Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2178: Only this sky can shake

Xiao Yi, Yiyi, and Senior Jian Ji have already left the Holy Moon Sect.

But at this moment, the Holy Moon Sect, in this area outside, is still lively, and there are still strong people gathered.

The eight palaces are elite, and they still block the eight directions.

Without the orders of the eight masters, no one would ever want to enter this space at will.

Holy Moon Zong, Zongmen is located in the ground.

In a certain hall, in a certain hall.


The figure of the Eastern Patriarch appeared out of thin air.

Several old men hurriedly bowed to salute.

"Daddy." Dongfang Zhi curled his lips and called out.

"Uncle." Dongfangzi, dressed in purple, bowed slightly.

Dongfang Family, this time did not send strong people to participate in the Holy Month event.

Dongfang Zhi, headed by the younger generation, and a handful of younger generations in his own family.

There are also Dongfangzi headed by branches, and the younger generation who also have a few branches.

Those old men are just guardians of this group of younger generations.

"No ceremony." The Eastern Patriarch waved his hand and sat down at the chief office of the hall.

The Eastern Patriarch just sat down.

Dongfang Zhi was already full of anger, "Daddy, you are here."

"You don't know, the Eight Palaces this time really deceived people so much that they put us under house arrest."

"Our Dongfang family did not participate in the Holy Moon Sect at all, but just came to join in the fun."

"Are you wronged?" Dongfang Patriarch smiled lovingly, and then asked slightly nervously.

"Of course." Dongfang Zhi said without hesitation, "not only the Eight Palaces, but also the Xiao Xun villain...No, now he should be called Xiao Yi the little thief."

"This little thief, not only did he not die, he also deceived everyone."

"A few days ago, when my daughter was walking outside, that guy wore a mask and concealed his identity. How arrogant."

"In Shengyuezong these days, he and that saint are very proud."

"I'm the daughter of the contemporary patriarch of the Eastern family, but I'm actually a head short of him..."

The Dongfang Patriarch waved his hand and interrupted Dongfang Zhi, then looked at everyone.

"Zhi'er still has Dongfangzi left, the rest of the people, go back first."

"Yes, Patriarch." Everyone bowed their hands, bowed, and slowly retreated.

It was a huge hall, and there were only Dongfang Patriarch, Dongfang Zhi, Dongfangzi, three people left.

"Dongfangzi, you said." Dongfang Patriarch smiled and said.

Dongfangzi nodded, "Tell my uncle, these days, although the Eight Palaces has sealed off this piece of land."

"But our Dongfang family was not wronged."

"The Eight Palaces does not restrict our freedom. We are free to walk in this outside place."

"It's just that you must not leave this space."

"Dongfangzi, what are you talking about?" Dongfang Zhi suddenly became cold.

"Are you afraid that the Eight Palaces will fail?"

Dongfangzi smiled bitterly, "It's just telling the truth."

"According to family rules, if you are deceived by the owner, you will be punished severely."

"Okay." Dongfang Patriarch smiled, "I know your character."

"Dongfangzi, don't lie to me."

"And Zhier, you are anxious now, you have to anger with them."

"You forgot, our Dongfang family has always made friends with the Eight Palaces."

"Your grandfather, it's an irresistible acquaintance with the master of the Asura Palace, and he has been with him in life and death."

"Eight Halls, I won't embarrass you."

"Humph." Dongfang Zhi snorted coldly, pursing his lips, "What does the Eight Palaces mean this time?"

The Eastern Patriarch waved his hand and said, "In the past few years, with the Holy Moon Sect as the leader, the major hidden families have all been arrogant and powerful."

"The Eight Palaces have long meant checks and balances."

"This time, the Eight Palaces should not affect the Holy Moon Sect, but they will also take this opportunity to thoroughly check and balance the hidden families."

"Naturally, this space is blocked, and it's still unsolvable for the time being."

"Eight Palace has its own plan, and when everything is done, the blockade will be unlocked."

The Patriarch of the East, being able to be Patriarch, is not a general generation, and he also guessed the intention of the Badian at this moment.

"What about Xiao Yi's little thief?" Dongfang Zhi said coldly.

"The eight main hall masters announced in public that he would take over."

"Although it is not expressly that he should take over the Eight Palaces, he only said to inherit one of his own Palaces."

"But the eight people all announced that this means that he will inherit the Eight Palaces, which is against the iron rules of the Eight Palaces."

"If this matter spreads out, I see what Badian has to say."

"Exercise? What kind of excuse is needed?" Dongfang Patriarch chuckled lightly.

"No one will mention this at all, so why bother?"

"No one mentioned it?" Dongfang Zhi's eyes were startled.

The Dongfang Patriarch nodded, "Although it is sealed off, my father knows what happened these days."

"Swordsman demon Xiao Yi, fire control demon Yi Xiao, and poisonous demon Xiao Xun are the same person."

"Not only the legendary twins are the same person."

"Now, it is directly the gathering of the three evil identities."

"Such a terrible evildoer, you said those eight old guys, who would be willing to suffer and who would be willing to push their successors to others?"

"Similarly, these eight old guys have to pretend to be stupid. Who would dare to touch their brows? Who would dare to talk to them?"

Yes, such a terrible evildoer, which old guy is willing to suffer and let go?

"They just ignore the iron rules." Dongfang Zhi said angrily, "Our hidden family can also take this opportunity to bring them down."

"With the power of my Eastern family, unite with the Holy Moon Sect and Beiyin Palace, and add a hundred families of hermit."

"The Eight Palaces can't help it."

When the Patriarch of the East heard the words, the smile on his face instantly solidified, and replaced by a touch of solemnity and coldness.

"The Eight Palaces are the cornerstones of the mainland, which cannot be lost."

"If you lose one, it will be a disaster on the mainland."

"Zhi'er, such a dangerous thought, don't think about it again."

Dongfang Zhi frowned, "Could it be that Dad is also afraid of them? As far as I know, Dad's strength is no less than that of the holy monarch, not much worse than any general palace master."

"Holy Moon Sect has a holy monarch and a Yuezun martial sage, plus the strength of dad, and a group of strong..."

The Dongfang Patriarch shook his head and interrupted, "That's how terrible you have never seen these eight old guys really go crazy."

"If they are willing, even if they add up, they can't shake the Eight Palaces."

"I said, Eight Halls are the cornerstone of the mainland."

"Don't say it is for the father, the holy monarch, and the Beiyin Palace, even if all the hidden forces add up, there is nothing to do with the Eight Palaces."

"Of course, no one wants to do nothing."

"Why?" Dongfang Zhi frowned and asked.

The Dongfang Patriarch's tone condensed, "Because the Eight Palaces represent this continent."

"The anger of the Eight Halls is the anger of this continent."

"The Eight Palaces can gather all the top combat power belonging to this continent."

"Why? Who made it?" Dongfang Zhi said angrily with his hands on his hips.

"War God." Dongfang Patriarch spit out two words solemnly.

"War God? Didn't that fall? No, Martial God really existed?" Dongfang Zhi said in shock.

"It has existed, and it has fallen." Dongfang Patriarch said condensedly.

"But this does not affect the meaning of the Eight Palaces."

"Therefore, only this sky can shake the Eight Palaces."

"Zhi'er, don't ask more." The face of the Dongfang Patriarch was pure and solemn.

"Some things are not the secrets you should touch."

"Know your temperament for the father, and also know what you think."

"You have always loved to fight for winning or losing."

"But do you still remember what you advised your father about when you left the Dongfang family? In this world, you don't care about any evildoer, even the saint who used to be the Holy Moon Sect."

"But only Ziyan Yi Xiao, don't provoke it, because that is the successor of the announcement of the Three Palaces."

"Now, this Xiao Yi is the successor admitted by Badian himself."

"In other words, this son, even for the father, has to be jealous of him by three points."

"From now on, don't think about him again."

Dongfang Zhi curled his lips, "No matter how good he is, he is just a young man who has not grown up."

"He is walking outside and there will inevitably be accidents."

"From now on, the number one enchanting evildoer in the mainland, who is it? This young generation, who can live to the end, is not necessarily certain."

"Also, he has a deep grievance with the Evil Monarch Mansion, he is alone, who can tell."

"That's right." Dongfang Patriarch nodded without hesitation.

"From today, no one in this world will dare to move him."

On the side, Dongfangzi's face was startled, "Uncle meant..."

"Yes, you can see clearly." The Eastern Patriarch nodded in satisfaction, "This time, the Eight Palaces is not only trying to check and balance the hidden powers, but also to build power for this."

"The Eight Palaces are telling everyone that they can block the Holy Moon Sect, and they can block any power, any behemoth."

"Furthermore, the Eight Palaces today are still falling apart." The Dongfang Patriarch looked at the two in front of him solemnly.

"But this son, maybe can change all of this."

"The Eight Palaces that were once in the same spirit may not reappear."

"The two of you are the best young people in the Dongfang family, and there is always one person who will lead the Dongfang family."

"I will leave you here today and talk to you so much. I'm telling you that things in the future need to be considered."


Third more.

Update today, over.

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