Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2517: Defend

An hour later.

Around the huge competition platform, the strong gathered.

Xiao Yi and Bai Xing are in the seats of the wild lion clan.

"Wow, it's so lively." Bai Xing looked around, smiling.

"This is much more lively than the national calendar held every ten years in our Black Fierce Kingdom."

Xiao Yi ignored Bai Xing, only frowned and looked around.

Cautious as Xiao Yi, no matter where you are, you will be the first to be familiar with and clear the surrounding environment.

He had seen this huge competition platform, he had seen it when he first came to Supreme City.

The second competition is about to begin. Sitting around is naturally the teams of the various kingdoms, the strong, the worship, and the leading demon masters.

Around the huge competition platform, there are more than thousands of strong monsters at this time.

And behind the competition stage, is the huge prison.

This cage is where the Tianjiao of Human Race was previously held.

After the first competition, a group of Human Race Tianjiao was once again detained and returned to the cage.

In other words, at this time, the cage that held a lot of Human Race Tianjiao was right next to the martial arts stage, and it was also under the gaze of countless demon race experts present.

It is impossible to save people openly.

"Brother Li, what are you looking at?" At this moment, Bai Xing asked suspiciously beside him.

Before Xiao Yi returned.

Bai Xing took the lead with a smile, "This second competition will also be a cutscene, so don't worry about leaving my brother."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

Bai Xing continued, "The group of prey, according to strength, scores one to three points; nearly three hundred prey, almost eight hundred points, exactly corresponding to the more than 800 people of the demon race Tianjiao before us."

"According to expectations, a strong team should be able to get more than 10 points, and ordinary teams also have 5 or 6 points. Weak teams should also get two or three points."

"Unexpectedly, you will take all the points away from the old brother. This second game is better than a fart." Bai Xing smiled complacently.

Yes, according to the rules and expectations of the first game, teams like the Ten Kingdoms can at least score more than ten.

Other teams will also have points.

Most teams will definitely be able to capture their prey.

After that, it was the second competition.

The first competition was to hunt and kill at will in the huge supreme forest to grab points from each other; while the second competition was to protect the points.

The first game, grab.

The second game, defend.

Although it was necessary to guard the points in the first game, it was difficult to explain why more than a hundred teams were fighting in a melee at that time. It is also because of the melee, so it is more likely that even a strong team cannot get too many points. .

And the second game is the one-to-one guardian points, the time to test the true strength.

The original expectation was that in the second game, teams competed one-on-one, competing fiercely in order to protect their prey points.

With more than a hundred teams, the battle between the two will be exceptional.

But now the result is that Yi Yaoli alone gets all the points.

In other words, in the second competition, there will be one person who will become a foreigner, each team will fight each other, and there will be more than eight hundred Yaozu Tianjiao.

The Yaozu Tianjiao with more than 800 points can only challenge one person, Yi Yaoli, because now only Yi Yaoli has points.

But at the same time, in the first competition, in the Supreme Forest, Yi Yaoli had completely regretted all the feats of the Yao Clan Tianjiao.

One foot smashed the ground 60,000 miles.

All the Yaozu Tianjiao team has not defeated Yi Yaoli, so what is the point of this wheel war?

Therefore, this second competition is just a formality.

Even if the strange monster leaves the stage, I am afraid that no one dares to challenge, no one has the ability to grab those prey points.

Bai Xing glanced at the huge cage on the side of the martial arts platform, and smiled again, "Now, those human slaves really belong to you, brother."

Xiao Yi smiled.

The reason why the live prey has greater value in the first competition is that the dead prey will only become a loess in the Supreme Forest, weak prey, and not qualified to leave the Supreme Forest.

Only the living prey can return to this huge cage again.

The points obtained in the first competition are only temporarily owned.

Only through the competition in the second game, is it really sure of possession.

After the second competition, these living human slaves are in the hands of the temporary owner. If they can continue to own them, then they will be truly owned.

To put it more simply, after the second competition, these human slaves will become the real private property of the victor, and they belong to him.

But in the end, these human slaves will eventually be sacrificed; therefore, these private properties can be used as points to exchange for another reward.

Bai Xing smiled and said, "You can get another 800 rewards if you wait for you, this time you don't have to give it to me and Young Master."

Xiao Yi nodded, but his heart was cold.

He couldn't get this second exchange reward.

Because he would never trade a lot of Human Race Tianjiao.

When the competition here is over, it's time for him to take a group of Human Race Tianjiao away.

Xiao Yi glanced at Bai Xing and asked, "How come the second competition hasn't started yet? Are you still waiting for someone?"

Bai Xing nodded, and pointed to the spectator stand in the distance, "Look at that from brother."

In the distance, at the head of the spectator stand, there are eleven empty seats.

If you guessed it correctly, that would be the seats of Liuheng Demon Lord and Ten Demon Lord.

The eleven strongest people in the demon realm can immediately get a glimpse of the truth.

For a long while.

Wow... In the air, there was a burst of brilliance.

Eleven figures appeared out of thin air on the empty seats.

There are eleven figures, ten of them are the elderly, and the middle-aged person is in the middle seat.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes and whispered, "Bai Xing, do you recognize these supreme?"

Bai Xing nodded, "I am not qualified to see a little guy like me, but the giant elephant supreme has seen it once or twice, and it is still in the light of my old man."

"But even though I haven't seen other Supreme Masters, I have heard the descriptions and I can probably recognize them."

Bai Xing lowered his voice, as if he didn't dare to presume half a point, leaning over to Xiao Yi's ear, his eyes scanned the front.

"Hey, look at Old Brother Li, the one in the middle, who is very beautiful, is the emperor of our Demon Realm, Liuheng Demon Lord."

Liuheng Demon Lord, although he looked like a middle-aged man, he was obviously a handsome man.

"The one on the right, with a majestic face and a burly figure, is the old mad lion supreme, you know the old brother Li."

"The one on the left, dressed in purple, is noble and inexplicable, is Zichen Supreme."

"Counting further to the left, the strange old man next to him is Qingyue Supreme."

"Next to you, the old fellow with a cold face, you can also recognize the old brother, that is the old birdman Jialuo Yaozun."

"Next to him, in yellow clothes, that is Qianjun Supreme."

Qianjun Zhizun, dressed in yellow, knows that he is not angry and majestic when he looks at his face.

"Next to him, the one dressed in star costumes is Mangxing Supreme."

Mang Xing Zhizun, the most obvious is the two long beards on his chin.


Second more.

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