Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2155: Suppress everything, destroy everything

Xiao Yi listened to the shocking deeds.

In his mind, he couldn't help but spring up from the ancient times, the powerful figure proudly surpassing countless monsters and holding a sword in one hand.

Of course, there is also the shocking sword that spans the world and splits half a continent.

Suppress the Yaozu supreme by your own power.

One man, one sword, personally put an end to the ancient war.

However, Xiao Yi also secretly marveled in his heart. Such a strong man could not achieve the position of the Valkyrie in the end, so he could only fall sadly.

How difficult is the end of the road of martial arts?

That makes hundreds of millions of creatures and countless warriors look up to the coveted position of the Valkyrie, how unattainable it is.

Of course, a person like Senior Ice Sage can be called the uncrowned king, so that even the powerful like the Six Venerables can look up to him, and the road of a martial artist in his life is not in vain.

His life must be extremely wonderful.

Thinking like this, the corner of Xiao Yi's mouth couldn't help but smile.

The two things that came to Zhongyu have now completed one of them, and the remaining one may really need to be a Martial God before there is that sky-defying means to complete it.

Perhaps, there is no need.

But in any case, I can't rush.

Whether it was chance, adventure, or good fortune, Xiao Yi could not tell, he could only do his best.

This matter can't be rushed, after all, rush is useless.

Then, next, he should also take a good taste of the wonderful things that belong to this world.

"Boy." At this moment, Senior Jian Ji said, "You suddenly asked what these do?"

"As far as I know, you are not a person who is willing to aimlessly."

"If you ask, there must be a reason."

Xiao Yi nodded and smiled, Senior Jian Ji really knew him.

With his character, he wouldn't ask Senior Sword Ji about this opportunity for more than half a year for curiosity, or why Senior Sword Ji suddenly increased in strength.

He asked for his own reasons.

"Senior Jian Ji cultivated the third kendo in the world, Bing Ming kendo." Xiao Yi said, "Of course, it is also the kendo of the ice saint."

Senior Jian Ji nodded.

Xiao Yi pondered for a moment, and said, "Can I ask Senior Jian Ji to gather a bit of sword intent and then descend the phantom of Bing Ming Sword Dao of Heaven and Earth?"

"Yes." Senior Jian Ji nodded.

Bingbai Zhanyou appeared out of thin air in his hand, a sword cut out, and an ice white sword mark was condensed in the air.

That is the sword intent of Bingming Sword Dao.


Senior Jian Ji waved his hand again, and a power of heaven and earth descended between heaven and earth.

This martial art of heaven and earth is not complete.

It proved that Senior Jian Ji's Bing Ming swordsmanship was at best considered a great achievement, and was far from complete.

Subsequently, the world of martial arts turned into a phantom, and in the phantom was a huge world of ice and snow.

The world of ice and snow, on the ground, is a piece of white snow, all white and endless wind and snow.

In the high sky, it was a mixture of gray and black, like a yellow spring in the underworld.

The ground, blizzard, flooded the whole world.

High in the sky, there is only a gray and black barrier, but it is like countless ghosts and ghosts bound by it, making people shudder.

This phantom world is Bingming Sword Dao.

The phantom of the martial art of heaven and earth can be said to be the real body of the martial art itself, or it can be said that it belongs to the real existence in this world.

The Tao is unknown, but the warrior can indeed be transformed by mobilizing the power of heaven and earth.

"This is the illusion of Bingming Sword Dao?" The eight main hall masters frowned, and all of them showed a hint of surprise.

"It is worthy of being the third kendo in the world." The main hall of the wind brake said in a deep voice, "Within the shadow, there is endless wind, cold and weird; the sound of ghosts and ghosts can be heard clearly, as if the ghost is cold. sound."

"The wind is fierce, up to the top, although it is a yin wind, it is also extremely sharp."

"Sword sound can also be ranked above the top of the path of phantom sound; only sword sound can shake thousands of enemies with amazing power."

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall can't help but say in a deep voice, "The power of ice and snow in the entire phantom world is almost monstrous, it is definitely the strongest martial arts."

"In the wind and snow, tens of thousands are transformed."

"It looks like a kind of kendo, but it is like a formation road, unpredictable and powerful."

Senior Luo, the main hall master of Shura, and the main hall master of the hunting demon shook their heads slightly.

"Idiot, see clearly." Senior Luo said indifferently.

"This kind of martial arts is really strong, not the monstrous wind and snow, nor the gloomy sky."

"It's that sword." The main hall of Asura condensed.

"There is no sword in the virtual world, but sword intent is everywhere."

"If you don't come out, you'll do it. Once you come out, it's like Shura shaking the sky, with unmatched power."

The head of the Hunting Demon Hall condensedly said, "It looks like a gloomy high altitude, and the ground is extremely ice and snow, but in fact it is under a sword.

"That sword suppressed everything in this phantom world."

"The third kendo in the world, really powerful."

Xiao Yi's eyes condensed, and he said solemnly, "To be more precise, that sword can destroy everything."

"Huh?" The eight people frowned and looked at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi still stared at the phantom, "Things must be reversed. Although the sword intent is positive and powerful, this sword intent can destroy the entire phantom world."

"If you exist, you have it."

In that phantom world, a figure seemed to exist in the wind and snow.

The figure looks like holding a sword.

The figure seemed to be walking forward with a sword against the wind and snow.

But, where is the end of this blizzard?

"Boy, what do you want to see?" Senior Jian Ji couldn't help asking.

"The end of this blizzard." Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

Bingming Swordsmanship, as the third Swordsmanship in the world, is absolutely outstanding.

Xiao Yi took a special look, trying to compare his own free swordsmanship.

So far, his great free swordsmanship has not been achieved, nor has he condensed into a truly complete martial arts.

For one thing, when he was in the celestial realm, he knew that if he took the Da Free Swordsmanship as his first complete martial arts, it would be difficult for him to advance his cultivation.

With his own cultivation realm, the huge small world in his body is enough for him to have a headache, so there is no need for more obstacles.

The more powerful martial arts, the more difficult it is for the martial artist to improve his cultivation level.

Secondly, and the most important reason, he himself was not sure that Da Zi Zao Kendo could be completely completed.

The kendo inheritance that Yi Lao gave him back then was only a tiny bit. Later, through his own improvement, it gradually reached 10%, 20%...50%, 60%...

But it is far from complete.

Xiao Yi always felt that his great free swordsmanship seemed to be missing.

This time, Senior Jian Ji condensed the illusion of the third kendo, just to make a comparison.

And the third kendo is indeed powerful, no, even terrible.

Even the eight main hall masters were amazed.

Even with the exception of Senior Luo, the main hall master of Asura, and the main hall master of hunting monsters, the other five main hall masters failed to tell the true mystery of this martial art in an instant.

It looks like kendo, but within kendo, it turns out to be infinitely varied.

A sword comes out, or the wind is fierce, or thousands of ghosts, or snow and ice, or the storm is strong...

With a single sword, only power is left and it is unpredictable.

No wonder Jian Ji's predecessor appeared with a sword before, and it was so amazing that the audience was directly frozen.

It is no wonder that the ice saint senior back then, with a sword of power, caused the mainland to fall apart.

At this time, Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "Even this senior Ice Saint, hasn't been able to completely complete Bingming Sword Art?"

"Huh?" The eight main hall masters said softly at the same time.

Senior Jian Ji frowned.


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