Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2161: Conversation with Saints

Xiao Yi took a few steps forward and came to Yiyi's side.

Behind him were Senior Jian Ji and the eight main hall masters.

And almost at the moment when Xiao Yi's footsteps moved, the Eight Dao Qi machine instantly locked the woman.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, ignoring it, still only looking at the woman.

Looking at Yiyi, who was pale and worried, Xiao Yi looked directly at the woman and opened his mouth first, "I think we should talk."

"Talk?" The woman muttered to herself, and then sneered with disdain.

"Talk about how majestic you are in front of my lord? Talk about how my Holy Moon Sect should beg for mercy from you?"

"Or, talk about the grudges between Mr. Wang Japan and you? How did Mr. Wang deceive you in the past? Today, you want to talk thoroughly and settle the accounts together?"

"Hahahaha." The woman looked up to the sky and laughed, still majestic.

"Boy, what do you think you have the right to be so arrogant in front of my lord, so unbelievable?"

"With your outstanding talent now, the three enchanting identities are gathered together, so that all the old guys love you and love you so much?"

"Oh, that's not right, maybe you rely on your identity as the so-called Lord of the Eight Palaces."

The woman's smile gradually brought contempt, sarcasm, and even half madness, looking directly at Xiao Yi with cold and majestic eyes.

"My Lord will tell you that you are not qualified."

"You are just a **** boy from the Eastern Region, just a yellow-mouthed boy who has not fully grown up."

"In front of the Lord, you are no different from the ants."

Woman, sneered.

"Master..." Yiyi's face became paler and more complicated.

In more than ten years, it was the first time that she saw a woman like this, so...with an extremely suppressed anger and a bit of madness in her panic.

In the past, the saint who always held the world in his hands, had insight into the world, always controlled everything and was extremely confident, today, it makes people look a little sad.

Of course, this is Yiyi's feeling.

However, Xiao Yi still had cold eyes, and didn't care about the woman's sarcasm and disdain.

Xiao Yi's mouth slowly opened, and the cold words interrupted the woman's sneer, "Talk about Yiyi."

"Yiyi?" The woman stopped her laughter and squinted her eyes.

The woman just wanted to say something, Xiao Yi interrupted coldly without hesitation, "Of course, also talk about you as a master."

The woman's eyes narrowed tighter.

Xiao Yi said coldly, "For more than ten years, in general, you have treated Yiyi very well."

"Brilliant clothes and jade food, very prominent; the position of the saint woman, the position of the young master of the Holy Moon Sect."

"You have also given her the best martial arts resources, countless rare treasures of heaven and earth, an endless stream of martial arts experts, and countless precious martial arts inheritance belonging to your Holy Moon Sect."

Xiao Yi's words paused, "It stands to reason that you treat Yiyi so well, shouldn't you bear to see her sad, or to see her sad."

"But you did it, but you deceived Yiyi with various excuses, secretly wanting to kill me many times."

"It stands to reason that you treat her like a teacher and a mother, and love her very much. You should not bear to touch her eyebrows, you cannot bear to look at her in despair, and you will never want to see her in white silk, plain clothes, and aspirations to death. "

Xiao Yi took a step forward, "Other forces, those proud of heaven and daughter of heaven, which one is not the jewel in the palm, which one is not self-willing."

"There is no family elder or power elder who would be willing to see his own best young talent, acting with ignorance and going against his heart."

"Because, this might make my own young Tianjiao go against my heart, and demons will emerge."

"But you, the master, the Sect Master of the Holy Moon Sect, just did it anyway." Xiao Yi increased his tone.

"You must force Yiyi to marry Beiyin Palace, or force her to die rather than obey."

At the corner of Xiao Yi's mouth, a sneer was grinned, "You, the dignified Sect Master of the Holy Moon, a strong man in the world, I don't believe you don't know such a simple question."

"Let's not believe that you don't know that this will make Yiyi's heart demon obstacles frequent, which will not only affect the way of martial arts, but will even collapse, and the consequences of the outbreak of the demon will be unpredictable."

"But you just did it."

Xiao Yi's aggravated tone changed to questioning, "I don't doubt your love and affection for Yiyi, but you know it's bad for Yiyi, but you still forcefully persecute it."

"The reason?"

Xiao Yi's words of cold questioning.

The woman only sneered, and she only said four words, "What is it to you?"

"Heh." Xiao Yi completely turned into the same indifference as before.

"When you say the four words'what to do with you' in your mouth, I know that until now, you still don't feel that you have done anything wrong, so you disdain to tell me."

Xiao Yi took his hand again, "However, if you don't tell me, I also know."

"Now that the Holy Moon Sect is blocked by the Eight Halls, the great elder of your Holy Moon Sect also truthfully told everything."

Xiao Yi took out a file in his hand, opened it and glanced at it, and smiled indifferently.

The moment when Xiao Yi's voice fell.

In the air, a figure appeared out of thin air beside the main hall master of Fengcha, it was the elder Holy Moon.

"You..." The woman looked at the elder Shengyue, her eyes instantly cold, "Elder, do you dare to betray the Holy Moon Sect?"

"Oh." The elder Shengyue only sighed, his complexion bowed his head silently.

"Are you very proud?" The woman looked at Xiao Yi coldly.

Xiao Yi sneered indifferently, "I wasn't surprised, but looking at you like this, I am very proud."

"You..." The woman showed murderous intent.

Xiao Yi ignored it, and only said coldly, "Beiyin Palace, which is about the same time as your Sacred Moon School inheritance, far surpasses ordinary hidden powers."

"In terms of power, it's similar to your Holy Moon Sect."

"But in Beiyin Palace, the male heirs are thin, and there are only three people in the family."

"The old man is also the young master of the contemporary Beiyin Palace, and Beiyin is invincible."

"Second Young Master, known as a cultivator, is difficult to enter the legend for life, Bei Yin is innocent."

"San Gongzi, evil and charming dude, Beiyin is innocent."

"And the old palace lord of Beiyin Palace has lived for an extremely long time, and the deadline is not far away."

Xiao Yi's tone became colder and colder, "Once the old palace master of Beiyin disappears and inherits Beiyin Palace, it will fall on these three people."

"Beiyin is innocent, he died inexplicably back then."

"If Beiyin Wuwei is also dead, Beiyin Palace will be left with the male heir, Beiyin Wuwei."

"Beiyin is invincible, there is no doubt that he is a peerless evildoer, not only a cultivator, but also the best young generation in Beiyin Palace, with extraordinary methods."

"So you never thought about Beiyin invincible, and never thought about controlling him, so you can only kill him."

A sneer spread across Xiao Yi's mouth, "Of course, in your opinion, Shengjun, no matter how good he is, he is just a young man who has not grown up after all."

"It's easy to kill it."

"It's like killing me."

Woman, her eyes narrowed tighter.

Behind him, except for the master of Shura and the master of Fengcha, all the other six masters changed their expressions.

"Holy Moon Sect, you originally wanted to cannibalize and annex Beiyin Palace?"


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