Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2701: Why they want to let you go

Xiao Yi did not ask about the ancestor of the spirit wood.

The Saint Sakura Demon Venerable insisted on playing mystery, and he didn't make a mistake.

Of course, Xiao Yi was still thinking about this in his heart. Hearing the words of Saint Sakura Demon Venerable, he only subconsciously answered, "What does it represent?"

"It means more and more troubles."

The Holy Sakura Demon smiled dumbly when he heard the words, "You kid, after getting acquainted with the old man a little bit, you really dare to say anything."

Xiao Yi glanced at Saint Sakura Demon Venerable, "I just don't approve it."

"When did I have the ability to stand behind the three old demon lord? Also added a demon king?"

"What do you mean?" Sheng Ying Yaozun asked back.

"In any case, you are desperately protecting Yingyue after all, and owe you a great favor."

"Compensation belongs to compensation, and human affection belongs to human affection."

"My Sage Sakura clan really owes you this great favor."

"Don't talk about anything else, as long as my holy cherry clan can do anything you need, the old man will definitely answer it."

"As for the second place, the mad lion demon lord needn't say much, since you have become famous in the demon realm, the old mad lion will protect you everywhere, favor it, and treat you like his own younger generation."

"The third place is naturally the Giant Elephant Demon Lord."

"The old body and the ancestor of the spirit wood are both wood creatures, so they can feel it and can easily detect their whereabouts."

"But the Giant Elephant Demon Lord needs to make it clear on his own ability. Do you think it's easy for him to express it once?"

"Back when Meng Binghe disappeared, he himself was a member of the giant elephant tribe, and his father, the black fierce demon lord, and almost all the protagonists of the giant elephant, asked for it, but failed to invite the giant elephant demon.

"The matter has dragged on for more than ten years, and the Giant Elephant Demon Venerable agreed to come down and make it clear."

"Do you think that just the old face of the mad lion demon lord can please the giant elephant demon lord?"

"The Giant Elephant Demon Zun is willing to run for you once, which proves that he is extremely optimistic about your young junior."

"It's just barely counted." Xiao Yi curled his lips, "And the demon king is even more marginal."

"Holy Sakura Yaozun himself said that if I want to reach the point of a demon king by the single law of six balances, there is almost no chance."

"I am the title of Liuheng Demon King, so I will give it a name."

"Put a name?" Sheng Ying Yaozun gave Xiao Yi a glance, "Why don't you see someone else put a name?"

"The old man will tell you directly. In the eyes of Demon Lord Liuheng, I am afraid that no one else can be more important than you, a strange demon kid."

Xiao Yi looked at Sheng Ying Yaozun's serious face and frowned, "Why?"

"Just because I control the two laws?"

"Not bad." Sheng Ying Yaozun suddenly said affirmatively.

Xiao Yi waved his hand, "Besides me, there will be others who will control these laws in the future."

"Set?" Saint Sakura Demon snorted, "Do you really think these two laws are so easy to control?"

"Except for the Jinruo clan who is born to control Jinruo's power, do you know how long has the other five yuan and six balances of the Demon King title token been given?"

"That was a long time."

Saint Sakura Demon Sovereign said earnestly, "Demon Lord, although we are not as old as our five old Demon Lords, he has lived longer than you think."

"Do you know how long a generation really is?"

"What is the beginning and what is the end?"

"Do you really think that a generation is just the growth of the younger generation? Then talking about decades, a hundred years, is a replacement, and a new generation of younger generations grow up?"

"In just a hundred years, there will be generations of young Tianjiao changing, call it a generation?"

Xiao Yi frowned, but listened carefully.

The Saint Sakura Demon said solemnly, "One generation, very long, very long."

"It's the beginning, needless to say."

"But if it is over, this generation will soon arrive."

Xiao Yi already narrowed his eyes.

Saint Sakura Demon Venerable said solemnly, "When we old fellows fall, this generation will be over."

"Next, it is the generation of your younger generation."

"For Liuheng Demon Lord, when your generation arrives, his position will be equivalent to our five great demon Lords today."

"In other words, at that time, he would be like our five old demon lords, eager to think about and worry about the successor, and he must resolve this matter as soon as possible."

"Although he is a mature man, he doesn't have much time left."

Saint Sakura Demon Sovereign said, "It has been a long time since he dominated the Demon Realm."

"And for a long time, he has not really found his successor."

"During the long years, he has not yet been able to resolve this matter; then how much time is left for him after your generation really comes? Million years? Two million years?"

"What could not be solved in the past millions of years will be solved in the next millions of years?"

"I haven't met a recognizable successor for millions of years. After that, it's actually a foregone conclusion."

"And you, the Tianjiao who has suddenly risen and shocked the Demon Realm is the most satisfied person in his long years and the only choice."

The Holy Sakura Demon Sovereign took a deep breath, "It won't be long before our generation will end."

"Before we fall, we old guys will let everything settle down."

"Your generation will begin soon."

"Whether it fell sadly from it, or rose up overnight, everything is unknown."

"But, are you ready?"

"I..." Xiao Yi's eyes were startled.

This shocking color faded almost in an instant, returning to calmness and indifference again.

Saint Sakura Demon Venerable saw the change in Xiao Yi's gaze in his eyes, his eyes narrowed, and his face was full of satisfaction.

Xiao Yi stared at the Saint Sakura Demon Venerable earnestly, "I don't know something about it yet."

"Forget it, I don't want to say more, I don't know what to say." Xiao Yi shook his head and said nothing.

"Is there anything else? If not, I'm leaving."

Xiao Yi was about to turn around and leave.

The Holy Sakura Demon Venerable nodded and spit out, "Yes."

"What else?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

Saint Sakura Demon replied, "Before you enter the ancient cherry blossom tree, I took you to the ancient cherry blossom tree in the beginning. I told you about the ancient cherry blossom tree, and I will talk to you later."

"But now, you don't have to think about it anymore. You stepped into the demon realm yourself and witnessed the awakening and growth of the ancient cherry tree."

"You already know that the ancient cherry tree did not originally grow here, but the other side of the world."

"Old man, there is only one last question for you now."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Excuse me, Yaozun."

The Holy Sakura Demon Venerable squinted his eyes suddenly, "You must have encountered those spiritual senses on the ground at the entrance of the Netherworld."

Xiao Yi was startled when he heard the words. He already expected what Saint Sakura Demon Venerable would like to ask.

The Saint Sakura Demon said solemnly, "That was the elite of the eight palaces, fierce spiritual sense."

"The old man is very curious, how can you stop them? Perhaps, why are they willing not to deal with you."


Third more.

Update today, over.

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