Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2444: Six Pole Lion

"You..." Liu Shi instantly turned black, "I kindly remind..."

Xiao Yi interrupted contemptuously, "I only know that Guiyi and they won the finals of the Lion King Convention, and they are eligible for the reward here."

"As for other things, don't worry about lion worship."

"You, you..." Liu Shi was already angry, but now listening to these words, his anger is even worse, "Well, if you don't listen to advice, I will see you later when you suffered the backlash of the ghosts and monsters and ended up miserably. , How regretful."

Xiao Yi smiled contemptuously, "It's still the same sentence, don't bother to worship the lion."

"Humph." Liu Shi snorted heavily, then brushed his sleeves and walked away.

"Lord... Lord..." Liu Gui Yao looked at Xiao Yi incredulously.

"Don't talk nonsense." Xiao Yi interrupted in a cold voice, "You can read and comprehend these more than a thousand exercise books quickly."

He had already seen the terrifying learning ability and comprehension of the ghosts and monsters.

If there is no accident, this is not difficult for the six ghosts and monsters.

"Yes." Liu Gui Yao replied, and quickly sat down cross-legged, looking at it.

Xiao Yi pondered for a moment, then sat down and looked at it together.

The ghost blinked and looked at Xiao Yi, "Lord, do you also look?"

Xiao Yi said nothing.

The ghost looked puzzled, but did not ask.

Six ghosts and monsters, carefully read each book.

Xiao Yi, on the other hand, has ten lines at a glance, reading one book for tens of seconds, reading one book, dropping it, picking up another book, reading it, reading it, dropping it, picking up another book, and reading it again.

It felt like Xiao Yi picked up the exercise book later, glanced at it casually, and threw it away.

However, for ten minutes, a lot of books in front of him were still messed up by Xiao Yi.

The ghost curled his lips and complained, "Master, don't make trouble if you don't understand."

"It's not a kid anymore. What are you going to mess around?"

Xiao Yibai glanced at the ghost, but still remained silent, only got up, his figure flashed, and he left.


Outside the Lion King Building.

Liu Shi and Yun Shi watched from a distance. In front of them, a light curtain set off a series of pictures, which is exactly the situation in the Lion King Building.

"Yeah." Yun Shi nodded in satisfaction, "This white star boy of the Heimeng Kingdom is safe, only playing in the fifth floor."

"No, maybe it should be said that he is smart enough and self-aware enough."

"The sixth level is not something he can covet, nor can he get it."

"That's right." Yun Shi looked at Liu Shi, wondering, "You specially condensed this martial arts light curtain, just to see this?"

"What are you worried about?"

Liu Shi looked angrily, "That little guy is joking about his life."

"The ghost and demon counterattacked the Lord. There are more things. This kid is no longer called self-confidence, but is looking for death by himself."

"Fortunately, this is in the Lion King Building. With us, even if there is any accident, it can be stopped in time."

Yun Shi was stunned, "Liu Shi worship, you seem to be very attached to this strange monster."

Liu Shi smiled, "This is indeed a nice kid, the demon master and that one seem to be interested in him."

"Of course, at the same time I also want to see how far this kid can mess around."

"Mischief?" Yunshi smiled when he heard the words, "Yes, it is indeed a mischief. They also want to take the sixth floor things? It's just a waste of time."

"Huh?" Yunshi glanced at the light curtain, and suddenly his face was slightly surprised, "This kid, he discovered the secret of the treasure on the sixth floor."

"Unfortunately, even if he knows how to break the sixth-tier treasure ban, there is nothing he can do about it."

"He can take anything in the first, second, and third layers, but when it comes to the fourth layer, it's different."

"If he wants to get the things on the sixth layer, he can only find clues from the first layer, and then increase layer by layer."

"In other words, he needs to decipher the secrets of the first five levels and understand the prohibitions and obstacles of the first five levels."

"Now, there is only less than a day left. In such a short time, he wants to jump five levels in a row and comprehend all the exercises? It's a fantasy."

Inside the Lion King Building.

Xiao Yi's figure flashed, leaving the sixth floor and directly entering the fourth floor.

He had already read the more than a thousand exercises, but there was no exercise that fits the Black Silence at all.

However, Xiao Yi discovered that the more than a thousand original exercises are basically increasing in layers, and it fits...maybe...

Xiao Yi glanced at what was in front of him and sneered, "Sure enough."

With a punch, boom...

The restriction on the things in front of him collapsed.

It was another punch, and the prohibition of another treasure was blown away.

These are two exercise books, which are the exercises related to Xue Yi Dao and Hei Ji.

"Sure enough." Xiao Yi was secretly delighted, "The advanced point of these two exercises is on the fifth level; after breaking the fifth level of exercise restrictions, the advanced point is the sixth level."

Outside the Lion King Building.

Yun Shi and Liu Shi looked at Xiao Yi's two punches that broke four layers of two prohibitions, their expressions changed.

"He found this guy." Liu Shi exclaimed slightly.

"Humph." Yunshi snorted coldly, "I see how he can comprehend the fifth level of exercises."

After half an hour.

Inside the Lion King Building.

"Drink." Xiao Yi yelled coldly and punched twice.

Not far away, Bai Xing, who was still walking around, was puzzled, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Xiao Yi said nothing, but the two prohibitions in front of him had already collapsed.

Two more books on exercises.

"Sure enough." Xiao Yi smiled, his figure flashed, and he returned to the sixth floor.

"Master." Liu Gui Yao yelled.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, took out four exercise books, and said, "These four books, two from the fourth floor, and two from the fifth floor."

"After reading these thousand books on exercises, you will start to read the two books on the fourth level, and finally read the two books on the fifth level."

"Whether you can get the Black Jietal Claw on the sixth floor really depends on your own ability."

"Yes, Lord." Liu Gui Yao replied.

Xiao Yi ignored the other treasures on the sixth floor.

"Huh?" After a long while, Xiao Yi gave a soft hum, and stopped in front of a treasure emitting six streams of light.

"This is?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Within the six streams of different colors, there is a boxing glove.

Outside the Lion King Building.

Looking at Xiao Yi's movements, Yun Shi and Liu Shi suddenly changed their expressions, "What does this guy want to do?"

"Damn it, that's a six-pole boxing glove, the treasure of our wild lion clan, does this guy want to fight it?"

Inside the Lion King Building.

Xiao Yi glanced at the stone tablet, "Six-pole boxing gloves? The strongest in the history of the wild lion clan, refined by the hands of the six-pole wild lion."

"Six-pole mad lion?" Xiao Yi frowned. He seemed to have heard of this name.

"Forget it, no matter." Xiao Yi shook his head.

In his observation, among the 12 treasures on the sixth floor, only this glove, exuding six-color streamer, has the strongest restraining aura and the most terrifying demon aura.

If nothing happens, this glove should be the most precious treasure in the sixth floor.

"Six-pole gloves? I never go home empty-handed." Xiao Yi smiled smugly.


Sixth more. (Make up)

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