Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2709: Dragon Road

For the arrival of Xiao Yi, an outsider, the Yinli people around him also cast cold eyes.

"This is the famous Senluo Demon King recently?"

"It seems that there is no such thing as three heads and six arms."

"Such a small arm and calf, weak and weak, is it really a person who sacrificed the great defeat of the eight great princes in the sun?"

"Could the rumors be wrong?"

Around, there was a sound of discussion.

Xiao Yi's eyes were light and cold, and he ignored it.

The old man on the side glanced around and said lightly, "Go away, what to do and do."

"Yes, elder." The Yinli tribe people who were planning to watch, left each.

The old man then looked at Xiao Yi, "Sen Luo Demon King, after entering the forbidden land, the visitor is a guest, and the old man will do his minimum hospitality."

The old man waved his hand, pointed to the surroundings, and said, "The entire forbidden area of ​​Ancestral Dragon is 300 million li."

"Siluo Demon King, feel free to walk here."

"The people around you, if anyone is willing to talk to you, follow them."

"Yes?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"Heh." The old man sneered, "At the time when people worshipped the sun, the Demon King was very powerful and killed an untransformed elder of my silver lizard clan."

"Now that the Yinli clan even let you in the forbidden land, it has given great face."

"Of course, this face is for the demon king."

Xiao Yi frowned and asked, "I don't need to talk, I just need to know what to do next?"

The old man sneered, "This, the old man can't answer you."

"Sin Luo Demon King does whatever he likes."

"In the Ancestral Dragon Forbidden Land, the heaven and the earth are full of spiritual energy, and it is the most abundant spiritual energy in the great demon realm. There is no one."

"Siluo Demon King can practice here."

"What about others?" Xiao Yi asked.

The old man shrugged, "Nothing."

"Nothing?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "Before I came, the Mad Lion Demon Venerable had told me that he could go to the Ancestral Dragon Cave to see the Demon Ancestor and cultivate inside."

"Really? This old man doesn't know." The old man shook his head.

"As for meeting the ancestor, that is not something that the old man can decide."

"Without the ancestor's order, no one is allowed to approach the Zulong Cave for half a minute."

Xiao Yi frowned and asked, "Then how can I see the Monster Race?"

"I don't know." The old man still shook his head, "I can only wait, wait for the ancestor to leave the customs, and call you personally."

"How long?" Xiao Yi asked.

The old man sneered, "I don't know that."

"The old ancestors retreat, and there are also some who don't leave for a million years."

"You..." Xiao Yi frowned tighter.

"Okay." The old man said impatiently, "I have said everything the old man should have said."

"If you are not happy, the Demon King Sun Luo will leave by himself, and no one will stop you."

When the voice fell, the old man left.

In place, Xiao Yi frowned and thought.

After a long while, he walked to a river not far away at random, sat down cross-legged, and waited with his eyes closed.

After all, this is someone else's place, and he is here to find his own opportunity, so he is not good at it.

Xiao Yi just sat like this, and at the same time, he observed this piece of silver lion tribe, watching the mysterious silver lion tribe people who were almost invisible and encountered outside.

Time gradually passed.

Xiao Yi sat for three days.

I probably know a little bit about this silver lion clan.

The so-called ancestral dragon forbidden land is originally the Yinli clan land.

This whole area is the habitat of the Yinli family, but because of the ancient existence in the Zulong Cave, this area of ​​the Yinli family was named the Zulong Forbidden Land.

In the entire forbidden area, as far as he could see, there were no fewer than 300 people from the Yinli tribe.

Some have been transformed, and some are still the original appearance, or soaring in the sky, or living in the mountains and forests.

However, the Yinli people basically have nothing else to do, and they practice almost daily.

It is worth mentioning that the silver lizard clan is really delicious. They eat three meals a day and must do so regularly.

What you eat must be the finest meat, with all the rare spirit fruit brewing pulp, and sometimes drinking water, the breath of the water is also full of the thick heaven and earth aura.

"It's no way to wait any longer." Xiao Yi thought secretly.

Three days is actually not long.

For the long-lived monster race, it is almost like a snap.

But Xiao Yi didn't consume much time, and didn't want to stay in this demon domain for too long.


Suddenly, three figures appeared out of thin air, staring directly at Xiao Yi with cold eyes.

The three of them are all acquaintances.

"Huyan Zichen, Feng Qingyue, and Diro?" Xiao Yi said inwardly.

Yes, the three of them are the three Tianjiao in the top ten on the Demon Dragon List, and the young masters of the Zichen, Qingyue, and Jia Luo tribes.

"Oh, isn't this the majestic Demon King of Senluo in the past?" Feng Qingyue sneered first.

"Why are you sitting here alone?"

Diro snorted, "In the old days, the Demon King Sun Luo was treated favorably wherever he went."

"Even in the land of the Saint Cherry Clan, they look high above them."

"Why, come here, don't wait to see you?"

"Tsk tsk, poor." Diro shook his head, "In the silver 獠 clan, no one is waiting to be seen. They can only wait boringly and cross-legged in one corner, and I don't know when the head will be."

Xiao Yi's eyes were indifferent and silent.

Diro sneered, "Are you surprised why the three of us are here?"

"Tell you this fool, the three of us came here earlier than you."

"Half a month ago, I just left the land of the Sacred Cherry Clan, and when you this strange demon was still waiting for you, this young master had already come to the forbidden land of Ancestral Dragon.

Feng Qingyue sneered, "I heard that it was the demon king who had spent a lot of money to ask you for a chance to re-enter the forbidden land of Ancestral Dragon to practice."

"And we, it's just a word from the young master Zichen."

"Half a month ago?" Xiao Yi frowned.

The Zulong Forbidden Land opened once, which is extremely rare.

He only arrived here three days ago.

At this time, Hu Yan Zichen, who had not spoken, slowly opened his mouth, "I heard that you haven't entered the Zulong Cave yet and are still waiting."

"Just wait slowly."

"The three of us just came out of our training in Zulong Cave for half a month."

"Tsk tusk, the aura of heaven and earth in Zulong Cave is more than ten times richer than outside."

"It's really a pleasure to practice in it and find your own chance."

"As for some despicable monsters, I'm afraid I don't want to get this treatment for the rest of my life."

"Let's go." Hu Yan Zichen sneered, turned and left.

Feng Qingyue smiled, "Yes, but the ancestor told us to go to the path of ascending the dragon, but there is no such idle time to waste time with a despicable monster."

Diro smiled triumphantly, "A bigger opportunity is waiting for us, climbing the dragon road, in the clouds."

"As soon as you step on the top, you will instantly transform into a dragon, and you will be added to yourself by chance."

"At that time, I will settle your and my account slowly with you." Diro left a cold sentence and turned away.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes without saying a word, looking into the distance.


Second more.

Update today, over.

Tomorrow Xiaoba will make up this change, everyone can rest assured.

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