Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2470: This jedi

"Don't even have a beast hand?" Xiao Yi frowned.

The hands, hands and feet obtained from the Eight Dragon Burning Furnace actually shocked him all the time.

Regarding sharpness and explosiveness, he didn't know how to describe it, or rather, he didn't know its limit.

But he was sure that these spikes and the claws on the beast's hand were enough to easily penetrate the body of a 90,000-dao powerhouse.

He even used these two beast hands to easily crush a high-grade pinnacle artifact into broken iron, and it was extremely easy.

When it comes to hard words, this is even more exaggerated.

He hadn't seen anything that could leave any marks on the hands of these beasts, let alone break them.

Even the full palm of Jialuo Demon Venerable just now failed to injure these beast hands, at most it was the gravity that made Xiao Yi feel pain.

If you really want to compare.

It was like the Bingluan sword, it was invincible, and I had never seen anything that could withstand its sharpness, but there was a faint crack in its sword.

But the beast's hand and beast's feet are nothing to break. Nothing can break it, but although its claws are sharp, they still can't reach the sharpest level.

"What the **** is this?" Xiao Yi thought to himself.

Thinking of the beasts and feet, he suddenly remembered all his doubts.

Up to now, not to mention that he used to be an experienced demon hunter, and now he has gone directly into the demon realm to see countless beasts, but he still hasn't been able to recognize the beasts of these beasts and feet.

The other thing is, what kind of powerful monster beast is already dead, and has to be dismembered and sealed, completely sealed in this eight dragon incinerator?

Xiao Yi shook his head, not thinking much about it for the time being, and looked back at the mountain wall again.

The beasts' hands and feet were unable to help these mountain walls.

But Xiao Yi was sure that with the sharpness of the Bingluan sword, these mountain walls could definitely be cut like tofu.

However, condensing the martial soul requires vitality, which he can't do now.

His strength was lost again, and he couldn't fly back to the top of the crack.

And with this own injury, I can’t climb out...

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled and knocked his head, a little annoyed.

I changed someone else and stretched out these Jedi. The darkness around him was like an abyss, and there was no way to escape. I could only wait for death in despair. I was afraid that I would be impatient and even panicked.

But he Xiao Yi was just a little upset.

Perhaps it is these so-called nine deaths, he has experienced too much.

But what is certain is that this kind of insecurity, this kind of nerve and reaction that is different from ordinary people, is by no means owned by any other warrior.

"Who?" Suddenly, Xiao Yi's eyes became cold and he turned back abruptly.

Behind him, there was only darkness, nothing unusual.

"Illusion?" Xiao Yi squinted.

At that moment, he obviously felt a horrifying chill behind him. It seemed that a pair of cold eyes was staring at him in the darkness behind him.

Xiao Yi retracted his gaze and sat down cross-legged suddenly.

With the palm of your hand resting on the mountain wall, I close my eyes and feel the thickness and firmness of the mountain wall.

Perceived, you can put yourself a few meters away.

In any case, this is a Jedi, and he can't be cautious.

And he sits down now, the reason is only that he has an epiphany on the mountain wall here.

This kind of epiphany is a common but rare opportunity for warriors.

This kind of opportunity can often be encountered, but it may not be encountered in most or even a lifetime.

The so-called opportunity is that the opportunity has come, the fate has arrived, and I have grasped it.

An hour later.

Grains of sand condensed in Xiao Yi's hands.

"So that's it." Xiao Yi opened his eyes abruptly, filled with joy.

"It turns out that this is the purpose of the sand bead."

The condensed sand in his hand is the sky sand in the sand bead.

Sand Zhuzhu is an ancient treasure on the same level as the dawn bell.

But since getting the Sand Bite Pearl, he has hardly used it, and he doesn't know how to use it at all.

Now, he has a first glimpse of it.

The sand in the sand-battered bead, a grain of sand can weigh the weight of a majestic mountain.

At the beginning, even if it was the combined battle between the two monsters of Tiansha, it failed to damage these days.

Isn't the thickness and hardness of these sands the same as the thick soil compressed ten million times?

The force of boxing here is so amazing, it just happened to give him a very strong feeling.

"Now is not the time to think about this, forget it." Xiao Yi paused.

If he continues to feel here, his Tiansha can definitely be controlled by a leap, and his use of the Sand Chute Orb will be stronger in the future.

But now, it is obviously not a good time to practice.

How to escape this Tianyuan crack is the business.

"If there is no alternative here, you can only see what is special about this ghost place." Xiao Yi squinted.

Leaving this mountain wall, Xiao Yi walked straight ahead.

A pair of animal hands and feet have been condensed, not dispersed.

Now that he has lost all his strength, with these beasts and beasts close by, at least there is a certain degree of security.

The surroundings were so dark that Xiao Yi could at most see things within a few meters of him.

But this did not prevent him from confirming that this place was an empty place.

Dragging this disabled body, Xiao Yi kept moving forward.

Until it traveled tens of meters.

Suddenly, Xiao Yi suddenly shrank his pupils, and his footsteps also suddenly stagnated.

"Something's wrong." Xiao Yi stopped abruptly, but there was a shock of shock in his heart.

He suddenly understood what happened to Tianyuan Jedi.

He clearly felt that everything in his body was being swallowed by the darkness around him.

The vitality in his body, his perfect physical strength, his vitality, everything about him...

Including the wind holy pot that he hung around his waist, the breath in it was constantly sucking in.

The darkness here is not because of its own darkness; but there seems to be some kind of cold and weird power here, devouring everything.

Including sunlight, including sound, including the power of heaven and earth...

Everything will be swallowed up here.

It's no wonder that although there were shocking sounds when he fell, these sounds almost disappeared in an instant, as if they had never appeared before.

It's not that the abyss is too deep for the sound to pass through; it's that the sound is swallowed.

Xiao Yi was shocked.

The reason why his strength was completely wiped out was also because he was swallowed by the darkness.

This kind of disappearance is not really gone, but the vitality in his body, the physical power contained in his body, etc., he has lost his control and use rights.

His strength was swallowed up by the darkness.

Now, he can already feel that the vitality in his small world, the physical power in his flesh, and even the complete martial arts powers in the small world are being forcibly swallowed at an astonishing speed.

His chest, as if completely shriveled, was full of vitality inside, fast passing by.


Second more.

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