Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2427: Shenmuding

Before coming to the Demon Region, he still didn't know what Hei Tan was.

To be precise, I don't know what Hei Tan refers to.

In the days when he came to Demon Territory, he had heard a little, but he had only probably heard the name.

It seems that the two words ‘Hei Tan’ are really terrifying and make people talk about it. It also seems that very few people know ‘Hei Tan’, it is more like a kind of demon clan’s secret, and few people know it.

On the contrary, in these few hours with Bai Xing, I heard more stories from Bai Xing's mouth.

This black poison, the reflexive person, has almost no time to react.

In just ten breaths, the black poison will invade the whole body, and then there will be no bones.

This kind of corpse has no bones, but no flesh and blood, more like it has evaporated out of thin air.

With the powerful body of the monster beast, it is really incredible to be able to do this.

And ‘Hei Tan’ appeared again without warning, disappeared strangely and inexplicably, and even had a large-scale eruption. The monster race, like a beast tide, attacked and died under the Hei Tan.

According to Bai Xing, some people have seen the monster race that has been hit by the'black cat', whether it is transformed into a monster or a huge beast, they are all annihilated at a very fast speed. , In the end, even half a trace could not be left.

This is the terrible part of ‘Black Pan’.

At the same time, it is also the reason why "Black Pan" is almost unknown.

‘Black Pan’, it’s a distraction that makes people talk about it. In addition, the person who is infected is bound to die. There is no trace of death, and it is impossible to investigate.


This is what made Xiao Yi puzzled. He was already puzzled enough about Meng Binghe.

After all, Meng Binghe was in this weird place where there was no darkness. The closer he got to the rich darkness, the more his life was saved. This is understandable.

So what about the wood clouds, and the plant monsters in Shenmu Palace now?

Xiao Yi looked at the God Wood Demon Lord, "If the God Wood Demon Lord doesn't say it clearly, it may be difficult for me to treat it."

"With Heavenly Art, there are countless possibilities."

"Because of its causes, reasons, and even a little change, it may cause different consequences."

"If the God Wood Demon Lord doesn't tell me clearly, and there is an accident in the next treatment, then..."

What ‘countless possibilities’ are just talking nonsense, he is not a heavenly magician.

However, he does want to know the reasons for the suppression of "Black Tan" today.

Hearing this, the Shenmu Demon Lord frowned and hesitated, and after a long while, he nodded.

"Well, being cautious from the master is for the sake of my Shenmu people."

The Shenmu Demon Lord looked up and said, "This tree..."

The Shenmu Demon Lord looked at Xiao Yi, and said, "It is the ancestor of Lingmu."

"The ancestor of the spiritual tree?" Xiao Yi's pupils shrank, "The ancestor of all the trees in the rumors that contain pure aura? The first spiritual tree in the world?"

"How did it become like this?"

This tree is nameless, because no one can name it.

All I know is that it is the first sacred tree in the world full of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

Before it had it, the world's flowers and plants grew around it. After countless years, the wild land gradually had forests, seas of flowers, and countless plants.

What it represents is the endless huge vitality.

Bai Xing said dumbly, "This is the ancestor of the spirit wood? How does it look like he is dying?"

"You..." The Shenmu Demon Lord glared at Bai Xing.

"You ask me, I don't know." The God Wood Demon Lord looked at Xiao Yi and said, "I don't know how many millions of years ago. Anyway, when I was a child, this tree was alive and well, so I grew up near it."

"Following, I will have a spiritual intelligence, and finally transformed, the ancestor of the spiritual tree is still as old as the ages, there is no movement."

"Later, it gradually withered and became like this."

"I don't think I understand."

"Daily withering?" Xiao Yi frowned.

The ancestor of spirit wood, he knows.

This is the first spiritual tree in the world that is naturally raised. It is full of pure and extremely pure auras.

It doesn't even produce intelligence, just like an ordinary giant tree.

But its vitality, no one can lose a bit.

To put it simply, it is a bit like the evil spirits of the six dragons, its body is huge, and its whole body is composed of pure power.

However, the original torso of the ancestor of the spirit wood was even larger, and in terms of grade, it was far beyond the level of the evil spirits of the six dragons.

The Shenmu Demon Lord said solemnly, "Back then, the branches and roots of the ancestor of the spirit wood stretched millions of miles on the earth, reaching a depth of thousands of miles."

"The more it withers, it slowly becomes like this, withered to the size of several thousand meters."

The Shenmu Demon Lord pointed to the hundred figures under the tree again, and said, "Although the ancestor of the spirit wood has withered and withered, its breath is still there."

"It represents the purest heaven and earth aura, vitality power."

"Therefore, these breaths can suppress the'black pan'."

"Then, it was the old man, who was covered in huge monsters, continuously supporting them and continuing their lives."

"That's why Yunhua can persist until now."

"So that's it." Xiao Yi suddenly.

First, the breath of the ancestor of the spirit wood was used to suppress the ‘Black Tan’.

Although the black cat cannot be resolved, the black cat will still raging in their bodies, but after all, the effect is greatly reduced.

And the God Wood Demon Lord continuously injected vitality into these hundred figures, giving them continuous life.

The main body of the God Wood Demon Lord was originally a towering giant tree. The demon essences in his body were probably more than ten times thicker than those of the Black Fierce Demon Lord and even powerful men like Da Si Ming.

Without the aura of the ancestor of the spirit wood suppressed, even if the **** wood demon lord is a hundred times stronger, he would never want to continue his life for these hundred figures.

And if there is no continuation of the life of the huge monster of the God Wood Demon Lord, even if it is suppressed by the ancestor of the spirit wood, the vitality of these hundred figures will not last for a moment.

"Master Li, do you still have doubts now?" Shenmu Demon Lord asked.

Xiao Yi smiled, "They were born in your Shenmu Kingdom, Fang saved his life, huh."

The Shenmu Demon Lord smiled, "No, it should be said that they are waiting for you, the master, otherwise, they won't be able to save their lives for long."

"Let's get started." Xiao Yi said, and walked up to one person first, stretched out his hand, and began to absorb the'black pan'.

One after another.

Half an hour later, the hundred figures were all absorbed one by one.

But Xiao Yi's hands were already black and cripple.

The breath on Xiao Yi's body was extremely weak. There was blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, and his body was stained with blood.

"Okay." Xiao Yi retracted his hand and took a deep breath.

"Master Li, are you in serious trouble?" The Shenmu Demon Lord looked at Xiao Yi's weak appearance and was taken aback.

"Brother Li." Bai Xing hurriedly stepped forward, trying to hold Xiao Yi.

"I'm fine." Xiao Yi waved his hand.

"Right, what is that?" Xiao Yi glanced at the bottom of the ancestor of the spirit wood, behind the hundred figures.

There seemed to be a trail of golden light surrounding it, and inside was a slick white clay.

"Uh, that's..." The Shenmu Demon Lord's expression changed.

Bai Xing blurted out, "I know, that is Shenmuding, one of the most famous treasures in our demon domain."

"The tripod can be carried with you. The space is as big as thousands of miles. It can hold vitality inside. It is one of the great ancient gods by planting natural materials to tonic."

"Bai Xing, you..." The Shenmu Demon Lord glared at Bai Xing, with that gaze, as if to eat people.

"Oh, good stuff." Xiao Yi smiled and looked at the Shenmu Demon Lord, "I want this Shenmu Cauldron."

"You..." The Shenmu Demon's body trembled and his eyes widened.

"Tsk tusk." Bai Xing sneered, "Brother Li, I told you earlier, the **** wood demon master is very petty."

"What you say is like splashed water, but he doesn't care, he can't touch his baby anyway."

"It's just commonplace not to practise words and not to believe in it. Tsk tsk, colossal demon master, so petty..."

"You, you..." The God Wood Demon Lord trembled with anger, "Okay, Master Li, Bai Xing, count you cruel."

The voice fell, the Shenmu Demon Lord waved his sleeves, turned and left.


Second more.

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