awakening, and then received the Ice Saint Relic, Fang Yiju's cultivation base rose greatly.

"Ice Saint Relic?" Xiao Yi's eyes were slightly surprised, and then slightly puzzled.

Xiao Yi was also a little surprised.

No wonder Senior Jian Ji now has a powerful cultivation base of the legendary seventy thousand ways.

In terms of talent, Senior Jian Ji is by no means weaker than him.

You know, Senior Jian Ji, but the holder of the youngest record of the Eastern Territory.

Even Xiao Yi was only a few months ahead of this record.

In addition, Xiao Yi's own small world is extremely huge, no, it is terrifying at all, so his cultivation has slowed down a lot.

Senior Jian Ji, the talent is not much weaker than him, and without the obstacles of his huge small world, once he has the opportunity, he instantly rises from Qianlong, his cultivation base skyrocketed.

"Senior Ice Saint, I have heard a little too." Xiao Yi said, "Although I don't know much about it, his inheritance, his chances, should be second only to the ancient emperor's chance and the sword emperor's chance."

On the side, the Master Palace Master Shura said in a deep voice, "You can also think so, but the two are not the same."

"The tomb of the ancient emperor and the stele of the sword emperor are well known in the Central Region, and they also leave an age limit. Only the young Tianjiao can enter the test."

"Obviously, it is the test given to the younger generation by the two emperors of the title, or the opportunity they left behind to find the inheritor."

"However, Senior Ice Saint's cave mansion is not like that."

"Back then, Senior Ice Sage left the Ice Sage Sacred Pill in my Asura Hall, and he meant to ask me to find a successor for him in the Asura Hall."

"But his Dongfu is just a place for him to sit and transform. It is the place he chooses to sleep for himself."

"Boy, do you know why I am so strong?" Senior Jian Ji smiled triumphantly.

"It's the sword in my hand and the Ice Saint Relic in the sword."

"Budo relics need to be carried, otherwise, they will not be able to exert their power at all."

"Bing Bai Zhanyou, as the Ice Saint Sabre, is naturally the best bearer of the Ice Saint Relic."

"With my current cultivation base, it is enough to exert more than 10% of the power of this martial art relic."

Xiao Yi nodded.

He naturally remembered that as soon as Senior Jian Ji appeared on the stage, he was frozen for hundreds of miles, and even the elders of the Northern Yinzong were also frozen.

Undoubtedly, it was Senior Jian Ji who used the power of Bing Sheng Relic and Bing Bai Zhanyou at that time.

And the martial arts relics need to carry things, Xiao Yi also knows this.

For those 15 martial arts relics, Xiao Yi could only use his own body to carry those 15 martial arts relics because there was nothing else to carry, so he suffered a great backlash.

Of course he also has a weapon that is no less than Bingbai Zhanyou, it is the Sword of Killing.

However, the 15 martial arts relics didn't fit well with Excalibur.

Secondly, the Sword of Excalibur is not open, and it is not suitable for combat, let alone to carry the power of martial arts relics.

If he has something to carry the martial arts relics, any martial arts relics can make him explode far beyond his own combat power.

"Senior Ice Saint, how strong is it?" Xiao Yi asked suddenly.

Senior Jian Ji frowned, not knowing how to answer.

Behind them, the eight chief hall masters thought for a moment.

After a long while, the head of the Asura Palace still spoke and replied, "It's very strong, so strong that it can force the mainland."

"Title of emperor?" Xiao Yi asked.

"No." The Master Palace Master Shura shook his head, "What should I say..."

The main hall master of Asura paused and said, "Senior Ice Saint, I haven't made any moves."

"But the most astonishing time was during the ancient war."

"When the ancestors of the human race were fighting against the monster beasts, the sage of ice suddenly appeared."

"With my own power, I suppressed countless monsters, even the supreme monsters at that time."

"In short, Senior Ice Saint is very strong, even stronger than the founder of our Eight Temples, stronger than the pioneers of the strong human race."

"Senior Ice Saint is the one who delineated the period of the ancient times."

"The Ancient War is the person who personally ended the Ancient War."

"Therefore, he is known as the uncrowned king."

The main hall master of Asura continued, "No one knows how long Senior Bingsheng has lived, only knowing that he appeared earlier than the Six Venerables and has lived longer."

"In short, it is earlier and earlier in the ancient times."

"In the record, his most amazing sword..."

On the side, Senior Luo said solemnly, "It's not a record, it's true, I have seen it with my own eyes."

"The Hengtian sword that exudes the extreme cold light, with just one sword, countless monsters are annihilated."

"With just one sword, it almost traverses the mainland, splitting the mainland in half."

"The uncrowned king is well deserved; except for the first generation, he is the strongest."

"Hiss." Xiao Yi took a breath when he heard the words, "The mainland fell apart with one sword?"


Third more.

Update today, over.

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