Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2710: Guiding three fools

In the distance, almost at the end of this silver lion clan land, a white high mountain stood in it.

The mountains are majestic and magnificent, and the height is straight into the sky.

The whole body of the white color is a bit dazzling.

Xiao Yi had noticed this mountain long ago, and even if it was far away, he could still feel its terrifying momentum.

It's so abrupt, and people just look at it, and it feels like a tremor, and the killing intent in the heart surges.

"What a terrible mountain." Xiao Yi said in secret.

The mountain is white as ivory, like a snow-capped mountain.

But look more realistically, the rocks are abrupt, and water chestnuts are everywhere.

No, it's not a mountain at all, the inside is not a mountain at all.

That is the bones.

Countless huge bones, together forged this terrifying majestic mountain.

Then, it is the Dragon Road.

Xiao Yi retracted his gaze and still sat cross-legged.

The three of Diro sneered and went straight to the remote mountain of bones.


An hour later.

In the distance, there was a soft noise.

Above the huge bone mountain, there seemed to be a barrier with three ripples.

After the soft sound, the three figures were heavily bombarded, and then fell to the ground, silently.

That kind of feeling, it seemed that three pebbles fell to the surface of the sea, and there was no half of the waves.

"Useless things." From afar, there was an old cold drink.

Xiao Yi recognized this voice. It was the old man who led him into the Forbidden Land, the elder of the Yinli family.


After a long time.

"Trash." In the distance, the old voice was already full of deep displeasure.

In Xiao Yi's ears, I don't know how many times I heard soft noises, and I don't know how many times the three figures were blown into the air.

"Okay, stop, go back and practice well."

A violent shout filled with anger resounded through the entire Yinli Clan.

The three figures left the huge bone mountain in the distance with a grim expression.


At night.

The three of Diro sat in front of the old man.

The old man guides all kinds of martial arts doubts.

Not long after, dozens of young tribesmen held holy fruits, fine wines, spiritual water, and delicacies, and presented them to all tribesmen.

The three of Diro also stopped their martial arts practice and began to swell.

Only Xiao Yi was empty here, and no one paid any attention.

Of course, this scene was the same in the previous three days.

Xiao Yi just sat alone and waited.


The next day, early in the morning.

The martial arts instruction of the three of Diro began again.

This time, in addition to the old man before, there were two old men who came to guide carefully.

And the three of Diro are not limited to asking for advice from these three elders; the three figures are asking for advice from all over the surrounding clan.

Xiao Yi only watched from one corner, listened to the gurgling water behind him, and listened to the instructions, and nodded secretly.

The tactics of these Yinli tribes are not to be mentioned for the time being, but the martial arts guidance skills are indeed good.

"What do you nod?" Just at this moment, a sneer came.

Feng Qingyue stood a few meters away in front of Xiao Yi coldly.

While talking, holding a colorful heaven and earth spirit fruit in one hand.

Obviously, the cultivation of the three Feng Qingyue had temporarily stopped, and it was time for breakfast for the Yinli clan.

However, the silver lion clan is a big deal.

Xiao Yi could tell at a glance that this heaven and earth spirit fruit was at the pinnacle level of the noble realm; the spirit fruit eaten by the silver lizard clan every day was a treasure of this rank.

With the eclipse of the sun and the huge number, the life of this silver lion clan is comfortable and comfortable.

"Sen Luo Demon King is so elegant." At this moment, Hu Yan Zichen also walked up and smiled contemptuously.

"Sitting here alone, watching us practice, watching us eat this rare natural treasure every day, is it interesting?"

Diro nibbled at the spirit fruit in his hand, and the juice exuding pure spiritual energy flowed from his mouth, sneered, "It's just that some people are asking themselves for boring."

"We practice day and night, and whenever we have doubts about martial arts, we can solve them immediately. The realm of martial arts can be said to be thousands of miles."

"I'm tired and tired from practicing, and I have rare and rare spiritual fruits to eat, wonderful sweet water and wine to drink."

"And some people can only sit like a log."

Feng Qingyue scanned the surroundings and said proudly, "Do you know why the silver sacred beast is the totem of the major monster races?"

"Because the silver sacred beast is the oldest clan in the demon domain."

"With this demon territory, there is a clan of Yinhu."

"In those remote and desolate years, the earth was vast, no grass grew, and a desolation."

"At that time, the silver lion clan was the overlord of this land."

"It is the Yinli clan who taught the newly born and intelligent monster clan during those desolate years, so that all monsters have spirits, and they began to multiply in martial arts."

"Therefore, the Yinli clan is regarded as a totem and is highly respected in any demon clan except the ten ancient monster clan."

"At the same time, the secrets of martial arts that are regarded as inheritance of the major races, the basic methods of the clan, and the secret methods are not passed on, and the silver lion clan has them all here."

"Because this is what the Yinli clan taught to all races in those desolate years."

"To put it more simply, the Yinli clan possesses the most complete, complete, and strongest martial arts heritage in the entire Demon Realm."

Diro smiled, "In the silver lizard clan, any member of the clan is born to control the mysterious power with countless methods."

"Any one of them can be an amazing martial arts teacher."

"Since the history of the monster clan, any opportunity to enter the forbidden area for cultivation has been rushed by all the monster clan and dreamed of."

"Just because you can practice here for a period of time, it means that the road to martial arts will be smooth in the future."

"Here is a great martial arts teacher, with large enough inexhaustible training resources."

"Of course, all of this is now the three of us enjoying."

"Some people are sitting still, daydreaming about it, hahahaha."

Diro laughed triumphantly.

Xiao Yi looked at the three indifferently, "Diro, what about you, I'm not interested in it."

"I don't know, you always love to provoke me, intending to provoke me, so why."

"But if you ask, I will tell you the truth."

"What I have so-called cultivation resources is that there is no shortage of them; spirit fruits, fine wines, rare world food, the silver lizard family here are treasures, I am too lazy to look at them."

"As for martial arts guidance, heh." Xiao Yi couldn't help sneering.

"Those botched instructions are enough to teach you three fools, but in my eyes, they are just not worth mentioning."

"Satisfied with this answer?"

"You..." Diro looked cold.

"Asshole." Feng Qingyue's face turned dark.

At the same time, a voice of unpleasantness came from all around, "It's so shameless."

"Little strange demon, I don't know how high the sky is."

The three old men who had been guiding the three of Diro proudly walked a few meters away in front of Xiao Yi.

One by one, the people of the silver liao tribe surrounded their surroundings with unkind faces.

Xiao Yi raised his brows and glanced at him, "Why, have any opinions?"


First more.

Update today, unfinished.

Tonight’s update will be very late and late, Xiao Ba, I have to go to enjoy the moon, and then come back to full speed codeword.

Everyone, happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

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