Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2421: Dark Lord

"Can't you say it?"

Xiao Yi frowned, and his gaze once again turned to the entrance of the black gas surging in front of him.

This cave mouth, can actually erupt the poison of black.

If nothing happens, the subspace within this cave will be the secret.

Moreover, intuition tells Xiao Yi that the secret here will be his biggest answer to the Demon Realm this time.

Xiao Yi squeezed his fist, but hesitated all the time.

He came to the Demon Realm and really wanted to investigate it clearly.

Regardless of the reason for the day of change, or the situation of the Yaozu, it is the reason why he is willing to stop and visit specially.

This subspace seems weird and even dangerous.

The black poison in it was enough to discourage all the strong monsters.

But with his method, the amethyst spirit flame protects the body, and when you enter this subspace, you must be sure of self-protection.

But, after all, grasping is grasping...

After hesitating for a while, Xiao Yi still dispelled the idea of ​​entering this subspace.

He has to save people.

I can only wait for the rescue, and then come to Demon Realm to explore this subspace next time.

Xiao Yi retracted his steps and looked at Meng Binghe, "Sit down."

"Yes." Meng Binghe nodded. In his eyes, Xiao Yi looked like a mysterious celestial master in front of him.

Xiao Yi reached out his hand, still resting on Meng Binghe's forehead.

A wisp of black air pours into Xiao Yi's hand from Meng Binghe again.

The terrible thing about the black poison is that it cannot be sucked out by external forces. The poisoned person will undoubtedly die.

But since Xiao Yi had discovered the composition of the poison of the black cat, with the speciality of the ice-luan sword in his body, it happened to be the nemesis of the poison of the black cat, and he could absorb all of it.

This black poison is strange and strange, but since the Ice Luan Sword can absorb it, it can become one of its powers to repair itself.

This is actually a bonus.

For a long while.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Xiao Yi's mouth, dripping slowly from under the mask.

The black poison on Meng Binghe's body has been completely eliminated.

"Okay." Xiao Yi pretended to take a deep breath.

"The black poison is really gone." Meng Binghe looked at his whole body, the next second, his face was ecstatic.

Even if this Meng Binghe is the kind of calm mind, he can be trapped in this dark place for 12 years, not seeing the sky, suffering day and night, and now he is completely healed, and he can't hide his joy.

"Your Excellency, don't say thanks for the great kindness." Meng Binghe bowed heavily.

"You don't need to thank you, just don't rely on your account afterwards." Xiao Yi wiped the blood from the corner of his mask, turned and left.

"Don't worry." Meng Binghe said earnestly, "My black fierce kingdom can't speak without words."

"Father, what conditions have promised you, and he will give them all."

"Your Excellency, you just treated me well, don't you need to rest first?"

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head, "There are so many weird things in a dark place. To avoid accidents, it's better to go out first."

He wasn't hurt at all, he rested like a ghost.

"Let's go." Xiao Yi took the lead and walked out of the cave entrance.

With a quick glance, the ghost grabbed Xiao Yi's arm.

Bai Xing's eyes widened, "Young Master, hurry up and stay with him."

As he said, he stepped forward quickly and took Xiao Yi's other arm.

The face under Xiao Yi's mask twitched.

He saw Bai Xing pull Meng Binghe, and then took a step back, letting Meng Binghe pull Xiao Yi's arm.

"Young Master, you must catch the old brother, don't let go."

After all, Bai Xing walked behind Xiao Yi and only followed in silence.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Xiao Yi ignored Guiyi and Meng Binghe on the left and right, turning his head to look at Bai Xing.

Bai Xing grinned, "I'm afraid, but I'm here to save the young master."

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "I can take these two out first, and then come back to pick you up."

Bai Xing smiled and scratched his head, "No, no dark place is so weird, you don't dare to stay away from my old brother, how can you risk turning back again?

"Brother Li, don't care about me, I'll just follow."

Xiao Yi nodded and chuckled, "Then you can follow along, and I will leave here as fast as possible later."


Xiao Yi walked away quickly.

Behind him, Bai Xing opened his mouth wide, ", go slowly away from my brother."


White fog forest, no dark place.


Xiao Yi's four figures flashed and appeared steadily.

Until this time, Gui Yi, Meng Binghe, and Bai Xing were relieved.

Xiao Yi turned around and stared at the white mist forest, as well as the dozens of white statues.


On the white statue, cracks broke out, turning into a pile of white stone chips in an instant.

After a few breaths, the white debris disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never appeared.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Meng Binghe stepped back unconsciously.

Bai Xing swallowed and looked at Xiao Yi, "Look at me from brother."

"The same goes for the guy who entered the White Mist Forest before. He died strangely without even leaving his body."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded solemnly.

He didn't know why he stepped into this white fog forest without any damage.

Maybe it's because the martial arts rules in the white mist forest can't hurt yourself?

Everything in the world is under the rules of this world.

The same is true here in Demon Realm, and the same is true here in White Mist Forest.

As long as it exists, it must be tied to the rules of heaven and earth.

In his own body, no matter what the sword way, fire way, etc., he possessed a lot of extremely powerful and complete martial arts.

It is not surprising that if they cancel each other out, perhaps they are resistant.

This is every martial artist or every strong person, even if the strength is similar, each person has a different growth path, and the long martial art is different.

This martial road is long and wide.

Perhaps different warriors are at the same distance and level, but they stand at different positions.

Of course, it may also be because of the fog demon.

The current fog demon is no longer the fog demon of the past.

The fog demon attached to him, already acting as his breath.

The fog demon has already killed more than 80% of that dragon-shaped wind, and it may have a different resistance to this white fog forest.

Xiao Yi couldn't determine the specifics.

He couldn't see through this white mist forest.

However, maybe next time he comes, he will find the answer.

He will surely explore the subspace in the dark land.

"Let's go." Xiao Yi said, turning and leaving.

Behind him, six figures in white robes followed like a shadow, disappearing into the distance in an instant.


Hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Meng Binghe and Bai Xing quickly caught up.

"Your Excellency, won't you come back to the Heimeng Kingdom with us?" Meng Binghe arched his hands and asked.

"Brother Li." Bai Xing said, "Now that you have saved the young master, the demon master will definitely have many rewards."

The black fierce demon master is one of the 50 demon masters, and is also in the forefront of strength, with a wealth of wealth.

"No." Xiao Yi said lightly, "I'm not interested in dealing more."

"Send the reward directly to the Pantheon Palace, I will get it."


"That." Bai Xing called out suddenly, "Brother Li, can you wait for me for a while?"

"I'll get you a reward, and by the way, I have something to ask you to leave my brother."

"Please? Huh." Xiao Yi sneered, "I'm useless, please move me."

Bai Xing stepped forward, patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Little brother understands, don't worry, one hour from my old brother, one hour."


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