Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2160: Eight formations blockade the Holy Moon Temple

The next day, early morning.

Retreat indoors.

"Huh." Xiao Yi breathed out a sullen breath, stopped practicing and opened his eyes.

The flame on his body also dissipated in an instant.

Xiao Yi slowly walked out of the closed room. Just after leaving the closed room, a refreshing fragrance came.

"Zun-level heavenly material and earth treasure, Baiyue Dragon Tongue." Xiao Yi glanced at a celestial material earth and earth treasure that was indifferent, and nodded lightly.

Rare natural materials of this level can be seen everywhere in the Holy Moon Hall.

And the planting and placement of each other is not messy.

The scent of each other, the elegant floral fragrance, etc. not only will not be mixed, but they work together perfectly as usual.

Obviously, the Sacred Heart Temple is deliberately arranged so that the people who live here can feel comfortable and extremely comfortable all the time.

Even if it is simply breathing and walking at will, it has the effect of slowly increasing the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, allowing the martial artist to increase his cultivation in an extremely comfortable environment inadvertently.

"It's a good place, it's just that such a cage, don't worry."

Xiao Yi shook his head.

No matter how beautifully arranged, like a cage in a fairyland, it is a cage after all, and it cannot change its essence.

Xiao Yi took a few steps, just came to the hall, sniffed his nose, and his eyes lit up.

Sure enough, entering the hall, a steaming breakfast was placed on the table.

Not very rich.

But a bowl of white porridge, a few steamed buns, a little snack, and a cup of tea on the table are enough to make Xiao Yi more tempted.

"The son." Yiyi saw Xiao Yi at a glance.

Xiao Yi smiled, "Get up so early? How did you know I left customs this morning?"

"If I haven't left the customs, isn't it a waste of effort?"

While talking, Xiao Yi walked to the table and sat down directly.

Yiyi shook his head, "It won't be in vain. No matter when the son leaves the customs, he can eat it."

Obviously, Yiyi's plan is to make four meals at any time, morning, lunch and evening.

No matter when Xiao Yi left the customs, he could eat steaming food immediately.

Just as Yiyi took care of Xiao Yi back then.

Habits have never changed.

Just as Xiao Yi was about to move his chopsticks, he looked at Yiyi standing aside, like a maid, as before.

Xiao Yi frowned, "Sit, let's not say that your habits have not changed over the years, and you are still as mentally minded as before."

"Just say that you are now a saint, not a maid."

"Sit down and eat together."

After all, Xiao Yi didn't wait for Yiyi to answer, and forced Yiyi to sit down.

Xiao Yi took a sip of tea first, picked up a steamed bun, took a few mouthfuls, and smiled.

Holding the steamed bun in one hand, leaning on the table with the other hand, propping his head.

"Yiyi, do you know why I have to find you at all costs?" Xiao Yi bit the bun and said with a chuckle.

Yiyigang reluctantly took a sip of the porridge, his beautiful eyes moved, and he looked at Xiao Yi in doubt.

Xiao Yi smiled, "I thought, I used to feel comfortable in Xiao's house."

"My maid takes care of her and her life is easy."

"It seems that I guessed right now."

"These years, I haven't run in vain."

"The son." Yiyi's face was reddish, and her voice sounded like a mosquito.

Xiao Yi smiled, shook his head, just about to say something.

Outside the hall, nine figures came to face each other.

It is the predecessor of Jian Ji and the eight masters of the palace.

"Seniors?" Xiao Yi was slightly puzzled.

"Boy, yo..." Senior Jian Ji just yelled, looked at a table of food, and smiled again, "Someone is serving, life seems to be quite comfortable."

"Senior Jian Ji joked." Xiao Yi waved his hand.

"Senior Jianji, senior hall masters." Yiyi got up and saluted.

The eight main hall masters just about to hold their palms empty, indicating that Yiyi does not need to be polite.

Senior Jian Ji took the lead and waved his hand, "Eh, eh, no courtesy."

The eight main hall masters frowned, but didn't care about anything.

"Boy, I wanted to come to you to talk about something." said the main hall master of Shura. "Since you are eating, let's wait for you to finish it first."

On the side, the Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall was about to sit down and picked up a snack.

Xiao Yi glanced, pulled the white jade plate, took a bite of a snack, and ate it all in one go.

There were several steamed buns on the emerald exquisite plate, Xiao Yi took one and put it in front of Yiyi.

The other few, one bite at a time, were eaten up.

"Gu." Xiao Yi gulped down the porridge.

He took the tea from the side, drank it, rolled it in his mouth, and swallowed it.

"Okay, after eating, what are you talking about?" Xiao Yi put down his teacup, looked at the nine, and asked.

"Um." The nine people were stunned as they watched Xiao Yi's movements.

The main hall of the wind brake twitched his face, "It seems that people don't want us to have a meal."

"As for such a stingy?" The Master of Heaven's Secret Hall gave Xiao Yi a glance.

Senior Jian Ji moved and said in a weird tone, "Tsk tsk, I can't bear to give others a taste of what my daughter-in-law made."

Xiao Yi's face was as usual, ignoring everyone's words.

"You kid." The Master Palace Master Shura shook his head, "Well, let's go to the Holy Moon Hall."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

In fact, he can roughly guess what the eight main hall masters are looking for.


Holy Moon Zong, Holy Moon Hall.

The first hall of the sect, as the highest power center of the Holy Moon Sect, is the place where the suzerains of the past can live.

But today, the hall of the Holy Moon Hall was blocked by a monstrous array.

The big formation encompasses all directions, with different breaths.

Obviously, this place is surrounded by various ancient large formations in the Eight Palaces.

In the hall, the woman sits on the throne of the lord, as majestic as before, as majestic as before.

However, a touch of anger and a touch of despair can be clearly seen on the woman's face.

The dignified Sect Master of Holy Moon was actually under house arrest, and he was still under house arrest within his own sect, this Holy Moon Hall.

The eight hall masters personally joined hands to arrange the Eight Palaces, even she couldn't help it.

No matter what her methods are monstrous, the space is unpredictable, and she can't step out of this hall.


Just at this time.

In the hall, a burst of space surged.

A group of figures appeared out of thin air.

It is the eight chief palace masters, Xiao Yi and Yiyi.

"Yiyi." The woman's gaze fell on Yiyi first.

There was obviously a touch of joy in his eyes.

But this joy turned into coldness and resentment in an instant.

His gaze also retracted instantly.

"Master." Yiyi obviously noticed the change in the expression in the woman's eyes, as well as the coldness.

He called out unconsciously, but his heart was extremely complicated and extremely painful.

"Humph." The woman snorted coldly and looked at Yiyi coldly, "Is the master in your eyes?"

"Of course there is." Yiyi nodded repeatedly, and even stepped forward unconsciously, walking out of Xiao Yi's side.

"Girl, be careful." Senior Jian Ji exclaimed, before pulling back Yiyi.

"This old man is cruel, afraid of her..."

With the saint's ability, if Yiyi goes too far, he can capture Yiyi in an instant.

Her strength is not weaker than any Chief Palace Master present.

Xiao Yi shook his head, stopped Senior Jian Ji, and only walked a few steps forward to reach Yiyi's side.

Then, cold eyes stared directly at the woman.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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