Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2633: Back to Fengxueyouming


Xiao Yi's footsteps trembled, and then stood firm.

All around, there was a lot of black paint, like a holy place of black snow in the depths.

However, this is obviously not a holy land of black snow, and there is no black snow around it.

"It's Heishan." Xiao Yi frowned and muttered to himself.

All around, there really is endless darkness.

Hei Tan has the horrible ability to invade the vitality, and instantly crush the Dao Heart.

But Xiao Yi was not afraid of these black tans, just as many Bingluan swords were drawn.

Xiao Yi's eyes fixed on the front.

In front of him, a breath of extreme coldness rushed toward his face.

That kind of face-to-face is no longer an ordinary category, but overwhelming and treacherous.

"Good evil breath." Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

These breaths are no longer pure and cold, they are extremely evil at all.

This was almost the most terrifying and evil smell in the world that Xiao Yi had ever seen.

Even when he opened the door to the evil domain back then, Xiao Yi had never felt this way.

"Goo." Rao was as bold as Xiao Yi, still swallowing unconsciously.

That kind of evil seems to be beyond what people can bear.

Of course, Xiao Yi glanced at the Long Yan covering his whole body, but he was slightly worried.

Long Yan is definitely the strongest flame in the world, fierce and domineering, unmatched in power, and even more powerful flame in the world.

However, there are too few Long Yan that he can control.

Perhaps it is the greatest opportunity in the world to get the ability to control Long Yan, so don't try to control a lot.

At this moment, Xiao Yi's pair of animal hands and feet are all condensed.

The Fire Control Beast itself has a weak ability to control Dragon Flame.

But beast hands and beast feet also have them.

The superposition of the two allows him to control precisely for a short time.

Of course, the amount of Dragon Flame is still very small, far not reaching the scope of fighting.

But it is an excellent method for self-defense today.

It cannot be used in combat because the opponent is not a wooden person, who can run, move, evade, and use other means to offset it.

Even if Long Yan can burn everything, nothing can stop it, but with such a small amount, it has no effect at all.

It is now used for self-defense. In this dark place, no matter what unknown danger or countless strange forces rush in, Long Yan can be burned to offset it.

After all, these black cats are unowned, without wise.

As long as the deadly danger is not stronger than Long Yan, it will definitely be offset and burned by Long Yan.

Even if Long Yan's ‘quantity’ is small, it is enough to withstand a moment.

At this moment, he can have reaction time to respond.

Xiao Yi frowned and stared ahead, he planned to go ahead and find out.

However, to maintain Long Yan, no matter how small the amount is, the energy required is not small.

Xiao Yi frowned, but stepped out and went all the way.

After half an hour.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yi wondered secretly.

He walked forward for half an hour, but it seemed that he was stepping in place.

In this dark space, it seems that there is no sense of direction, and it is difficult to distinguish the distance.

This space is just after the pothole in the cave just now.

"Space." Xiao Yi muttered to himself, and his heart was suddenly stunned.

If you guessed it correctly, there are mysterious and inexplicable spatial laws in this dark space.

If you don't know the way, it's simply hard to move.

It seems to have been moving forward for a long time, but in fact it is basically standing still.

Xiao Yi closed his eyes and moved forward again.

This time, just walk by feeling.

Not long after, Xiao Yi opened his eyes.

Ahead, the scene has changed drastically.

Perhaps this space is not as big as imagined; or perhaps this space is thousands of times larger than imagined.

Ahead, the airwaves are overwhelming.

Xiao Yi turned his head and glanced at the distance behind him, where there was a light, which was the pothole.

Under her feet, Hei Tan kept flowing, and went to the pit range behind her.

Boom... Xiao Yi's fingertips congealed an amethyst spirit flame.

With a flick of your fingertips, the flame instantly reaches the distance, passing along the way, illuminating everything.

"Huh? There is..." Xiao Yi frowned.

There is a rift, and space means lingering, obviously a rift in space.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi went straight to the crack.

When there is a point of comparison, he knows that he is not standing still, and straddling these few distances is nothing.

When he came to the space crack, Xiao Yi looked from the inside out, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

"This..." Xiao Yi trembled.

Beyond the space rift, there is an ice and snow.

He recognized this place.

Xiao Yi leaned out his hand, and there was no obstructive force in the space crack, and his figure flashed out.

The feet fell on the ground, and the feet were covered with snow.

All around, it was no longer pitch black, but white snow.

"Wind and Snow Nether Road." Xiao Yi frowned.

Here, it was actually the snowy and dark road he had walked through.

Here, he could have come here directly with the Ice Venerable Palace.

That dark space has disappeared.

At this moment, he is just being in this wind and snow world.

Looking far-sighted, sure enough, in the distance in the wind and snow, an ice palace is looming.

On the side next to him, hundreds of miles away, was the body of that huge group of icy flames, even though it was so far away, he could still feel the hot and cold flames.

"It's not wrong." Xiao Yi squinted and stroked his fingertips, leaving a sword mark on the snow under his feet.

Whoosh... the figure flashed and went straight to the distant palace.

As far as he had already understood the Bingming Swordsmanship, he had no difficulty in walking on this snowy and misty road with the approval of the Ice Venerable Hall.

After a long while, Xiao Yi stopped in front of the palace.

Boom...The light in his hand flashed, and the body of the Ice Venerable Hall appeared out of thin air.

"Sure enough." Xiao Yi felt the aura here, and was completely certain that this was indeed the Ice Venerable Hall, and it was indeed inside the Wind and Snow Nether Road.

But how can I get here?

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure flashed, turning back to the original path, returning to the place where the sword mark was carved.

Here, it is simply the end of Fengxue Netherworld Road.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath, suppressing his surprise.

The body of that group of Bingmingyouhuo was hundreds of miles away on the side of his left hand, and in front of him, black air escaped.

"It's Hei Tan." Xiao Yi was shocked again.

"what happened?"

The last time he came, he also came to the end of this wind and snowy road.

It's just that the last time I was beside Bingming Youhuo's body, this time it was hundreds of miles away.

Beyond the end, according to Senior Ice Venerable, it is the most evil place in the world, the Nether Realm, in the Yellow Spring.

Hei Tan, from the realm of Netherworld, isn't it?

Xiao Yitiao looked far away, and on the side of Bingmingyouhuo a hundred miles away, there was no blackness leaking.

Only here, where he is standing now, the black surging constantly.

But after the air escaped from the front, only a few distances, the black sun suddenly disappeared.

Xiao Yi stared, and the distance that Heiyan spilled was exactly the distance he had just drew the sword mark. It was not long, a few meters.

"Sure enough, it is the law of space." Xiao Yi felt the martial arts at the sword mark, and everything suddenly came to nothing.

"I understand."


Fourth more. (Make up)

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