Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2443: Black Jade Claw

The Lion King Building has six floors.

The first layer is the exercise method, the second layer is the martial arts secret method, and the third layer is the magic weapon.

The fourth layer encompasses the three.

Xiao Yi looked around his eyes, and indeed, here on the fourth floor, there are all kinds of exercises, martial arts, secrets, and magical weapons.

But compared to the exercises and martial arts books on the first three floors, you can pick them up and watch them at will, and the magic soldiers can pick them up and look at them at will; here on the fourth floor, there is a layer of prohibition above every treasure.

If you want to obtain any of the treasures here, you must first break the ban.

This is what Yunshi said. Whether he can get the rewards above the fourth level depends on his own ability.

"Where is that boy Bai Xing?" The ghost glanced around and asked in confusion.

Xiao Yi smiled, "He doesn't like the treasures here, so go straight to the fifth floor."

The sixth floor of the Lion King Building, the higher the level, the fewer the items, but the higher the level.

For example, on the third floor, that mountain-breaking giant sword is already the strongest side in the third floor, but it is only a high-grade holy artifact.

The divine weapons that appeared here on the fourth layer were all top grade holy artifacts, martial arts and martial arts, and their levels had increased dramatically.

"Go." Xiao Yi said, his figure flashed, and he jumped to the fifth floor first.

Sure enough, Bai Xing strolled around on the fifth floor, looking at the treasures one after another.

On the fifth floor, the number of treasures is already running low, one or two hundred pieces.

Divine Weapon, probably in fifty or sixty, is also the same high-grade holy artifact level, but it is obviously much stronger than the fourth level.

And the strongest among them, even has a monster of the monster race that is close to or even comparable to the best holy artifacts.

The martial arts and martial arts are almost all the unspoken methods and taboo secrets of the Mad Lion Kingdom.

"Oh, brother Li." Bai Xing found Xiao Yi and asked in a loud voice, "What kind of baby do you choose?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "I haven't chosen it yet."

Bai Xing smiled, "I know, Li's eyes are very high, I'm afraid I don't even bother to look at those garbage things."

Xiao Yi smiled, "I'll go to the sixth floor to have a look."

The sixth floor is the top floor of the Lion King Building.

"Level six?" Bai Xing frowned when he heard the words, then waved his hand and smiled, "Brother Li, I advise you to give up."

"As far as I know, there are indeed good things on the sixth floor."

"But those things are almost impossible to get."

"It's useless for you to go without brother, just staring at those babies."

"On the fifth floor, although the prohibition on treasures is troublesome, it is still within my acceptance range."

Xiao Yi smiled and said nothing.

The figure flashed and stepped into the sixth floor.

The top floor has six floors, the smallest range, only tens of meters long and wide.

Around, there are treasures placed in a circular shape, and on top of the treasures, flowing light surrounds them.

Under the brilliance, that terrifying forbidden breath came to his face.

Xiao Yi's heart was startled, and the restrictions on this piece of treasure were afraid that he would not even want to split it off with his full strength and the Purple Lightning Sword.

No, this can't be considered whether it can be split, but whether it can shake these restrictions is a little unknown.

Without the strength of the main hall master, it would be impossible to break these restrictions.

Xiao Yi counted the treasures around him, a total of 12 swords.

Six of them, under the streamer, exudes exactly the same cold air.

The remaining six pieces have different breaths.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes and walked towards one of them first.

It was a cloud of black and cold streamer, and within the streamer, a black claw was floating in it.

Looking at the stone monument in front, Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

"Black Jade Claw, the strongest claw of the ancient snow lion clan."

At the same time, the six ghosts gathered around, staring straight at the black claw like bright eyes.

"Do you want this thing?" Xiao Yi asked.

The six ghosts nodded without hesitation.

Xiao Yi looked around, and there were five identical sharp claws around, all of them dark, exuding a black and cold air.

In other words, there are six black jade claws, all of which are the claws of the ancient snow lion clan.

"How do I get this thing?" Xiao Yi frowned, tentatively stretched out his hand and approached the black streamer.

Of course, as soon as the hand touched, it was instantly bounced away.

"Sure enough." Xiao Yi's expression changed, and his heart was startled.

The prohibition here is really terrible.

However, with this touch just now, Xiao Yi also discovered the mystery.

"So that's it." Xiao Yi looked at the six ghosts and monsters, and said, "In this lion king's building, there must be a practice technique of the ancient snow lion clan."

"You can get the approval of Black Jie Claw by comprehending the cultivation technique."

"And if you get approval, you can ignore the prohibition."

"Go find it."

"Yes." Liu Gui Yao replied, but suddenly froze in place, with a wry smile.

"Master, there are hundreds of thousands or even a million copies of the exercises, martial arts, and secret methods here."

"During this time, it is impossible to find a suitable technique, let alone comprehend..."

Xiao Yi interrupted, "One way to take snow and one way to get black and quiet."

"The cultivation technique of the lion clan monster beast can probably be distinguished."

"Don't you understand such a simple way?"

When the six ghosts heard the words, their expressions were happy, and they disappeared in the same place in an instant.

After half an hour.

The six ghosts and monsters each took a pile of exercise books and returned to Xiao Yi.

"Master, there are all the books on the exercises along with Xue Zhidao and Hei Ji here. There are probably a thousand books."

Xiao Yi smiled lightly, "With your abilities, it shouldn't be a big problem to read thousands of exercise books in one day."


At this moment, a figure appeared out of thin air on the sixth floor of the building.

Lai Ren, a burly middle-aged man, with mixed yellow hair scattered behind his head, is Liu Shi.

"Boy." Liu Shi said in a deep voice, "Remember what I said to you before and gave you a warning?"

"Fortunately, I came here specially for fear of these accidents."

"Liu lion worship?" Xiao Yi frowned and asked, "What's the accident?"

"I said." Liu Shi said in a deep voice, "A family of ghosts and monsters, shaped like ghosts, heart like ghosts, growth rate like ghosts, and understanding like ghosts."

"If they are allowed to practice martial arts and martial arts, they will become terrifying."

"By then, it will be the time when you will suffer backlash from the little friend."

As he said, Liu Shi looked at Liu Gui Yao coldly.

Liu Gui Yao's face changed, and the joy in his eyes instantly disappeared, but in the aftermath, he looked at Black Jie Claw, still full of scorching heat.

However, Liu Gui Yao glanced at Xiao Yi, and then only his eyes darkened.

Xiao Yi smiled and looked at Liu Shi, "If Liu Shi worships, the kid remembers clearly."

"That kid, do you still remember Liushi worship?"

"What?" Liu Shi frowned.

Xiao Yi smiled contemptuously and spit out coldly, "It's about your ass."


Fifth more. (Make up)

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