Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2187: Zhongyu this year and a half

The road of martial arts is destined to be a road against the sky.

The journey of the warrior is also destined to be long and difficult, and life and death are unpredictable.

That is the rule of martial arts.

Also destined to be the rules of this world.

The three of them only settled for a while, and after a while, they all returned to normal.

Warriors have their own Taoism.

From the time they stepped into the road of martial arts and continued to advance, they became more aware of what a martial artist is, and more and more aware of their own path in the future.

Some things have long been expected.

Some things cannot be changed.

Therefore, you can only accept it safely and do your best.


The three of them touched the jug and took a sip of each.

"By the way, your kid hasn't told me how to confront those evil cultivators." Xiao Yi asked with a light smile.

"Eh." Qing Lin waved his hand and said, "I'm not taking the task."

"On the one hand, it is Heiyun's task of learning and teaching."

"On the one hand, it is the mission of Ghost City."

"About a year ago, I entered the ghost city and became a ghost hunter."

Qing Lin smiled and said, "Don't say anything else, this Ghost City is really interesting."

"When it comes to competition, it is much fiercer than outside, and of course, it is easier for people to grow."

"During this time, I killed a lot of evil cultivators. Naturally, the Evil Monarch Mansion has long wanted to trouble me."

"I know that." Xiao Yi smiled.

"Qinglin, the new ghost hunter in this ghost city."

The Ghost Sacrifice Day is there every year.

But the ghost hunting king is not born every year.

Can reach the standard of ghost hunting king, and is still a young Tianjiao, this one has extremely high gold content.

Therefore, Qinglin's name has long been spread throughout Zhongyu.

Xiao Yi naturally knew about this.

"Hehe." Qinglin smiled triumphantly, "I, Qinglin, is now a big figure in the middle domain."

Qing Lin's cultivation base has not yet reached its peerless peak, but his strength is at this level.

All evildoers have the power to leapfrog.

In addition, Qing Lin's previous martial soul backlash had long been healed by Xiao Yi with his soul power.

It's like treating Gu Lianxing's Wuhun back then.

Moreover, Gu Lianxing is a natural disease, which is more troublesome.

But Qing Lin's backlash was easier.

A year and a half ago, Xiao Yi left Shengyuezong without saying goodbye to everyone.

But later, during the journey, he took the time to find Qinglin.

Of course, that's not a stopover, it's just that he just wants to travel there.

At this time, Qing Lin curled his lips and said, "More than a year ago, after you cured my martial soul, he disappeared again."

"Later, I heard rumors that there were traces of you in the Yunhe area."

"If I'm not wrong, you must have taken the saint to see the sea of ​​clouds and catch the cloud beast; it was also before that, you brought me treatment."

With an angry face, Qing Lin glared at Xiao Yi and Yiyi dissatisfiedly.

"Hahahaha." Xiao Yi laughed a few times.

"I just thought, your spirit backlash is not too serious, and it won't affect your cultivation at that level for the time being, so it's not anxious."

"What about you?" Xiao Yi looked at Ran Qi and said, "I only met you in the Four Seasons region most of the day ago, so how come I came to the Qingfeng region again?"

Ran Qi shrugged and said, "Most of the day ago, you just left with your front foot."

"I went down to heal the people at Sijianmen, and later they told me there were traces of evil repairs in these azure wind regions."

"My hands were itchy for a while, so I came right away."

"Unexpectedly, I saw Qinglin being besieged, so I helped by the way."

"It's just that I didn't expect this group of evil cultivators to be so strong, if it wasn't for your kid to arrive, we would be in danger."

Ran Qi's strength is in the midst of Qinglin.

This year and a half, both of them have obviously grown a lot.

And the strength of Peerless Pinnacle, in fact, is enough to walk sideways in the middle area.

But even so, these two were almost in danger of death just now.

The water in this middle area is indeed too deep.

In this world, no one can guarantee 100% that he will always be safe and safe for his whole life.

The three of them drank again.

After a long while, Qing Lin said, "In this year and a half, you have hardly heard much news from the middle domain."

"You who have always regarded yourself as a warrior of the Eight Palaces, have ignored any matters of the Eight Palaces, and have not accepted half of the task."

"But you know, the Eight Palaces nowadays, on the contrary, there are more joints?"

Xiao Yi nodded, drank a sip of wine, and said, "Although I haven't contacted any of the Eight Halls, I still know something."

Qing Lin smiled and said, "Although the Eight Palaces are the same as before, they still have three major alliances."

"However, the main halls and sub-halls, which have never joined hands to perform tasks in the past, have often helped each other over the past year and a half."

"The law enforcement teams in the various temples often act together."

"Obviously, the relationship between the Eight Palaces is much more relaxed than before."

"And what this brings is the beast tide and the evil beast disasters in various parts of the Central Region, which have been greatly curbed in almost a short time."

Xiao Yi nodded.

Ran Qi said solemnly, "Speaking of it, it's been a long time since I heard of a large-scale battle with a human warrior's badly damaged beast tide."

"In the past, the Eight Palaces existed, but they worked independently."

"Today's Eight Halls have common intelligence, the dispatch of law enforcement teams, the distribution of military forces, etc., there is no more overlap or redundancy."

"Over the past year or so, the power of the Eight Palaces is really impressive."

"Who would have thought that when these eight behemoths really joined forces, the bursting power far surpassed the power of the previous eight main halls, and in a short period of time, the evil beasts that had been unavoidable in the Central Region were greatly contained."

The combined power of the eight halls definitely far exceeds the combined power of the eight main halls.

"This is not very good." Xiao Yi smiled.

Qing Lin's face sank again, and said, "Monsters can't make the climate."

"But in the past year and a half, there have been no major incidents in Zhongyu."

Qing Lin glanced at Ran Qi and said, "There was the death of Ye Liu, the Young Master of the Eighteenth Mansion."

"Later, there was another battle between the two university palaces."

"A few months ago, Tianque Academy suddenly went to war with Wuchi Academy."

"The war lasted for ten days and ten nights, and then ended with the destruction of the five idiots."

"The elders and seniors of the Tianque Academy were damaged by 70%; while the Wuchi Academy was wiped out by the army, including the old dean and all the disciples of the palace, all died."

"I heard that Linghu Wang, chief of the Five Moments, escaped, but his whereabouts are still unknown."

Ran Qi nodded, "This matter shakes the entire Middle Domain."

"Five University Palaces, one is removed directly, and the other is severely injured; in other words, the Five University Palaces are almost dead in name, and only the three of Tianzang, Jinchen and Minghuan are still intact."

"It's just that I heard that these three are also inexplicably frictional."

Xiao Yi smiled, "I'm not deaf or blind. Although I don't care about matters above the middle domain, I don't know."

"I have heard a lot of these things, but I don't bother to pay attention."

Qing Lin said in a deep voice, "Don't you think that the current Middle Domain is getting worse?"

"I know." Xiao Yi nodded, "In the past year and a half, Zhongyu has become more and more volatile and turbulent."

Ran Qi said solemnly, "I have heard that this day, it is about to change, what is going on?"


Third more.

Update today, over.

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