Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2177: Three layers of space

The three of them flew thousands of miles all the way after leaving the area outside the Holy Moon Sect.

At this moment, the three of them are still in the middle of the middle domain.

But it is no longer in the area closest to the center.

"Boy, where are you going next?" Senior Jian Ji asked suddenly.

Xiao Yi was stunned, and said with a chuckle, "Didn't you tell me? Walking around, there is no purpose."

Senior Jian Ji sighed, "I still want to return to the Eastern Region."

"I have been in Zhongyu for many years, and I don't know what is happening in Jianzong now."

Senior Jian Ji, naturally, is devoted to Heaven Splitting Sword Sect.

"Back to the Eastern Region?" Xiao Yi smiled bitterly, "A long time ago, I felt that going back to the Eastern Region requires extremely strong strength."

"Perhaps, Peerless Realm is enough."

"But after I stepped into the Peerless Realm, I realized that this is far from enough. At least I need to step into the Legendary Saint Realm."

"Originally, my guess was this level."

Xiao Yi paused and said, "But now I have discovered that this level is still far from enough."

Senior Jian Ji frowned, "Which level do you think you need to reach?"

Senior Jian Ji thought for a while, and said, "When I crossed the turbulence of space, after stepping into the middle domain."

"Looking back, I always feel that it is more difficult to go back than when I came."

"The space barrier here seems to be quite solid."

Xiao Yi nodded.

He also felt this way when he first came to Zhongyu and landed on the east side of the sea.

It was just this feeling that he had been unsure in the past, only that it was extremely difficult to go back and he needed extremely strong strength.

But now, he has an accurate judgment.

"Senior Jian Ji come with me." Xiao Yi said as he stroked his fingertips.

The space beside him was suddenly opened.

"Go." Xiao Yi said, taking Yiyi into it.

Senior Jian Ji stepped in by himself.

With her seven-fold cultivation base of the Holy Venerable Realm, it is easy to step into the space.

Inside the space, just as Xiao Yi stepped into it for the first time, from the inside, one could still see the outside.

The normal world outside, and the current space, are completely like two worlds.

On one side, there is the normal world outside.

On the other side, it is spatial turbulence.

The space between Xiao Yi and the three people is in the middle.

If you cross the thin space barriers on both sides, one side is the normal world, and the other is the space turbulence.

Xiao Yi pointed to one side and said, "Senior Jian Ji, remember these turbulence in space, right?"

"Of course I remember." Senior Jian Ji curled his lips and said, "When I came from the Eastern Region back then, I had to pass through such an endless space turbulence."

"If it hadn't been for the Master Yanwu to give a flying sub-sacred weapon, we still don't know how to come over."

"Thanks to your kid, you dare to cross the extreme realm alone."

"Presumably you must have died of nine deaths back then."

Xiao Yi smiled and didn't mention it much, but asked, "Senior Jian Ji thinks, how much strength is needed to break this space turbulence barrier?"

"This..." Senior Jian Ji thought for a while and touched the thin space barrier.

"It's difficult, at least I can't do it with my current strength."

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "According to my guess, at least the level of the eight main hall masters and the level of the holy monarch can break this thin space barrier and step into the space turbulence. "

Xiao Yi thought for a while and explained, "According to my guess, within the turbulence of space, there is actually not much danger."

"Those chaotic auras can be resisted by ordinary celestial martial artists."

"The really difficult thing is how to get into the turbulence of space."

"In other words, the real difficulty is how to break this space barrier."

Xiao Yi paused, and continued, "In this world, when it comes to the laws of space, there should be layers of overlapping space."

"The first layer is the normal world we live in."

"After breaking the space barrier, you can enter the second floor, which is the space between which we are now."

"The third level is spatial turbulence."

"The space barrier between each layer is quite strong, which is why the vast world can maintain normal space."

"After we have the strength of the Saint Venerable Realm cultivation base, we can break the space and enter the second level."

"And if you want to enter the third level and break the second barrier, at least the level of the eight main hall masters and holy monarchs."

Senior Jian Ji heard the words, thought about it, and said, "I know what you mean."

"It's just that when we came, we didn't have these restrictions."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "In the Eastern Region, the martial arts of heaven and earth are incomplete and broken, and the highest level is only at the peak level of the extreme earth."

"To put it simply, the space over there is abnormal and unstable."

"So we can directly enter the space turbulence."

"But on the Middle Territory side, the heaven, earth, and space are normal and extremely solid; we have to go back, and we cannot cross this barrier at all."

If the space turbulence is a passage.

Then, the gate on the Eastern Region was already broken, so you can step in at will.

But the gate on this side of Zhongyu was extremely strong.

If you can't open this door, you won't be able to enter this passage at all, let alone follow the passage back to the Eastern Region.

"And I always feel that there seems to be something wrong in the space turbulence." Xiao Yi suddenly frowned, looking at the endless space turbulence beyond the thin space barrier.

"What's wrong?" Senior Jian Ji followed Xiao Yi's gaze and asked in confusion.

"I don't know." Xiao Yi shook his head, his face suddenly solemn, "It's just that way."

"There is a little complete martial art in my body, a little disorder."

"Does Senior Jian Ji feel that way?" Xiao Yi asked, looking at Senior Jian Ji.

Senior Jian Ji closed his eyes and felt it for a while, before shook his head, "No."

"Or an illusion." Xiao Yi smiled, shrugged, and didn't think much.

The figure flashed, then turned around and left with Yiyi.

After leaving, Xiao Yi paused again, turned his head back suddenly, and glanced at the distance behind him.

However, a moment later, he saw nothing.

In his eyes, there is only the thin space barrier and the endless space turbulence.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

He knew that the feeling of being staring at his back, as if being watched, could not be an illusion.

Xiao Yi took a deep breath.


A burst of spatial force surged.

The three of them returned to the normal world.

"Oh." At this time, Senior Jian Ji sighed with one hand on his hips, patted his forehead with the other.

"The matter of returning to the Eastern Region seems to be far away in the foreseeable future."

"However, there should be no surprises in Jianzong where there are seniors of Shenwu King and they are taking care of them."

"Boy, kid." Senior Jian Ji looked at Xiao Yi and said, "You grow up quickly."

Xiao Yi smiled bitterly, "With the current cultivation base of Senior Jian Ji, I should be able to step into the peak of the Holy Venerable Realm faster than me, and have the strength to break the second barrier."

"That's hard to say." Senior Jian Ji waved his hand.

"Okay." Senior Jian Ji said, "Since I can't return to the Eastern Region for the time being, I want to come to your kid to run around."

"My old body won't run away with you."

"Speaking of which, little guys like the Eastern Region have grown up now, I'll go see them."

"Are Ye Ming and Ling Yu them?" Xiao Yi smiled knowingly when he thought of everyone.

"Let's go." Senior Jian Ji waved his hand, floating away.

Xiao Yi arched his hands and watched Senior Jian Ji leave.

In the same place, only Xiao Yi and Yiyi were left.

"My son, where are we going now?" Yiyi asked.

"Didn't you say it?" Xiao Yi said with a light smile, "I have been busy for so many years, so it's time for a while."

"Let's go."

The voice fell, and the two Yukong flew away.


Second more.

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