Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2567: Just because he is an outsider

"and then?"

Xiao Yi sneered, and there was no more anger on his face, just pure coldness, pure jokes.

"Are you going to take me down?"

"The host of Xiao Yi Hall is serious." Dongfang Jinglei arched his hands.

"Uncle Yun." Dongfang Jinglei looked at Dongfang Yingyun earnestly, "Something needs an explanation after all."

"Patriarch just said that this is indeed a misunderstanding." Dongfang Jinglei then looked directly at Dongfang Patriarch.

"Then please tell me, what kind of misunderstanding is it, so that fifty thousand elites can besieged Palace Master Xiao Yi?"

"What kind of misunderstanding is it to make Mian Commander, Jue Commander, and a dozen ordinary commanders turn a blind eye to the already badly injured Palace Master Xiao Yi?"

"Knowing that the Hallmaster Xiao Yi was being chased by two demon veterans, he was seriously injured and was in danger; the Dongfang family's elite did not save people and were surrounded by dead ends."

Behind him, Dongfang Qilin sneered, "The second uncle is now helping an outsider to punish the heart, but it's amazing."

Dongfang Jinglei looked at Dongfang Qilin coldly, "Your second uncle and I are a martial idiot, but not a fool."

"Your second uncle and I have killed countless people at the same time. You have killed more people than you have ever lived."

"Your second uncle and I, also called cold-faced Yan Luo by outsiders, have a bad temper, but not as good as your father."

Dongfang Jinglei's tone was already murderous.

Oriental Kylin's face changed.

Dongfang Jinglei looked directly at Dongfang Patriarch, "Actually, there has never been a misunderstanding, has it?"

"It's just that Zhi'er uses the elite of the family to avenge her personal revenge for her own selfish desires, right?"

"Hall Master Xiao Yi is immortal, and Mo You will be deprived of his power to hold a hundred thousand elite, right?"

"For such a simple question, I can figure it out after a little thought. Brother actually understands it more clearly, but you have to protect Zhi'er, right?"

After four questions in a row, the Eastern Patriarch closed his eyes and exhaled slightly.

After a while, the Eastern Patriarch opened his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Thunder, so you mean to let me hand over my daughter and your niece, right?"

Dongfang Jinglei said solemnly, "This is the family rule."

"Zhi'er is already lawless, acting nonsense and violating family rules..."

The Dongfang Patriarch's face was cold, and he immediately yelled, "So your second uncle must force her to die?"

The Patriarch of the East was obviously angry about the killing intent that Dongfang Jinglei showed to Dongfang Qilin.

Dongfang Jinglei said coldly, "The same sentence, the family rules are like this."

Dongfang Patriarch said coldly, "So what are you going to do?"

Dongfang Jinglei shook the nameless thunder spear in his handshake, "I was good at adjusting the elite, only for his own selfish desires, which caused catastrophe, and 10,000 elites died."

"According to the family rules, she is at least expelled from the family as punishment."

"Furthermore, frame the successor of the Eight Palaces, to shame the Dongfang family, and even put the Dongfang family into such a situation. According to the family rules, she should kill it on the spot."

"But considering her very young age, and the many contributions she has made to the Eastern family over the years, she is also considered a great achievement."

"Compensating the merits and demerits can save her from the death penalty, but the living sin cannot escape."

"Abandon the cultivation base, expel from the Dongfang family, and then life and death will have nothing to do with the Dongfang family."

"Of course, she is my blood relative of Dongfang Jinglei. If Badian still needs to be held accountable after this matter, I will protect her and take responsibility for her."

When the Patriarch of the East heard this, his body was trembling, or angry, short-tempered, or hesitant and embarrassed.

"Big Brother." Dongfang Jinglei said solemnly, "The law cannot be abolished. What is the meaning of these four words, you should know more clearly as the head of the family."

"My Dongfang family, the total number of elite iron guards is 330,000, and the ordinary iron guards exceed one million."

"Counting the other tribes, they have been passed down for thousands of years, and there are more than millions of people."

"If everyone feels that the clan rules are violated, and gradually all of them are lucky and act recklessly, what kind of Oriental family will the Dongfang family become?"

"If there is no discipline, the elites of the Dongfang family will only be defeated."

"I..." Dongfang Patriarch's face was stagnant.

The surrounding elders looked at the two with ugly expressions.

These two people are the two optimistic pillars of the Dongfang family.

The two people are now facing each other tit-for-tat, and if there is an accident, it will also be a disaster for the Dongfang family.

"Hall Master Xiao Yi." At this moment, Dongfang Baijiao's expression became more pleading.

Being present, the only person who can ease the situation is the Hallmaster Xiao Yi who is the center of the event.

"The Dongfang Family has always had good relations with the Eight Halls, and the two Halls of Shura and Fengcha are even more intergenerational."

"This matter may be eased."

"You are fine now, and there is no loss. Can you sell the two main hall masters for the sake of face..."

"Yes." Xiao Yi sneered and nodded without hesitation.

Dongfang Baijiao's face was instantly overjoyed.

In the next second, Xiao Yi said coldly, "It's just that your words represent those two old guys?"

"You call those two old guys, if they let me sell the face, I'll allow it."

"I, I, I..." Dongfang Baijiao was taken aback.

"As for the loss." Xiao Yi's face became colder, "Yi Ming lost his ten thousand years of life and almost died, and I almost died."

"You mean, wait until I really lose, wait until I die, then come to ask for justice?"

"Old man didn't mean that." Dongfang Baijiao's expression changed.

"Hall Master Xiao Yi, you are aggressive." Dongfang Jue wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Be reasonable and not forgiving. You have to show off the limelight and watch my Eastern family fight for life and death. Are you satisfied?"

"Jinglei commander." An elder leader said solemnly, "How about the family affairs of my Dongfang family? Let's discuss it slowly."

"But, in front of an outsider, it is better not to lose this face."

"How to deal with Deputy Commander Zhi, you can discuss it privately with the Patriarch."

"You..." Dongfang Jinglei looked at the cold expressions of the surrounding commanding elders, and suddenly his body trembled, and at the same time, he understood everything in an instant.

At this moment, he suddenly felt stunned.

However, his face has become even colder, and his eyes have become extremely complicated.

Dongfang Jinglei stepped back two steps, glanced at the Dongfang Patriarch and the surrounding elders, and slowly opened his mouth.

"Yesterday, Palace Master Xiao Yi brought a group of arrogances, but at the same time he rushed out with a monster. Therefore, according to the rules of the Dongfang family, the leaders and a group of elites blocked the way to prevent accidents."

"But, what if there were a lot of human talents and monsters at the same time, it was Qilin, Zhi'er, any member of my Dongfang family?"

"Extreme commander, a group of elites, will they stop?"

If it was anyone from the Dongfang family who had saved the Tianjiao and left at that time, the strong and elite of the Dongfang family would never block the way, and would even save people immediately.

"Why are you stopping the Hallmaster Xiao Yi?"

"Our Dongfang family teamed up with the Eight Halls and the Asura Hall warriors to fight against the demons. There are countless stories of **** battles."

"Why didn't you believe in the Lord Xiao Yi at that time?"

"Just because of Zhi'er's instigation and slander?"

Dongfang Jinglei shook his head, as if he was old.

"Actually, there have never been so-called misunderstandings, have they?"

"The leader of Mian, the leader of the absolute, did not find any suspiciousness at that time, it was not unconscious, was it?"

"Just because the Hall Master Xiao Yi is an outsider."

"Today, the commanding elders don't think that Zhi'er has done anything wrong, or that Palace Master Xiao Yi is unreasonable and aggressive."

"And just because he is an outsider."


Second more.

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