Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2632: Fall into it

"Bad." Xiao Yi's heart burst.

The original clear gaze was a little loose.

The vitality in the body and the complete martial arts are all in disorder at this moment.

At this moment, Xiao Yi actually became a bit difficult even to manipulate his body.

The ferocious hand got closer, and this sense of weakness and hardship became stronger.

The shadowy figure next to him, even standing alone, made people tremble with fear.

"Respiratory Demon?" Xiao Yi bit his tongue, shaking his arm, and forcibly withdrew his arm from the hole.

"Bingluan sword, **** it for me." Xiao Yi shouted inwardly.

At the same time, he glared at his footsteps and quickly stepped back a dozen steps away from the pothole.


In the small world, the Bingluan sword martial soul was shining, and the body was dark, and it was completely absorbed in an instant.

However, the yin and cold virtual shadow still exists.

Xiao Yi knew that it was Breath Demon.

The sequelae of the last time the seal of the Sealed Breath Sword was branded in the small world broke out again.

The existence of Breath Demon has nothing to do with the black sun here.

"What a terrible heart demon." Xiao Yi secretly said, pressing the Dao Xin that was slightly broken in his body.

The disordered vitality and complete martial arts in the body instantly returned to normal.

"Disperse me." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

The cold shadow in front gradually dissipated.

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled lightly when he saw this.

Normal warriors have inner demons.

But like Breath Demon, appearing concretely beside him, Xiao Yi saw it for the first time.

Such a terrifying heart demon is enough to cause the martial artist's Dao Heart to collapse in a short period of time, and die directly.

On the road of martial arts, the heart demon has always been the most terrifying existence.

And Breath Demon, this backlash heart demon from the six shocking demon swords, is almost the most terrifying heart demon.

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled lightly again, looking straight at the pothole ahead.

The existence of Breath Demon has nothing to do with Hei Tan.

At that moment, Hei Tan invaded his body, covering his entire body, and it actually hit his Dao Heart with a very strong impact.

This kind of terrifying Dao Xin intrusion and impact is absolutely enough to cause the Dark Devils in the body to explode in a short period of time. The lightest is the result of a madness and a brief disappearance of the mind.

And his Xiao Yi, it just happened that there was the backlash of the Breath Demon, before the Dao Heart collapsed, and the Heart Demon broke out, and this led to the Breath Demon.

Xiao Yi ignored this point temporarily.

As long as he practices the Six Swords of Shocking Demon in one day, this kind of backlash of the Shocking Gods and Demon will exist for one day; unless he can achieve complete and perfect control, and truly achieve the six swords to confine the sky.

Therefore, he thinks these are useless now.

When you practice more diligently in the future, these backlashes will become less and less, as long as they don't break out.

Look back at these black scorpions in the front now.

That fierceness filled his whole body in an instant, attacking his whole body, flesh and bones; and that kind of Dao Heart attack, even a sword cultivator with a strong Dao Heart like his Xiao Yi, instantly burst out of demons. , Leaving only a short reaction time.

Xiao Yi has always been extremely confident in the strength of his Dao Heart.

This time, the horror of Hei Tan obviously exceeded his expectations.

Regarding the existence of Hei Tan, in fact these top powerhouses in the Demon Realm are all paying attention.

Liuheng Demon Lord, Mad Lion Demon Lord, and other demon Lords all set out to investigate this matter.

Last time, Old Demon Sage Sakura came to the Shenmu Kingdom in person, intending to find out.

But so far, Hei Tan is still a mystery and a mystery, and even Liuheng Demon Lord has no solution.

The reason is that these black cats appear extremely strange, come fast, and disappear fast.

Often before the powerhouse of the demon realm could react, Hei Tan had already wiped out the creatures, swallowing everything, and then disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, those who are in the dark must have no bones, annihilation of spiritual consciousness, and even no trace of it.

Therefore, no one can catch the black cat, and can't investigate the black cat's origin and solution.

This is the reason why even Liuheng Demon Lord, who can change the laws of heaven and earth with a single word, can't help but be dark.

"With such a terrible degree of invasion, the middle man will almost die..." Xiao Yi frowned.

"No, it's not right." Xiao Yi suddenly remembered.

Meng Binghe was caught in the dark, and he persisted in this cave for more than ten years.

The reason, according to Meng Binghe, is that he has been leaning against this pothole for more than ten years.

Every time he wants to break out of darkness, he wants to go crazy, as long as he leans against this pit, he feels comfortable and barely saves his life.

This pothole is obviously the place where the black eruption erupts. It should be the most terrifying place, but it is the cause of life preservation?

"The poison of the black cat is still better than the beast, and those who are recruited will die without a moment or three."

"At the time of desperation, relying on this pothole with my back, although the darkness in my body has become more and more dense, it has also regained its vitality and saved my life."

Xiao Yi frowned and muttered to himself, these words are the original words of Meng Binghe.

"Yiming." Xiao Yi also remembered what Xia Yiming had said.

"If you are willing to go into the yellow spring and fall into the netherworld, you will be able to get earth-shaking returns, and even live without death."

The two seem to be different, but they all have the same situation.

The more you fall into it, the more you can live without death.

However, the black snow and the black cat here are obviously two different forces.

The two, perhaps, have the same points in common, they will also invade vitality, will also let everything die out, and will also make people feel crazy.

But the breath of the two is not the same, and they are definitely not the same power.

Xiao Yi frowned and moved forward again, approaching the pothole.

Heiyan, erupting non-stop.

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get a tiger."

"I don't believe in this evil." Xiao Yi's eyes became cold, and his palm plunged into the pothole again.

The amazing adsorption power appeared again.

This time, Xiao Yi clung to his mind.

It doesn't matter if these black powers invade his body, just don't attract the demons.

Xiao Yi stared directly at the pothole. What was behind the black eruption? Or, what is there?

This adsorption force is getting bigger and bigger, do you want him to **** into it?

Xiao Yi didn't know what was behind this pothole.


A flame condenses out of thin air.

The flame produced for a moment, and all the cold surrounding him disappeared, replaced by extremely hot, unstoppable.


Within the flames, the roar of dragons shuddered and trembled to the surrounding black sun.

The roar of the dragon seemed to come from the cry of the desolate ancient land, and it also seemed to be the overlord voice in the once ancient continent.

Even a little, but it is enough to make people deaf.

Dao Xin is astonishingly stable at this moment.

Yes, this is Long Yan.

Not knowing what was behind this pothole, Xiao Yi was more cautious.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, his steps loosened.

Whoosh... Inside the pothole, the astonishing absorption force instantly sucked his entire body into it.

The palm of the hand was immersed in the endless darkness, like a mud cow entering the sea, and in a flash, the whole body disappeared.

"Is it the law of space?" Xiao Yi's eyes were startled, and he suddenly reacted.


Third more.

Make up the change, at about 2 in the morning.

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