Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2631: risk

If he guessed correctly, the secret of a dark land is in this cave.

Xiao Yi did not enter immediately, but looked around.

Last time, in order to save Meng Binghe, everything rushed in, quickly saved people and left.

This time, Xiao Yi was alone, so he could have more time to investigate the situation here.

Black gas overflowed from the cave.

The number is not large, but it is continuous.

As soon as the black qi overflowed, it misted out in a flash.

"Hei Tan." Xiao Yi frowned.

He could recognize at a glance, these black auras were the black tan that made everyone in the Demon Realm fearful from the common demon race to the highest demon.

And these overflowing black pans didn't seem to be many, just because they were misted by white in an instant.

"Here, is the nemesis of Hei Ya?" Xiao Yi frowned, and this doubt arose in his heart.

Judging from his first judgment now, this cave, in the center of the black-free land, overflowed with black and white, and then all was fogged by white. It seems that the purpose of the black-free land is to trap this society. Overflowing black cave.

It's just that these black panics continue to overflow, which is absolutely unusual.

I'm not afraid of it being overwhelming, but I'm afraid it's endless.

Xiao Yi was not in a hurry to enter the cave. He was alone, with greater assurance, and more time.

Whoosh... the figure flashed, and the figure wandered in this white mist forest.

This demon realm is listed as a forbidden land, and is known as a fierce land that must die if you enter it. How dare someone wander in it?


Alone, the sky and the earth are big, Xiao Yi can go there.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Yi stopped walking and returned to the cave again.

The scope of this white mist forest is not much, it is only a small forest-like scope.

At his speed, he can travel every inch of land here in a short time.

However, the result was nothing.

The usual clues could not be hidden from his eyes.

But here, there is no trace at all, or even the slightest trace.

That kind of feeling is like this white mist forest for thousands of years. It has existed for thousands of years without anyone stepping into it, and even everything is still, nothing has ever happened.

One flower, one grass, one tree and one tree here seems to not grow, and there will be no change in thousands of years.

"All traces are gone." Xiao Yi frowned and sat down to judge.

He knew that although this white mist forest was classified as a fierce land, it was not really that no one dared to step into it, but the number was very small.

He counts as one. At the beginning, he brought Gui Yi and Bai Xing into it. Later, there will be Meng Binghe and the mysterious person who urged Meng Binghe to come here.

But here, there are no traces at all.

Including all the traces of Xiao Yi's actions, footprints, breath, etc. just now, when he turned around and walked again, these traces would suddenly become white mist and disappear completely.

White fog forest, no dark place, hence its name.

Except for white, there is nothing here.

"Black Snow Holy Land?" Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, and suddenly remembered these four characters in his heart.

How similar is the situation here to the Black Snow Holy Land?

Here in the White Mist Forest, why is there a sense of emptiness everywhere?

It's just that, in contrast to the black snow holy land, everything does not exist, just like everything is dead; and here in the white mist forest, there is life, such as these flowers and trees.

But in the same way, except for all the snow-white things that I originally had here, nothing else exists.

His Xiao Yi may be an exception.

Xiao Yi frowned, "This place is the same as the Black Snow Holy Land, everything is empty, even with a strong killing intent."

"It's just compared to the gloom in the Black Snow Holy Land, the killing intent here has more leeway."

Xiao Yi temporarily suppressed his doubts, looked at the cave ahead, and stepped into it.

Inside the cave, the scene is the same as when I came to fish out Meng Binghe last time.

"Ice chips?" Xiao Yi waved a big hand, and on the ground, an ice chip was sucked into his hand.

Perceived slightly.

On the icicles, there was the breath of Meng Binghe.

This is the condensed ice debris of Meng Binghe. When I first saw it last time, Meng Binghe went mad, and the glacial mammoth martial arts spirit ran away instantly, freezing most of the surrounding area in the cave.

In that battle, most of the ice was broken by him or directly into nothingness.

Only a few icy debris remained.

These ice chips are left over from the last battle.

For those who are strong in the realm of respect, it is not surprising that the condensed ice can exist for so long without melting.

However, this proves that there are traces in this cave.

What happened here, all traces, will not disappear and evaporate in a flash like the outside.

"Sure enough, they seem to be in the same place, but this cave and the white fog forest outside are two completely different places." Xiao Yi muttered to himself and put down the ice in his hands.

Taking a few steps forward, Xiao Yi came to the pit ahead.

In the pit, strands of black drifted away.

The black sun spilling out of the cave came from here.

Xiao Yi frowned and looked closely.

Perceiving at close range, he still had no way of discovering what power this black cat was.

Xiao Yi held his hand and thought.

The only thing he can be sure of right now is that this change of sky is absolutely inseparable from the black cat.

He would not be wrong about this.

After he absorbed the dark cloud of the Shenmu Kingdom at the beginning, the dark cloud of the martial art of the demon domain weakened a little.

This thread was extremely inconspicuous, or just like a wave in the big river, but it was still keenly caught by him.

And Hei Tan, the source he knew for the time being, was this cave.

This is also the reason why he has to come to a place where there is no darkness to explore again.

To clarify the origin of the black pan, or to resolve the matter, a place without black must be the key.

And this cave is obviously the secret of the white mist forest and the dark place.

Xiao Yi squinted, and there were many doubts in his mind.

But obviously, these doubts are all related, and once the answers are obtained, these doubts will be open and cheerful.

Everything is only a breakthrough point.

As long as you figure out what's going on in this cave, perhaps, everything will be logical.

Xiao Yi slowly stretched out his hand and dived into the pothole.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi's pupils shrank, and his arms were instantly surrounded by black, with an inexplicable absorption force that seemed to draw him into it.

He could completely rely on the Bingluan Sword to **** up the black cats in his hand, but this time he wanted to perceive the black cats carefully.


It was almost a moment of this hesitant thought, and the black sun surrounded by the arm instantly fell into the arm.

Afterwards, the black tan penetrated the bone marrow and instantly covered any part of the body's limbs and skeletal organs.

"What a fast speed, what a fierce power." Xiao Yi's eyes were startled.

It is no wonder that every time Hei Tan appears weird, he will instantly put the Hei Tan in his body to death at an almost terrifying speed.


"Puff." Xiao Yi spouted out a mouthful of blood, and a cold phantom stood beside him.


A cold and cruel hand took Xiao Yi straight.


Second more.

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