Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2420: Annihilation and extinction

"Brother, you are fine."

Bai Xing breathed a sigh of relief, his tears stopped abruptly.

"Don't be too happy." Xiao Yi sat up, glanced at Bai Xing, and then at Meng Binghe.

"The black poison in you hasn't been absorbed yet."

"Yeah." Meng Binghe nodded, "If the black poison can really be sucked out by outsiders, then it can't be called terrible."

Xiao Yi frowned, "The black poison in your body is about one minute away."

"You take a rest."

"I also have to stabilize my body injury, and then try to see if it can help you get it all done."

"Your Excellency." Meng Binghe arched his hands, "I haven't consulted yet, what is your Excellency?"

Xiao Yi hasn't answered yet.

"Young Master." Bai Xing said excitedly, "This is Brother Li, the demon hunter in the Pantheon Palace."

"I just met outside of a dark place, but I had a fierce fight with him. No, I got down to friendship."

Meng Binghe smiled, "You, you, for 12 years, this mouth has a nonsense character, and it hasn't changed at all."

"With the ability of this lord, do you still want to fight him hard?"

Bai Xing straightened his waist, "I can't beat it, but I have an elite black fierce, and a combined attack..."

"Shut up." Meng Binghe yelled, "Bai Xing, you can speak out with more bullying? Have you forgotten the principles that taught you what to be strong in the past?"

"We mammoths have always been arrogant. How can we be complacent with more bullying and lesser."

Bai Xing frowned and said nothing.

"Your Excellency just laughed." Meng Binghe looked at Xiao Yi and arched his hands again, "Bai Xing, the child, is not very old. I am afraid that he has offended him along the way. I hope you don't care about him."

Xiao Yi shrugged, "Resume."

Meng Binghe nodded and rested cross-legged.

Xiao Yi also sat cross-legged, but instead of meditating and resting, he was just thinking about something.

He just took the risk of absorbing these black poison, one is to fish out this Meng Binghe and get the reward of the black fierce kingdom, of course, this is not the main reason.

Although the reward was generous, it was not enough for Xiao Yi to take risks.

The most important thing is that this is not the first time he has heard the two words ‘black pan’.

He just wanted to get in touch with this black poison and see what was going on.

As for the danger, in fact, he didn't have too much fear, and his ability as an alchemist was not for nothing.

Most importantly, he controls a variety of powerful flames in the world.

Although this black poison is domineering, his amethyst spirit flame has the effect of burning everything. If there is any accident, he is sure to burn these black poison.

With enough certainty, he tried.

But the results obtained now surprised him a bit.

When these black air invaded his body domineeringly, he didn't even have time to examine it carefully, and the two great spirits in the small world were already jumping for joy.

Xiao Yi couldn't see what the **** it was.

But until he was absorbed by the two great martial spirits, Xiao Yi discovered that there was a trace of martial spirit power in it.

Yes, Wuhun power.

Wuhun power, this is the power that a martial artist can master.

In addition, there are some inexplicable overbearing powers.

Xiao Yi couldn't tell what power this was.

In short, this black poison is basically the domineering black energy power outside, enveloping some mysterious martial soul power inside, and the two are combined.

But what really made him strange was that he was a little familiar with the black energy power in these black energy.

This kind of familiarity, he couldn't tell exactly what it was.

The feeling is like this kind of power is deliberately concealed by some extra power, making it impossible to distinguish.

If it weren't for the special Bingluan sword in his body and the ability to absorb the power of martial arts, I am afraid he would not be able to discover the power of martial arts in these black poison.

As for he deliberately forced out blood.

It's just that this black poison seems extremely terrifying in the eyes of the Yaozu. If he is still intact after absorbing it, he will probably be treated like a monster.

Even more, out of knots.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi got up, looked at Meng Binghe, and asked, "You said just now that you were poisoned by this poison 12 years ago. This poison is extremely terrifying and can cause death in a very short time."

"Then how did you live to this day?"

Meng Binghe also got up, walked to the end of the cave wall, and threw a punch.

Boom...The wall of the mountain was shattered, and a hole was exposed inside, which was enveloped by a huge black air.

"Black Poison?" Bai Xing was startled, "Young Master, don't come close, come back soon."

"It's okay." Meng Binghe waved his hand and looked at Xiao Yi, "After I came to this cave, I was poisoned by the black pangs because of this."

"This hole will spew out black poison from time to time."

"The poison of the black cat is better than the scourge of the beast. Those who are recruited will die within a minute or three."

"Twelve years ago, I thought I was bound to die."

"But, when I was desperate, I suddenly discovered that the closer I get to this hole, the more dense the black poison around me, and the more vitality it becomes."

"No, even, my vitality has become more intense."

"The original black poison in the body also disappeared, and it no longer invades my body."

Xiao Yi frowned when he heard the words, "The poison of the black pan is as terrible as it is, and a little bit can kill people; but if you do the opposite, there is no more life in danger?"

"Yeah." Meng Binghe nodded, "But, that's just to save my life. The black poison in my body will not disappear after all."

"In other words, once I leave here, I will definitely die."

"For the past 12 years, I have been leaning back against the entrance of this cave and staying alive."

"The black poison often tortures me in pain, so I can only sleep and sleep with my eyes closed to forget the pain."

"How long has the young master slept?" Bai Xing asked.

"It's been 11 years." Meng Binghe said lightly.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes and walked slowly towards the entrance of the mountain wall.

"This hole is more like a space entrance."

Xiao Yi took a slight step forward, but stopped.

He had heard the word Hei Tan twice before, one was from the master of the Hall of Shadows, and the other was the Hei Tan army of the Dongfang family.

He remembered that when he first saw the Black Sabres in Dongfang's family, he was called the Black Sabres, and the name he knew was the Black Sabres.

But later, within the Black Annihilation Army, it mostly claimed to be the Black Annihilation Army.

Annihilation and extinction have very similar meanings, but they are also completely different.

Annihilation is like annihilation; annihilation is an extinction and dispersal.

"It's not like, it's at all." Meng Binghe said solemnly at this time.

"Twelve years ago, my cultivation base stagnated. At that time, someone told me that I can become stronger when I come to this dark place."

"So I am here. This is the possibility to make me stronger."

"Yes, but it almost made me dead."

"Someone told you?" Xiao Yi squinted, "Who?"

Meng Binghe frowned and shook his head, "No way."


Seventh more. (burst)

Update today, over.

Very sleepy, can't hold it, got to sleep.

Tomorrow, no, normal updates will resume tomorrow night, and we will make up the one we owe today.

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