Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2568: Is it so hard to spare her life?

At this moment, Dongfang Jinglei understood everything.

He even said it.

Yes, no one in the Dongfang family is a fool at all.

It’s not that he is thundering in the East, neither are the commanding elders, nor are the ordinary commanders, nor are the elite iron guards.

If so, they would have died on the edge of this demon realm for hundreds of times.

Many things can actually be understood at once.

At this moment, the so-called family rules and the so-called truth are just a joke.

Yesterday, the two leaders of Dongfang Mian and Dongfang Jue did not realize that something was wrong, but they would rather believe Dongfang Zhi's words.

They saw the two monsters chasing Xiao Yi, seeing Xiao Yi seriously injured, and of course also seeing Xiao Yi rushing out with the monster beast.

Of course they have doubts, but of course they will immediately understand.

It's just that they don't trust Xiao Yi; no, maybe they don't believe in Xiao Yi's successor to the Eight Palaces; it's just that they prefer to believe in their own people compared to the words of an outsider and their own people.

And when they chose to believe in Dongfang Zhi, even if it was only a difference in thought, for Xiao Yi at that time, the difference between life and death was instantaneous, and it was urgent.

Therefore, it created a contradiction that intensified afterwards, and even insoluble.

Xiao Yi was right.

It was Dongfang Zhi and the two leaders who were wrong.

But, what about that, that's just an outsider.

"Jinglei commander." The surrounding commanding elders all handed over, "Wait for this matter and discuss with the owner later."

"Some people, shouldn't it be time to leave?" The surrounding commanding elders looked at Xiao Yi coldly.

Xiao Yi felt these gazes and let out a sneer.

He could have guessed the result now.

Because he saw what was going on earlier than Dongfang Jinglei.

Although family and sect are both forces, the difference between the two is too great.

Compared with other forces, a family is a combination of the same root and the same surname. This is the biggest difference.

He had already seen this clearly, so he had almost kept his eyes cold and watched jokingly.

He also wanted to see how this Dongfang family, who looked like a hero in the eyes of outsiders, would show up when facing him.

The word human nature is sometimes subtle.

"I think you all seem to have misunderstood something." Xiao Yi sneered.

"I leave?"

"But after I received my momentum, I felt that today I am here to make sense?"

"How to negotiate within your family has nothing to do with me. I will only take people."

The commanding elders around him changed his face again.

Yes, the center of the matter has never been the dispute between Dongfang Jinglei and Dongfang Patriarch.

It was the young man in front of him who was furious today and came here to get people.

"The Patriarch has already said that it was a misunderstanding." Dongfang said coldly.

"Yes, it's just a misunderstanding." The surrounding elders said in unison.

"Hall Master Xiao Yi, you have no harm, now you have to be aggressive, and you have to come here to get people."

"Eight Halls, is that kind of tolerance?"

"The successor of the Eight Halls is so unreasonable and extremely arrogant?"

In the eyes of all the commanding elders, Dongfang Jinglei still can't hold people. Why is there a brat in Xiao Yi district?

Although Xiao Yi's status is honorable, he is still unscathed now.

Everyone in the Dongfang family just had to bite to death just a misunderstanding, what can Xiao Yi do?

Everyone's thoughts can't hide from Xiao Yi's eyes.

"Okay, then I will settle another account with you first." Xiao Yi sneered.

"Dongfang Zhi releases the Demon Race Diro privately, and then gives the information so that Diro will bring the information back to the Demon Venerable and report it to the Demon Venerable. How is this different from colluding with the Demon Clan?"

Xiao Yi glanced at the surrounding elders, especially Dongfang Jue, "If I remember correctly, she kept saying that I was in collusion with the monster clan."

"Then you will kill me for this."

"Then Dongfang Zhi colluded with the demon clan now, how can it be calculated?"

"We..." The surrounding commanding elder's tone stagnated.

The Dongfang Patriarch squinted, "Hall Master Xiao Yi, you can't talk nonsense."

Xia Yiming said coldly, "A crowd of arrogants can testify."

"In the demon realm, Diro personally said that the information is all told by the second lady of the Dongfang family, can it be fake?"

"More than two hundred Tianjiao testified, can the Eastern Patriarch still turn black and white?"

"Really?" Dongfang Patriarch sneered, "Xia Yiming, do you know what crime is for framing my Dongfang Family?"

"It is necessary for the master of the family to pass on these arrogances to ask, what do they say?"

Xia Yiming's heart burst as he watched the Dongfang Patriarch's confident sneer.

"Yi Ming, forget it." Xiao Yi sneered, already understood, "It seems that during my healing day, Dongfang Patriarch's preparations are not only to send Dongfang Zhi away."

"I'm afraid, of those more than 200 Tianjiao, few are willing to tell the truth now."

Dongfang sneered, "Of course they will tell the truth, but they won't be willing to help some ruthless people get along with them."

"The most important thing is that they won't be at this critical juncture, regardless of the overall situation, to force to death the young arrogant of my Eastern family."

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled lightly and nodded, "All right."

"Since it's for this reason, let's talk openly."

Before talking with the Eastern Patriarch, it was a conversation between smart people, even if they didn't explain each other, they knew their meanings.

Now, the Eastern Patriarch has already taken the lead in tearing his skin.

"The Eastern Patriarch, seems to have been underestimating it all the time." Xiao Yi sneered.

"Don't let the black samurai guarding the prison tell me more, and you think you can get over me? A joke."

"Bangzhihua has no shore and no life, no darkness and no sound, right?"

"Dongfang Zhi's martial spirit, I'm afraid no one in Dongfang Family knows except for you, Dongfang Patriarch."

"Bangzhihua, perhaps many people have never heard of it, but I should be clear about it."

"Ashoreless Flower?" Dongfang Jinglei, and the surrounding elders, their expressions changed at the same time.

"Nonsense." The Dongfang Patriarch yelled coldly, his face twitching.

"You don't have to admit it." Xiao Yi sneered.

"What I have is a way to prove it."

"Of course, I am not interested in proving to you now."

"I just know that this one alone is enough for Dongfang Zhi to be on the top of the list of wanted orders for the Eight Palaces."

"You..." The face of the Dongfang Patriarch was ugly, "Hall Master Xiao Yi, it is so difficult to let the little girl live in your capacity? Is it so difficult to spare her once?"

"Difficult?" Xiao Yi instantly looked grim.

"I was desperately trying to save people in the Demon Realm, but your Eastern family member stabbed in the back."

"Do you know how many times I have died in nine deaths? How many times have I been exposed by accident?"

"If the information about my entry into the Demon Realm wasn't leaked, why would it be so shocking?"

"I managed to save people and flee, so should I escape from the demon realm immediately, and surround me all the time, forcing me into a dead end?"

"Patriarch Dongfang should answer this question for me, how difficult is it for me to spare her?"


Third more.

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