Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2162: Two fools?

"You only know? A bunch of idiots."

The main hall master of the wind brake glanced at the main hall master and others, and sneered.

The master of the hunting monster instantly turned dark, and his face was ugly, and he looked at the woman coldly, "Holy Monarch, you are so ambitious."

"What do you want to do?"

Obviously, the master of the hunting demon palace and the others only thought that the marriage between Saint Yuezong and Beiyin Palace was just a simple marriage, at most, the two major forces joined forces.

Joining forces and cannibalization and annexation are two different things.

Beiyin Palace, as the minimum force with the Holy Moon Sect.

If the Holy Moon Sect really succeeds and cannibalize and annex Beiyin Palace, then the power of the Holy Moon Sect will be unprecedented.

Coupled with the support of the hidden world hundred schools.

The entire Holy Moon Sect will become the undoubtedly number one power in the mainland.

Shengyuezong, Beiyin Palace, and Hundreds of Hermits, combined together, will be a terrifying force.

Even the Eight Palaces is difficult to easily contend or even suppress.

The master hall masters can't help being afraid for a while.

The Holy Moon Sect was so ambitious.

The main hall of the wind brake snorted, "If it hadn't been for the elder Holy Moon owed me a great favor, tell me this, I am afraid that our Eight Halls are still in the dark."

"Grand Elder." The woman, already gritted her teeth, her face looked like frost, "You will be the greatest sinner of the Holy Moon Sect."

"His sun has fallen, and this monarch will not allow your inheritance, corpse, and spiritual position to enter the place where the holy moon sect has been enshrined in the past.

"The ancestors of Shengyuezong will be ashamed of you."

Elder Shengyue trembled when he heard this, but still gritted his teeth and said, "Sect Master, the old man always feels that your decision is inappropriate."

"The old man even felt that the sovereign made the biggest wrong decision since you took over."

"If you are now watching the saint growing up and taking over; in those days, the old man was also watching the young saint growing up and taking over, he would never betray the sect."

"The old man knows your personality well, this time, you are indeed impulsive; and, regardless of whether there is an accident in this marriage, whether he cannibalize and annex successfully or not, your ambition will eventually push the Holy Moon Sect into the abyss step by step. ."

"Shut up to my lord." The woman was furious and shouted violently.

The head of the main hall of Shura, the main hall of hunting demon and others, their faces were cold.

But no one noticed that the head of the soul hall and the head of the heavenly machine suddenly changed their expressions.

Xiao Yi glanced back at the two of them, smiled indifferently, and then looked back at the woman again.

"Just let me finish first."

"Bei Yin Wuwei, in your eyes is a waste of cultivation, will only stay in a peerless state throughout his life, and there will never be a breakthrough."

"If Yiyi marries Beiyin Wuwei, not only will Yiyi not be bullied in the future, Beiyin Wuwei will be more controlled by your Holy Moon Sect."

Xiao Yi said coldly, "Your idea is good."

"If I guessed correctly, you never thought of making Yiyi feel wronged."

"For one thing, this will make Yiyi not be wronged; secondly, you can lay a bright road for Yiyi."

"I know you love Yiyi, everything is for Yiyi, of course, also for your Holy Moon Sect."

"But." Xiao Yi's conversation turned, "As smart as you, as harsh as you, but let his ambition blinded his eyes."

"It's a joke that a villain like Beiyin Wuwei can lie to you a magnificent sage."

Xiao Yi's tone was completely full of sarcasm.

"I'm right, the head of the soul hall." Xiao Yi suddenly turned his head and looked at the head of the soul hall and the head of the heavenly machine behind him.

The two of them looked ugly at once.

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "If I didn't guess wrong, the successor you liked was Beiyin Wuwei."

"If he is really a waste of cultivation that can only be trapped in a peerless state and unable to break through the Holy Realm, would you still designate him as his successor?"

"Besides." Xiao Yi continued, "I'm afraid, apart from you, no one else knows that Beiyin Wuwei is the former successor of your Soul Palace main hall, right?"

"Even if an outsider knows that the head of your soul hall has someone who is of interest, no one knows his true identity."

The head of the soul hall's face changed for a while, and he said nothing.

"Why, can't you tell me the truth?" Xiao Yi asked, staring at the head of the Soul Palace.

The head of the soul hall gritted his teeth and still remained silent.

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Palace shook his head, "Forget it, old man, let's be honest, you have disappointed Xiao Yi once."

"Is he really disappointed in you?"

After that, the Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall looked at Xiao Yi, "Boy, you are right."

"Bei Yin Wuwei is the person who originally liked the old man."

"Back then, when he was still young, he was a year-long acquaintance with the old man. After showing his ability to control time, he was favored by the old man."

"It was also at that time, the old man soul deliberately designated him as his successor."

"But." The head of the Heavenly Secret Hall paused, with a weird expression on his face, and said, "We don't know anything except that he is the second son of Beiyin Palace."

"He doesn't even know his martial spirit, his usual personality, etc."

"Don't know?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

What he wanted to discuss with the head of the soul hall was originally the matter.

Regarding Beiyin Wuwei, he had already guessed, so he had long wanted to ask the head of the Soul Palace about these things.

Now that he had spoken, he simply asked here.

The head of the Soul Palace finally opened his mouth and nodded, "I really don't know."

"When he was young, he showed an extraordinary talent for controlling time; this kind of talent surpassed all the young talents I have seen."

"But at that time, he was a disused martial physique; in simple terms, he could cultivate, but his cultivation speed was extremely slow."

"He can't even awaken his martial soul, but with his perseverance, he has created many miracles of cultivation."

"I don't have a martial arts soul, but I can practice all the way

The head of the soul hall took a deep breath and said, "Since ten years ago, I have never seen him again."

"At that time, Tianji and I had both instructed him, but at that time, he had not yet awakened the Martial Spirit."

"But even if he hasn't awakened his martial soul, he is only 17 years old and already has the peak cultivation base of the Heavenly Origin Realm."

"In the past ten years, I haven't met with him, but there is normal communication and communication."

"Actually, this kid is pretty good..."

Xiao Yi interrupted, "I haven't seen each other for ten years?"

The head of the soul hall nodded, "Once, he is the second son of Beiyin Palace, so it is not convenient for me to contact him more."

"Unless I am willing to announce Zhongyu in the announcement and completely designate him as his successor."

"However, he never wanted to. He told me that he wanted to shock Zhongyu one day on his own."

"He has been hailed as a cultivator since he was a child. Even though he lives in the second son of Beiyin Palace, he often draws people's eyes and is looked down upon. Of course the old man understands his feelings."

"Secondly, this can be regarded as a kind of protection from the old man."

"He has a talent for a soul master who is against the sky. He takes time and time. If someone learns about it, he will definitely be coveted."

"He can practice step by step with the use of his physique, he must have his secret, and it will be a secret against the sky."

"Therefore, the old man never asked, and never let people know, just to protect him."

The head of the soul hall said seriously, "I said, in fact, this kid is not as unbearable as you think."

"On the contrary, he is very good and outstanding."

"God gave him unfairness and gave him a natural physique of abandoning martial arts. He did not give in, but was unyielding, working harder than anyone else, and more persevering than anyone else."

"At this point, it's somewhat similar to Xiao Yi kid."

Xiao Yi's face was frosty, "But the general hall master knows that this excellent successor you think was once favored, but he has almost calculated the Eight Palaces, the Holy Moon Sect, and the hundreds of hidden families. "

"Several years ago, he calculated Yiyi and provoked a battle between Xiaoxiejun and Yiyi, which almost caused both losses; if one party loses, it is a battle between the two major forces, which will kill the middle."

"After that, he even calculated the holy monarch... a fool who was blinded by ambition, I can only describe it like this."

"What are you talking about?" The woman's eyes were cold.

Xiao Yi ignored it, but said solemnly, "If your two families really succeed in marriage, I dare not say whether Beiyin Palace will counter-cannibalize the Holy Moon Sect."

"But I can guarantee that Beiyin Palace will never be annexed."

"He is innocent and will never be manipulated by you."

"Of course." Xiao Yi glanced at the head of the Soul Palace, "Eight Hall, there are fools who are calculated, that is, the head of the Soul Palace."

Xiao Yi's tone was not at all polite.

"That's just your guessing mistake..." the head of the Soul Palace frowned.

"It was a guess, but it was confirmed." Xiao Yi said coldly.

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall asked in confusion, "How can you know so many things about Bei Yin Wuwei, and guess more?"

"What do you think?" Xiao Yi asked back, his face becoming colder.

"As early as that year, before I went to the Sword Region to participate in the Sword Emperor Monument event, I was in the Eighteenth Mansion area and talked with my friend Ye Liu, and learned that my maid was calculated and seriously injured by Xiao Xiejun..."

Xiao Yi's tone was cold, "I started targeting the Evil Monarch Mansion and started investigating the events of the war."

"You know, that is my bottom line."

"Unfortunately, the more I check, the more things are wrong."

"Don't ask me how to check it. It's very complicated. Over the years, I have experienced many changes in my identity, Xiao Yi, Yi Xiao, and Xiao Xun."

"I even have a lot of doubts, including the successor of the soul hall master that I know from the master of the heavenly machine; including the battle with the little evil monarch a few days ago, and so on."

"I have a guess." Xiao Yi sneered, "Of course, Bei Yin Wuwei himself admitted to the matter in the battle seven days ago, which also made me clear out many doubts."

"Do you check him?" The head of the Soul Palace frowned.

"Not bad." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, and his killing intent was overwhelming. "I don't care who he wants to calculate."

"But I really hate others calculating people around me."

"Bei Yin Wuwei, has long been on my list of kills; seven days ago, an accident occurred and let him escape."

"From now on, he must die."

"I'm not afraid to tell you." Xiao Yi said coldly, "Back then, Beiyin Wuxie died inexplicably, it was when he met me who happened to be in the middle of the Great Mountain and was killed by me."

"Beijing does nothing, and I will kill it."

"The person I want to kill can't be saved, including you."

Xiao Yi's gaze was fixed on the head of the soul hall.


Second more.

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