Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2700: Mori Luo Demon King

"This cherry tree, I have to put it here first."

"Wait for me to find the sacred wooden cauldron and transplant it."

"It's just..." Xiao Yi frowned, "I don't know if it's safe to put it here..."

Xiao Yi hasn't finished speaking yet.

"Is it safe?" Saint Sakura Demon Venerable's eyes widened, "Where do you regard me as the Saint Sakura clan? Will it be robbed like the ancestor of the spirit tree?"

"That's not what I meant." Xiao Yi chuckled.

"You kid." Sheng Ying Yaozun shook his head.

"The Shenmu Cauldron is the supreme treasure in the hands of the Shenmu Demon Lord. Although it has no combat effect, it can let all the world's natural materials and treasures grow in it.

"However, you don't need to transplant the first tree of Sakura Soul, you can put it in the Universe Ring yourself."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi said suspiciously.

Sage Sakura Yaozun replied, "The ancestor of the spirit tree is the first vital tree in the world, so its whole body is made of vital power."

"For this reason, this tree must not have a breath of death, otherwise, the vitality will be polluted, and the tree body will inevitably wither."

"In short, although the ancestor of the spirit tree is ancient and stronger, it is actually very fragile."

"Naturally, only Shenmuding can hold it."

"But Sakura Soul First Tree, even the ghost places like the Underworld can stay and grow in it."

Xiao Yi's eyes lit up, "So, Yinghun Chushu is very tenacious."

Saint Sakura Demon Lord nodded, "To be precise, you just need some dirt."

"Transplant directly into the Qiankun Ring."

"The reason why the Qiankun Ring can preserve things is because it is a unique static space."

"But at the same time, and therefore, only dead objects can be stored in it."

"However, for the eight million years of Sakura Soul Chushu's existence, the passage of a few years seems to be static to it."

"Don't just put it in the Universe Ring for hundreds or thousands of years."

"Just put it for ten years, transplant it back to the land in the normal space in your leisure time, and put it back in the universe ring when you need to take it away."

"Understood." Xiao Yi nodded, his figure flashed, and he walked directly to Yinghun Chushu.

Holding the tree with one hand, the cherry tree several feet high, uprooted directly, and by the way a large piece of soil.

"You..." Sheng Ying Yaozun's face twitched.

A light flashed in Xiao Yi's hand, and the entire Cherry Soul First Tree had entered the Universe Ring.

"Okay, it's over." Xiao Yi flashed back to the side of Sheng Ying Yaozun.

The Sage Sakura Demon looked at the hills of spirit stones in front of him, "I ask one last time, these heavenly materials and spiritual stones are not compensated for?"

"No more." Xiao Yi shook his head.

Although the amount of Heavenly Material and Earth Treasures and Soul Pills he had consumed before was huge, he could find the Heavenly Materials and Earth Treasures slowly by himself.

He could slowly refine the consumed pills, soul pills, etc., after he had enough heaven and earth treasures.

Only this first tree of cherry blossom soul is a wonderful treasure in the world.

Just under the tree, the perceptive power is increased tenfold, and the effect that the heart demon never lives is enough to make people covet it.

Xiao Yi asked, "Dare to ask Yaozun, can you tell the whereabouts of the ancestor of the spiritual wood now?"

So far, he came to the Saint Ying Clan and his party was over.

Next, after learning of the ancestor of the spirit wood, he will leave.

Saint Sakura Demon Venerable nodded and whispered softly, "I can say, but I won't tell you for now."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi's heart suddenly burst, and he said coldly, "Yao Zun wants to regret it?"

"Don't worry," Sheng Ying Yaozun said softly, "Listen to the old man to finish first."

"Actually, nine days and nine nights ago, the old body stabbed you."

"At that time, the old body said that he had found the whereabouts of the ancestor of the spirit tree; but in fact, at that time, the old body was worried about Yingyue, how can he have the thought to investigate the ancestor of the spirit tree."

"That means you haven't found it yet?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

Saint Sakura Demon Sovereign waved his hand, "Say, don't worry, wait for the old man to finish."

Xiao Yi said nothing.

Saint Sakura Demon Venerable opened his mouth again and said, "Until you successfully take Yingyue to leave the underworld and return to the space within the ancient cherry tree."

"In the nine hours after that, the old man searched for you, and also found the whereabouts of the ancestor of the spirit tree. The time is exactly one hour before you left the space of the ancient cherry tree."

"It was also at that time that the Giant Elephant Demon Venerable kissed him and found the old man."

Xiao Yi frowned, although he was puzzled, but he didn't say anything but listened carefully.

The Saint Sakura Demon Venerable's tone increased slightly, "The Giant Elephant Demon Venerable is here, without it, it is also for you, to be precise, it is for the ancestor of your spirit tree."

"He also happened to find the whereabouts of the ancestor of the spirit wood."

"The Giant Elephant Demon Lord has the power to explore the secrets of the heavens and the earth, and to understand the manifestations."

"He told the old man that he would not tell you whereabouts; and the old man's thoughts at that time actually coincided with him."

"Don't tell me?" Xiao Yi finally couldn't help but opened his mouth.

The Holy Sakura Demon Venerable nodded, "Don't get me wrong, the Giant Elephant Demon Venerable is not malicious."

"With his character, he doesn't have the idle time to manage your business."

"Obviously, it was the old mad lion who invited him to rush for your business."

"And his meaning coincides with the old man."

The Saint Sakura Demon said solemnly, "The old body will not tell you the whereabouts of the ancestor of the spirit wood for the time being."

"But both the old body and the Giant Elephant Demon Venerable can assure you that you will meet the ancestor of the spirit wood again by yourself. Whether you can take it back depends on your own ability."

"Definitely?" Xiao Yi snorted, "I don't believe these vague guarantees. Can the Giant Elephant Demon Lord predict the future?"

"Foresee the future?" Sheng Ying Yaozun shook his head, "No, no one can do it."

"But there are certain things, if they happen, they will happen."

"Anything, if it happens, it will leave a trail."

"And these trajectories will have different directions and different possibilities."

"And if countless tracks point in the same direction, there is almost the same possibility."

"Then this direction is no longer illusory, and this possibility is no longer possible, but certain."

"The old body and the giant elephant demon can be sure, you will find the ancestor of the spirit wood by yourself."

"Definitely?" Xiao Yi said dissatisfied. "How long is that? Wouldn't it be easier to tell me whereabouts directly?"

Saint Sakura Demon Venerable shook his head, "The old man can't tell you the exact time."

"Or in January or two... I can only tell you that within a few months, you will find it."

"As for not telling you directly, it's because the contrast tells you directly, not telling you directly that it is beneficial to you."

Xiao Yi's heart was bitter, these old guys always love to play dumb riddles on him.

Although it may be for his good, he is always troubled and even messed up amidst these doubts.

"All right, let's go." Xiao Yi sighed.

"Slow, I have something to talk to you." Sheng Ying Yaozun whispered.

"What?" Xiao Yi asked.

Saint Sakura Demon Venerable chuckled, "Now you, the five old demon Venerables in the Demon Realm, three of them stand behind you, plus a demon monarch."

"You know, what does this mean?"


Second more.

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