Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2771: Same answer, same words

Hearing the words, the giant elephant old demon only smiled with satisfaction and said nothing.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "That white statue is not qualified, but the old demon venerable has clearly stated to me."

"Prove that you, the old demon, are qualified."

"Even, predictions have already been made."

"Not bad." Old Demon Venerable Giant Elephant's face was full of satisfaction.

However, this color of satisfaction turned into a touch of hesitation in an instant.

"What?" Xiao Yi asked in doubt, seeing these changes in his face.

The old demon statue of the giant elephant frowned slightly, "To be precise, he is qualified, not an old man."

"It's the real giant elephant statue."

The two black and white Dharma statues Xiao Yi and Chilong had seen before were only a few feet high and looked like a small beast.

But the black-and-white Dharma statue that can only be obtained by defeating the six incarnations of the old demon, the giant elephant, is a whole number of feet tall, which is higher than the tree.

That is a mammoth that really walks on the ground.

The giant elephant old demon said solemnly, "The old man has spied your future with this giant elephant statue."

"Just, I don't know if I should tell you."

"Also, the old man is not sure whether this will happen."

In the future, there are uncertainties.

Xiao Yi frowned, "As far as I know, the explicit statement of the giant elephant, the old demon, has never made a mistake."

"Indeed." The giant elephant old demon nodded, "only once."

"Once?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully, "Who?"

The giant elephant old demon replied, "A clear indication to the demon king."

"The demon king hasn't grown up, and I have the strength now."

"No one could have imagined that the demon king would eventually grow up in this world, and even become the emperor, dominating the entire demon realm."

"The name of Liuheng, who doesn't know now?"

"However, the growth of the demon king, if counted, can really be regarded as a magnificent epic story with countless thorns."

"The road he walked when he was young is even harder than Chilong."

"I don't know how it compares with you. After all, your past was once dark and lonely, it seems that you will never see the light."

Xiao Yi waved his hand, "I haven't experienced this."

"That **** method is definitely wrong."

"I won't fight with you." The giant elephant old demon also waved his hand, "Since it is something you have experienced, you may remember it by yourself after the fate will happen."

"What I want to say is your future and possibilities."

"Do you want to listen?"

The tone of the giant elephant old demon venerable was solemn and inexplicable.

"Will there be any consequences?" Xiao Yi questioned.

The giant elephant old demon said solemnly, "Anything is possible."

"If you don't listen now and don't know anything, maybe there will be other possibilities in the future."

"If you listen to it now and understand it clearly, there will be other possibilities."

"In short, variables are impermanent."

Xiao Yi gave a wry smile, "The giant elephant, the old demon, has fallen asleep, and it has aroused my curiosity."

"I don't listen, I feel uncomfortable after all."

"Aren't you afraid?" Old Demon Venerable Giant Elephant asked in a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter whether you are afraid or not." Xiao Yi shrugged.

The old demon king of the giant elephant hesitated and nodded.

"It wasn't you who I spied at first."

"It's the result of this changing sky a few months later."

"The battle of changing the sky? See the result?" Xiao Yi asked with a startled heart and no change in his eyes.

The giant elephant old demon shook his head, "No, I only saw a few pictures."

The old demon statue of the giant elephant said with a solemn tone, "In the picture, there is a figure."

Without waiting for Xiao Yi to ask, the giant elephant old demon said solemnly, "The figure is you."

"Me?" Xiao Yi frowned.

The Old Demon Venerable Giant Elephant's tone became heavier and heavier, "But, that figure is not just a monster..."

Xiao Yi's heart burst, but there was still no change in his eyes.

The giant elephant old demon said condensedly, " a human warrior."

"But... it's not." The giant elephant old demon revered abruptly.

"Shadow, personally ended the war of changing the sky."

"But after the figure, followed by countless demons and ghosts, knelt down."

The giant elephant old demon stared at Xiao Yi, "I see your future."

"The picture is blurred, and even the old man's mind can't bear it."

"That is a powerful king, overlooking the earth, above everything else."

"But behind this king, the sky and the earth are dim, and the earth is dry and cracked with ghosts and monsters."

"Um..." Xiao Yi was shocked, but was also stunned, "Couldn't the old demon lord of the giant elephant be dizzy and look wrong?"

"I'm not mistaken." The giant elephant old demon shook his head, "the figure, wearing a mask, is you."

Xiao Yi's eyes sank instantly.

The old demon statue of the giant elephant smiled back, "My explicit statement, only one mistake has been made."

"But even if it's wrong, it's just a slight deviation from the result, and it's not a bit different from the real result."

"I don't know whether that result is good or bad."

"I don't know if you can find a variable and change everything."

"This is what I thought before."

"What about now?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

The giant elephant old demon nodded slightly, "Now, I have the answer."

"The result will be good."

"Because that is your result, the result of Yi Yaoli."

"This monster is not afraid of heaven and earth, absolutely self-confident and extremely proud."

"I believe you."

Xiao Yi frowned and gave a wry smile, "I don't know why, what I heard today, I feel like a wild night."

"I don't know if I should trust the old demon respected you."

The giant elephant old demon shook his head, "Listen to your own heart and trust your own judgment."

"In short, the old man gave you this express statement."

"Everything in the future is unknown."

Xiao Yi nodded.

It's pitch black, lonely and cold, does the king in the dark descend into the world?

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly, without thinking any more.

"Do you believe in destiny?" the giant elephant old demon said suddenly.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "I don't believe it."

The giant elephant old demon said solemnly, "But it does exist."

"I know." Xiao Yi nodded.

On the contrary, the giant elephant old demon stunned, "Then you don't believe it again?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "I know, and I don't believe it, they are two different things."

"The same thing, Shengying Old Demon Venerable said to me."

"But my answer is that one after all."

"My life is in my own hands."

"Perhaps it can be." The giant elephant old demon squinted his eyes, "Or maybe it is now, not necessarily in the future."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi frowned.

The old demon king of the giant elephant still squinted his eyes, did not answer, only asked, "Do you care about anything? People, things, things?"

"Does it matter?" Xiao Yi frowned.

The giant elephant old demon nodded, "Yes, if you care about it."

"Then your life will not only be in your own hands."

"Speaking more complicated, fate is intertwined, it becomes more complicated, and there are more unknown variables."

"Simply speaking, I am afraid that for such a simple truth, you don't have to explain to you more."

Xiao Yi nodded, eyes indifferent.

On the contrary, the old demon king of the giant elephant frowned, "Are you not afraid? Are you not worried?"

Xiao Yi chuckled, "If everything is in my hands, then what am I afraid of? What am I worried about?"

The old demon king of the giant elephant instantly changed his face, "What you are thinking about is very dangerous, and you have become very dangerous."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "The same thing, someone said to me."

"But then, I didn't answer."

"Today, I won't answer."


Second more.

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