Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2469: Who would cut that sword?


Xiao Yi spewed out blood again.

"Um." Xiao Yi squatted, barely falling down.

But the severe pain in his whole body and the long-lost feeling of powerlessness still made him sit with his back against the mountain wall.

In the moment he fell, the instinct of the warrior and his own experience reaction through battles made him his first reaction is to first look at the dark environment and judge whether there is danger around him.

After a moment of instinct and reaction, when he was sure that there was nothing that could threaten him next time, he breathed a sigh of relief, and the intense pain felt all over his body.

Xiao Yi glanced at his hands. There was pain in both hands, but it was not too serious.

A pair of beasts have already condensed and covered.

Looking at his left foot again, there is also pain, but it is not serious.

The left foot is also surrounded by animal feet.

Only his right foot, the bones almost shattered.

From the right foot up, to his chest, abdomen, back and so on, all the pain is extremely severe, and the bones are probably more than half damaged.

Xiao Yi could even feel that there were broken bones piercing the flesh and blood in his body, and some bone fragments even wandered in his blood.

"Uh." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth.

Such an injury is not serious or not serious.

If it’s for the heyday, this is nothing, or it can be cured by a few means, but now...

"My strength..." Xiao Yi was stunned, "Nothing..."

The long-lost sense of powerlessness comes from the strength he has now lost.

In other words, at this moment, he is just an ordinary person, not even a warrior.

The current injury is due to the loss of strength and the impact generated by the shocking height of falling and colliding with the ground.

From the moment he fell into the crack in the sky and was forcibly absorbed by that suction force, his strength was suddenly gone.

From the top of the Tianyuan crack to the bottom, how high is it? Xiao Yi couldn't explain clearly.

According to his estimation, the depth is probably not under tens of thousands of miles.

At a depth of tens of thousands of miles, what is this concept?

This is more terrible than an ordinary person falling from the edge of a cliff.

In particular, the amazing suction force made him fall to a depth of tens of thousands of miles in almost a few seconds.

That shock force, I am afraid that a martial artist with a successful cultivation base will be instantly smashed into flesh, let alone an ordinary person.

If there is no accident, he should be a pool of flesh at the moment.

But when he fell, he suddenly reacted. Even without his strength, his body can still make that kind of extraordinary distortion.

The moment he landed, his left foot and hands touched the ground first.

The moment it touched the ground, there was a loud noise like the shaking of the earth just now.

However, a pair of beast hands and a beast's foot wrapped up almost all the impact for him, which made him survive.

But even if it was a little bit of prestige, he still suffered serious injuries to his lack of strength, and most of his bones were damaged.

This is his current situation.

"Huh." Xiao Yi breathed heavily and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Now, he can't even heal himself.

What can be done is perhaps to figure out what's going on here, and then find a way to leave.

"Mountain wall?" Xiao Yi frowned. This is the only thing he has found wrong now.

The bottom of the entire Tianyuan crack is pitch black, like an abyss.

In such an astonishing darkness, he couldn't even see anything a meter away, but he could barely see things around him.

In addition, everything is dark.

Xiao Yi touched the mountain wall, which was extremely smooth.

The sword intent and kendo traces here are in fact not obvious. If he hadn't been a peerless swordsman himself, he wouldn't be able to find out what was wrong here.

According to Bai Xing, this secret realm originally existed, and there was no such crack.

It was the six-pole mad lion that blasted out with a punch in the ancient times, and there was this crack that was hundreds of miles wide and tens of thousands of miles across. This is also the tomb that the six-pole mad lion chose for itself.

"Fisting coercion does exist." Xiao Yi frowned.

His strength is gone, but he still feels that he can clearly distinguish these martial arts coercion.

He could feel these terrible pressures from the inside to the outside of the entire Tianyuan crack, including the level ground above the crack.

He could even imagine how horrible the punch that arrogantly dominated the world was struck from the hands of the six-pole mad lion.

The reason why the land in this secret territory is so thick and strong is that the terrible punch has compressed this land of hundreds of thousands of miles to its limit.

Under the punch of the six-pole mad lion, the earth, like a soft bun, was pressed down with a punch, and it directly became a stone that was compressed ten million times.

But in addition to the coercion of boxing, it still has the meaning of kendo.

However, the meaning of kendo does not fill the surroundings, it only exists on the mountain wall.

Yes, the coercion of boxing has filled the entire Tianyuan cracks; only this mountain wall has the intent to shock the sky.

This smooth mountain wall was cut out with a sword.

At the same time, in addition to the sword intent on the mountain wall, it is also mixed with fist coercion, then... it is easy to understand.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "There was definitely more than a six-pole mad lion here back then."

To be more precise, the six-pole mad lion smashed the ground ten million times with a punch; and a certain strong man made a shocking sword before it had this crack.

This secret realm, or this Jedi, was created because of this punch and another sword.

How thick and strong is the compressed earth?

That sword can slash the depth of tens of thousands of miles?

Such a monstrous sword, who in the world can cut it out?

"Senior Ice Sage?" The four characters of Senior Ice Sage that first appeared in Xiao Yi's mind.

In the ancient war, it was the first sword of Senior Ice Sage who opened the continent and brought the ancient period to the end.

However, even though that sword spanned the world, it only smashed ordinary ground.

And this sword smashed an astonishingly thick and solid earth.

It's hard to say which is stronger and weaker, but obviously they don't mean the same thing.

In addition, Senior Bingsheng cultivated Bingming Swordsmanship, but the meaning of Swordsmanship on this mountain wall did not mean Bingming Swordsmanship.

He Xiao Yi practiced Bing Ming Sword Doo himself, he would never be mistaken.


Xiao Yi waved a pair of intact fists and blasted out.

The hands covered by the beast's hands are still strong, and they can still explode with amazing power.

However, under the sound of this explosion, the mountain wall was unharmed, and even a small amount of debris was not raised.

"Sure enough, heavy and hard." Xiao Yi squinted.

The beast's hands were covered with fierce spikes, extremely sharp.

It can be drawn on the mountain wall without leaving a trace.


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