Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2186: Holy puppet, only one person

The evil at this moment is like a sea, and can only retreat to second place.

If Xiao Yi can be forced to take a heavy oath, it is the only thing he can do now.

Oath, it seems that there is no guarantee.

But for the real evildoer, some heavy oaths, if violated, are enough to become the demons.

This is something that no Tianjiao evildoer dare to take risks.

However, this last hope of his, obviously has to fail.

"Xie Ruhai, I think you have misunderstood something."

"Negotiate terms with me? You seem to forget who I am, Xiao Yi."

"Either fight, die, or go, you choose one."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi shot instantly.

The face is full of confidence.

The sword in his hand is extremely powerful.

Three spatial cracks appeared in the air.

Together, the sword intent is flooded.

Together, the flames surging.

Together, poisonous gas is permeated.

Xiao Yi's sword also changed in this instant.

On the already sharp sword body, three layers of radiant light were clearly gathered.

On the first floor, sword intent is sharp.

On the first floor, surrounded by flames, six fierce fire dragons surround the sword.

The first layer is extremely dark, like a flowing poisonous liquid.

This sword has terrible power.

Before the sword was released, the world had already collapsed.

The sword came out, and the cold light was dazzling.

Before the sword arrived, everything in front had been annihilated continuously under the sword.

"This...this...this..." Xie Ruhai's eyes widened.

In almost an instant, he could feel the extreme sense of crisis from this sword.

Allowing a warrior of his level to have such a strong sense of death has already proved the terrifyingness of this sword.

"Not good..." Xie Ruhai only said in secret.

The moment this sense of death appeared, he had already made a decision.

The figure retreated in an instant, and did not hesitate to flee away.


The sword power has been crushed.

It's a huge world, just like the sky is falling apart.

The figure of Xie Ruhai has escaped millions of miles away.

However, none of the hundreds of peerless pinnacle cultivators present were spared.

The sword fell, and after a few seconds, everything returned to normal.

The whole world suddenly disappeared.

Xie Ruhai had already escaped, and hundreds of Xie Xiu died one by one.

"Damn it, so fierce." Qing Lin was startled.

"This pervert..." Ran Qi smashed his mouth.

Qing Lin suddenly reacted, "Junior Brother Xiao Yi, chase, don't let the old thing run away."

At this time, the sword closed.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spouted out blood.

"Huh?" The three people present did not change their colors.

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi."

"Xiao Yi."

"The son."

"I'm fine." Xiao Yi waved his hand and retracted Zidian, then Fang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Don't worry." Xiao Yi glanced at Yiyi and smiled.

Then Fang looked at Qinglin and said with a wry smile, "With my current strength, I can kill evil like a sea, but the price is also great."

"He ran away, and I didn't bother to chase him."

"Of course." Qing Lin nodded again and again, "I hurt myself badly for that old miscellaneous hair, it's not worth it."

"Get out of here first." Xiao Yi said.

A group of people, Yukong flew away.

In the same place, the space that had been knocked down collapsed, and it automatically recovered in an instant.

Here in the middle domain, the space is thick, and the laws of heaven, earth and space are also intact.

Strands of blue breeze gradually flowed around and filled again.

Thousands of miles away.

The group stopped.

On a certain mountain, a group of people looked at the place surrounded by the blue breeze, and it was beautiful.

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled slightly, his face slightly solemn.

Qinglin and Ran Qi both had extremely solemn expressions and said, "That holy puppet, what the **** is it?"

"I think that Xie Ruhai seems extremely cautious, even nervous."

"But it is." Qing Lin said solemnly, "That holy puppet can make the evil cultivation of the eight peerless peak cultivation bases in the eight districts just now have the sixth-level combat power of the Holy Venerable Realm. It is really terrifying."

"Just a peerless pinnacle?" Ran Qi smiled playfully, "What is your cultivation level now?"

Qing Lin curled his lips.

Of course, Ran Qi is just a joke, the point is not here.

Qing Lin said again, "Such a terrible puppet method has never been used by anyone in the Evil Monarch Mansion before."

"Which power has this long-lost ancient pinnacle puppet refining method?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "No one."

"Which side?" Qing Lin and Ran Qi felt a little inexplicable to Xiao Yi's answer.

Xiao Yi nodded, "This kind of holy puppet refining method has been used for thousands of years, no, it should be said that it has never appeared in the mainland in the longer time."

"This is something that has long been lost."

"So to be precise, it's not which power owns it, but..."

"Who owns it?" Xiao Yi's tone sank.

"Which person?" The two of them changed their expressions. "If anyone possesses this holy puppet refining method, it won't be too soon?"

"Who can own it?"

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "As far as I know, there is only one person."

"Who?" the two asked repeatedly.

"Ancient Emperor." Xiao Yi uttered two words.

"That person with the title of the oldest emperor is rumored to control the most martial arts and the most methods."

"And as far as I know, he still had a refining tool before he was alive, and he also understood this holy puppet refining method."

When the two heard this, their faces were surprised.

But for Xiao Yi, who had entered the tomb of the ancient emperor and really broke the game, the two did not have the slightest doubt.

Xiao Yi looked into the distance with dignified eyes, "It seems that I still have to go back to Badian for some questions, especially Senior Luo."

Xiao Yi exhaled slightly without saying more.

Then, he chuckled and looked at the two of them, "I haven't seen you in a long time, narration?"

"Of course." Qing Lin laughed, and then dissatisfied, "You kid, you left Saint Moon Sect a year and a half ago and didn't say hello to us. Say goodbye."

"I ran away with the saint in silence."

"It's really not enough."

Xiao Yi smiled, "I was walking in a hurry at that time."

"First, some of me don't know how to face it."

"Secondly, I didn't face it at all. Once I left, everything followed the wind."

"You are chic." Qing Lin scolded with a smile.

"Wonderful, wonderful." Ran Qi, with a smile on his face, took out three jugs of wine in his hand, and said, "You and I are together outside of this blue and dangerous place."

"One has fine wine, and the other has fine wine. It's wonderful."

After all, Ran Qi poured a mouthful of spirits into his mouth.

"Since that incident, I haven't been in the mood for a good drink for a long time."

Xiao Yi's face was slightly condensed, without saying a word.

Qing Lin took a sip of wine for himself.

They all knew that what Ran Qi said was naturally Ye Liu's matter.

"Sigh." Qing Lin sighed and opened his mouth, "This middle domain is unpredictable; this world is unpredictable."

"Today we can still gather wine."

"What about next time?"

Qing Lin paused and said, "Is there another time?"

Qinglin meant that there must be another time?

After all, this middle domain is everywhere in danger, killing and cutting everywhere.

And they are young people after all, and they will run around after all.

Who can guarantee that it will be safe and sound in this life?

"Do your best, no regrets." Xiao Yi smiled.

"This life of a warrior is destined to be too awkward, and thinking too much is useless."


Second more.

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