Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2518: Last scene

Bai Xing introduced one by one.

Counting from the right, next to the Mad Lion Demon Venerable, is the Giant Elephant Demon Venerable, followed by the Holy Cherry Demon Venerable.

However, this Saint Sakura Demon Venerable turned out to be an old woman, which surprised Xiao Yi a bit.

Beside the Saint Sakura Demon Venerable, is a White Soul Demon Venerable in a white costume.

This white costume is not pure white, but inexplicable symbols carved on it. It also looks noble and inexplicable, but it is also a bit mysterious.

As far as Xiao Yi knew, the Bai Po clan was the most mysterious of the ten monster clan.

If the methods of the Jialuo clan are weird, the Baipu clan is mysterious.

And beside Bai Po Yao Zun, the last one on the right hand side was Lie Hao Yao Zun.

Liehao Yaozun is a fat old man with a smile on his face, but his eyes are a little wandering, seeming to be distracted.

Just at this moment, the surrounding monster clan powerhouses got up one after another.

"See the Lord, and join you all."

The neat and respectful voice resounded throughout the world.

Countless powerful people, including fifty demon masters, eighteen commanders, and idle powerhouses, all bowed and saluted.

On the head-end seat, the middle-aged man pressed his hands.

The ten demon sovereigns took the lead to sit down, followed by the ten demon masters and fifty demon masters.

After that, Fang was the strongest of the monster races.

"Liuheng Demon Lord, Ten Great Demon Venerable." Xiao Yi squinted and then retracted his gaze instantly.

He is very clear that for the strong, any weak gaze can be felt immediately.

But now under the gaze of countless strong people, his gaze is not too conspicuous, so he is not worried.

These eleven people are the strongest of the monster race.

He didn't worry about this, anyway, worrying was also for nothing. This is a character that the eight masters will deal with, and he doesn't need to worry about it.

"Eighteen Si Ming." Xiao Yi frowned slightly, then looked at Bai Xing.

"What's the matter with these eighteen lives?" Xiao Yi asked in a low voice.

It has only been ten days since he came to the Demon Region, and he only knows a rough idea.

Bai Xing thought for a while, and said, "The rules and regulations of our Demon Realm are determined by the Liuheng Demon Lord, you know what you know, brother Li."

Xiao Yi nodded.

Bai Xing continued, "Since there are laws, naturally you need to execute them."

"The eighteen chief commanders are law enforcers who are in charge of life and death."

Xiao Yi frowned slightly and asked, "Isn't the rules and regulations in the hands of the demon king and the supreme?"

Bai Xing shook his head and explained, "Our Demon Realm has a kingdom, a principality, and idle power."

"But all of these need to follow the will of the demon king and the supreme."

"Many years, many years ago..." Bai Xing said, counting his fingers, "I don't know how long it was, anyway, long, long ago, in the demon domain, the strongest old supreme dominated the demon domain."

"But no matter how strong the existence is, it will eventually fall."

"Later, five people fell."

"And after that, the demon king rises, he dominates the entire demon realm with his own power, and also formulates the rules of law."

"From then on, the demon lord and the remaining five old supreme sages are all the decision makers of the entire demon realm."

"The five old supreme beings are the mad lion supreme, the giant elephant supreme, the zichen supreme, the blue moon supreme, and the holy cherry supreme."

Xiao Yi nodded, he knew this.

Even at the level of the Galo Demon Venerable, I must call it the "Old Demon Venerable" when he sees the Mad Lion Demon Venerable.

Bai Xing continued, "Galuo, Bai Po, Qianjun, Liehao, and Mangxing, these five supreme beings are all heirs to the previous old supreme, the younger generation, so they met the five old supreme Gongsheng shouted "Old Supreme"."

Bai Xing paused, and said, "Monster, and the five old supreme ones, are the decision makers; therefore, the law enforcement officers are also selected by them."

"It's the eighteen chief commanders."

"The demon king can set eight places by himself; the other five old supreme ones occupy two places each."

"Total 18 people."

Bai Xing suppressed his voice extremely low, "I heard the old man in my family say that it was because of avoiding infighting and avoiding disputes between the ten major tribes, that the eighteenth division was selected."

"It is up to the Eighteenth Division to act as law enforcement, not the demon king and the old supreme to execute the law."

"Therefore, once you become the chief commander, you can do everything in your hand. Unless it is particularly necessary, even the supreme and the demon can not change the order of life and death."

"Also, every chief commander has extremely noble blood, so he can hold this position."

Xiao Yi nodded.

At this moment, the mad lion demon lord not far away looked at the two of them, "What are you muttering?"

"Boy, are you still stunned? Are you on the court?"

Around, the noise and restlessness had ceased, and almost all eyes were on the side of the wild lion clan.

"It's time for you to play." The mad lion demon master let out a low voice.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi reacted, nodded, and stood up.

A flash, appeared on the huge competition stage.

"Weird Monster Li."

The moment Xiao Yi appeared, all the gazes around him swept across.

What is the talent of this little guy who stole the limelight in the Supreme Forest?

Including the head of the head, the eyes of the Liuheng Demon Lord and the ten demon Lords also looked at Xiao Yi at the same time.

"Can someone take the stage to challenge?" At this moment, the Demon Master Zi Chen jumped to the middle of the martial arts stage and asked loudly.

This is the Supreme City, and the person who presided over this festival is naturally the strong of the Zichen clan.

At the beginning of the second competition, Liuheng Demon Lord and Ten Demon Lords were also present to watch. Naturally, only the level of Zichen Demon Lord was qualified to host the stage.

On the seats around, the demon masters and demon clan powerhouses looked towards their younger generation.

However, the arrogant young people in the past, including Hu Yanjin, Di Feng and others, were all silent, and no one dared to take the stage to challenge.

The demon masters all around frowned.

The Demon Lord Zichen frowned and said loudly, "Can someone come on stage to challenge?"

"If not, according to the rules, all points earned by Yi Yaoli in the first game will be retained and owned by one of them."

Around, there was still no Yaozu Tianjiao answering to take the stage.

But = for this situation, most people obviously had anticipated it.

The Demon Lord Zichen glanced at the seats at the head, and at the Liuheng Demon Lord and Zichen Demon Lord.

After a while, the Demon Lord Zichen retracted his gaze and nodded, "Since no one is on stage to challenge, then in the second game, the winner, leave."

"The first place gets the points from the competition, and all the aliens are retained."

Around, there was a burst of boiling, and there was a burst of noise.

Regarding this result, although most Yaozu Tianjiao were unwilling, they were helpless.

"Weird demon." The Demon Master Zi Chen looked down at Xiao Yi, "The human slaves in the cage behind you are now all yours."

"But whether you can exchange them for rewards depends on what you do later."

"The third competition begins now."

As the voice fell, an astonishing breath came from afar, from all directions.

A group of strong monsters followed their breath, their pupils shrank and their faces were serious.

There is a breath and a figure in every direction.

There are ten ways, ten people in all.

The breath of ten directions is overwhelming.

Ten figures, step by step, walked slowly.

"Is it them? The top ten in the Demon Dragon Ranking?" The surroundings instantly boiled.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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