Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2428: Qilin Tears, Yanlong Blood

Shenmu Demon Lord, slammed the door and left.

Bai Xing smiled sly.

Xiao Yi was stunned.

In fact, these weak auras on his body are just controlling the mist demon to slow the release of the aura.

And the blood on his body was just a few bites of blood that he forced out at will, it was nothing.

On the contrary, the two great martial souls in the body have absorbed a hundred strands of black tan, which is considered to be quite rewarding.

I didn't have any losses, but just pretended to be an extra bonus. So I thought, be kind, and just get some rewards at will.

But it seems that the **** wood demon master has a painful color.

"It's just a sacred wooden cauldron, so reluctant?" Xiao Yi frowned.

This kind of sacred artifact that can be like a ring of heaven and earth, and can also be loaded with vital things, is extremely rare.

Take the Universe Ring as an example, it can only hold dead objects, and it can hold heaven, material and earth treasure, because the space inside is solidified, so that the aura and effect in the heaven, material and earth treasure can be preserved, nothing more.

As for Shenmuding, it can't hold living things either, neither living people, monsters, etc. can hold it.

But it can be loaded with vitality, which can keep the natural treasures in it still growing and planting.

This is not to preserve the aura and effects, but to make the aura and effects continue to increase.

This thing has little effect for the martial artist, and there is no way to attack.

But for the pharmacist, it is a rare treasure, and it can also give great convenience.

Of course, this ten thousand li space is much larger than the ordinary universe ring.

"Brother Li, you are really cunning." Bai Xing smiled triumphantly.

"What?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"You don't come here." Bai Xing patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Most of the treasures planted on the sacred wooden cauldron will not live long without the sacred wooden cauldron."

"The ancestor of the spirit tree is the same, the dozens of millions of years old, and the dozens of flowers and fruits that are at least 500,000 years old."

"You take his **** wooden cauldron, but it's equivalent to serving him in one pot."

"It's strange that the old thing is not anxious."

Xiao Yi was stunned, "What do I want this ancestor of the spirit tree to do? Those millions of years of heaven and earth treasures, although I am greedy, but not so cheeky..."

"No..." Xiao Yi reacted abruptly, "Looking at the expression on the face of the God Wood Demon Lord just now, it seems that he agreed."

Xiao Yi smiled, "Never mind, it doesn't matter if you are cheeky."

"Hahahaha." Bai Xing patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder again, "Brother, Bai Xing admires you more and more."


the other side.

In the Yunhua Palace.

Mu Yunhua looked at the God Wood Demon Lord in doubt, "Who is angry with you, father?"

The God Wood Demon Lord's face twitched, "The Master Li and the White Star, their faces are thousands of times thicker than my bark."

"I said earlier that you should not show your wealth, but this time I put two thieves in."

Mu Yunhua smiled, "If my father doesn't want to give it, just don't give it."

"Anyway, the white star boy and the master lied can't help their father."

The Shenmu Demon Lord shook his head, "This is not good, doesn't it mean that my face is thicker than the two of them?"

"Just think about it."

"I think Master Li saved our tribe, and the hundred black scorpions might almost kill him."

"My God Wood Demon Lord, I shouldn't be so unkind."

Mu Yunhua smiled, "Since my father is willing, there is no need to show Master Li and the others."

"Yes." The God Wood Demon Lord gritted his teeth and nodded, suddenly, thinking of something, his face changed, "Ah, oh, forget something."

The Shenmu Demon Lord looked panicked, flashed away, and left quickly.

Inside the Shenmu Palace.

The figure of the Shenmu Demon Lord appeared out of thin air.

"Shen Wood Demon Lord?" Bai Xing was puzzled, "It's not that I ran away with anger. What are you doing back?"

"Are you afraid that brother Li and I won't make trouble?"

"Don't worry, Li brother will only take whatever he promised you to take, and will not take any more."

"Furthermore, in the demon domain, who dares to take the risk of being chased by a demon master."

"Humph." The God Wood Demon Lord yelled coldly, "I can't believe it from the master, you Baixing, I can't believe it."

"Also, the demon master's return is another matter."

The Shenmu Demon Lord looked at Xiao Yi, "Well, Master Li, since you want me to be the Shenmu Ding, the old man has agreed to it before, so I can't regret it."

"But Master Li can promise me to take care of this ancestor of the spirit tree."

"Every day, the tree needs to be watered by a huge demon realm, and every root in it needs to be wrapped in a demon element if it is bathed."

"Now, the ancestor of the spirit wood is very weak, and if there is a slight difference, it will completely wither."

"You have to use Yao Yuan to irrigate, but also every day?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

"That's natural." Shenmu Demon Master said earnestly, "Although this is cumbersome, Master Li is a Heavenly Magician. This shouldn't be difficult."

"Just set a few hours a day to look after the ancestor of the spirit wood."

"How many hours do you need to adjust every day?" Xiao Yi's face under the mask twitched.

So delicate, he doesn't have the idle time.

"Forget it," Xiao Yi said helplessly, "Let's stay here first."

The Shenmu Demon Lord smiled with joy, "Master Li changed his mind?"

"That's not the case." Xiao Yi shook his head.

Since these darlings have come with a thick-skinned face, it is naturally impossible to give them back.

"What do you mean by Master Li?" The Shenmu Demon Lord's face instantly turned black.

"Oh, you took this demon lord's treasure, and this demon lord has to wait for you unconditionally? How can there be such a good thing in the world."

"In a word, either you change your mind from the master, or you take care of it."

"Of course, it's not too much trouble for Master Li." Shenmu Demon Lord, seeming to see through Xiao Yi's thoughts, jokingly said, "Master Li, a young strange monster like this, can't bear these temperaments, right?"

"Every day is so troublesome, even the time for my own growth has to be taken in, but it is impossible to gain anything."

"That's not necessarily." Xiao Yi shrugged, "I also said, either the Shenmu Demon Lord helped me take care of it; or I took the Shenmu Cauldron and left, or the ancestor of the spirit wood inside, it is a rare treasure of nature and material. No matter what the loss, everything has nothing to do with me."

"You, you..." The **** wood demon master fingered Xiao Yi, shivering with anger and frustration.

Xiao Yi condensed his eyes and said seriously, "Is there no way to save this ancestor of the spirit wood?"

The Shenmu Demon Lord sneered, "Master Li is an extraordinary celestial master, think of a way by himself."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "As far as I know, no."

"The first spiritual tree in the world cannot wither at all. Naturally, there is no way to save it."

The Shenmu Demon Lord held up his hand and said solemnly, "The way, yes, but, that is no different from nothing."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi said softly, "Shen Wood Demon Lord might as well talk about it."

"It's very simple." Shenmu Demon Lord said in a deep voice, "To save the ancestor of Spirit Wood, only two things are needed."

"A drop of unicorn tears, half a drop of Yanlong blood."

"The unicorn is an auspicious beast, and the ancestor of a strange beast. A single drop of its tears is enough for the withered wood to come in spring, so that the ancestor of the spirit wood will be rejuvenated."

"Dragon's blood, boiling extremely, can make the vitality burn again, and it will boil."

"It's just." The Shenmu Demon Lord smiled playfully, "These two things are more illusory than the ancestor of the spirit wood."

"So, this method is equal to nothing."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes when he heard the words, "A drop of unicorn tears, half a drop of Yanlong blood."


Third more.

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