Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2772: Two dragons meet, the side is a giant elephant

For the first time, the old demon statue of the giant elephant frowned.

Xiao Yi said nothing.

After a while, Old Demon Venerable Giant Elephant lowered his brows, "If I hadn't seen you today, just these few words, the old man will not believe you."

"What about now?" Xiao Yi asked with a chuckle.

The giant elephant old demon said with a smile, "I don't believe it either."

"But I believe in my heart and my own judgment."

"So, I believed you too."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Thank you."

Not long ago, but a few months ago, in the main hall of the Black Demon Hall, the main hall of the Shura Hall, Senior Luo and the main hall of Shura talked with him about the same things and said the same words.

At that time, he did not answer.

But the two main hall masters believed him without hesitation and didn't ask much.

Today, he also did not answer.

But the giant elephant, the old demon, still believed in him.

"Okay." The giant elephant old demon said with a smile, "I saw you for the first time today, so let's just chat here."

"You kid can hold your giant elephant like a fuck."

"Thanks to Old Demon Venerable." Xiao Yi got up and bowed slightly.

Xiao Yi straightened up, but still asked, "Old Demon Venerable Elephant, really don't have to pay half the price or exchange things?"

This giant elephant Dharma image is a sacred weapon, after all, it belongs to the giant elephant old demon venerable.

"No need." The giant elephant Old Demon Venerable smiled and waved.

"Oh, right." The giant elephant, the old demon, seemed to think of something, "I really don't need your help for anything."

"It's the giant elephant statue. Once you take it, you have to treat it kindly."

"There are also three thousand three hundred and thirty-three small statues of Dharma, and you have to be kind."

"Be kind?" Xiao Yi was stunned.

The old demon statue of the giant elephant smiled, "In fact, as you said before, the white statue is like protecting oneself, so as not to predict it wrong."

"That's true."

"These Dharma images are sacred artifacts, but in fact, they have life."

"Is it a living thing?" Xiao Yi was startled.

The giant elephant old demon nodded, "They are not monsters, nor are they strange monsters."

"You can treat them as sacred artifacts that gave birth to spiritual wisdom."

"They can't speak or move, but they do have life."

"If you feel crippled, just treat them as sacred artifacts, and artifact spirits are born in the sacred artifacts."

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded.

"However, I will give this thing to Chilong after all." Xiao Yi frowned.

The old demon statue of the giant elephant nodded, "What you want to give him is the statue of the giant elephant that is more than three feet away."

"The other three thousand small statues will follow you; the three-zhang statues have recognized you, and these three-foot statues will all recognize you."

"Just, are you sure you want to give this thing to Chilong?"

The old demon statue of the giant elephant said slightly condensed, "The three-zhang dharma statue is the king of all the giant elephant dharma statues. Its power is quite huge and terrifying."

"As a sacred artifact, it is stronger than a martial halberd."

"It gives countless possibilities."

"Countless possibilities?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"Hmm." The giant elephant nodded, "Anything you can't do, it can help you do it."

"This is the true meaning of the giant elephant statue."

"Such as prying into the mysteries of the heaven and the earth, expressing the unknown, it is difficult for ordinary people to do it; but the old man did it with this."

"Do you know why Chilong took the lead after taking the Wanji Halberd?"

"Because Chilong simply can't hold a ten thousand halberd, and cannot be instructed like an arm; therefore, the ancestor of the monster dragon told him to come here, and the giant elephant statue can help him do what he cannot do."

"Let him really pick up the halberd, swing it freely, as if invincible."

Xiao Yi thought for a moment, "To put it bluntly, the real power of the giant elephant statue is the black and white light, right?"

"Not bad." The giant elephant Old Demon Venerable still nodded.

"You should know what a giant elephant is."

"The black and white mammoth is a giant elephant."

"But in fact, there is another sentence, the power of the two dragons converge, the power of the giant elephant."

"The sum of the power of the two dragons will equal the power of the giant elephant."

"The black and white light in the giant elephant statue is the power of the giant elephant."

The old demon statue of the giant elephant continued, "The power of the giant elephant is divided into black and white; the black one is sharp and unparalleled, and it is invincible; the white one is thick and unmatched, and the world is immortal."

"Therefore, the black Dharma image is sharp and sharp, hitting the depths of the heart like a broken bamboo, like breaking the barrier of the past and knowing everything in the past."

"Therefore, the white Dharma image is so heavy that it can hold on to everything in the unknown, shuttle continuously without damaging it, and predict the future."

"This three-foot-tall giant elephant statue is the king of all giant elephant statues. It contains black and white and has its own giant elephant power."

"You rely on this to greatly increase your strength. The demon is superior to you, and it may not be your opponent."

"Hiss." Xiao Yi took a breath after hearing the words, "The power of a giant elephant is so powerful?"

The old demon statue of the giant elephant smiled and nodded, "You are holding the giant elephant statue, you can borrow the power of the giant elephant from it."

"The black man can greatly increase your speed. Every move is filled with unparalleled sharpness, destroying everything."

"The white person can make you solid like a rock, your mind will be immortal, and your strength and vitality will increase."

"No matter how badly you are injured, everything will recover instantly, your fighting strength will never cease, and your vitality will never die."

"Hiss." Xiao Yi took a breath again, "I understand that the power of this giant elephant is an improvement in the overall quality of the approved person."

"Because of this overall improvement, many impossible things have become possible."

"Like Old Demon Venerable, you couldn't spy on the mysteries of the heavens and the earth, but based on this, you can achieve the overall improvement."

"Smart." The giant elephant old demon said with satisfaction.

"Now, do you still have to give it to Chilong?"

Xiao Yi smiled, "It turns out that this is the reason why Old Demon Sovereign opened Chilong."

"However, I still have the answer."

"More to give?" Old Demon Venerable Giant Elephant was slightly surprised.

Xiao Yi nodded, "Isn't it worth it, Old Demon Venerable?"

"Take three copies of the ancient heavy treasure, especially the giant elephant statue, to exchange three drops of the flame dragon blood, which is not worth it."

The old demon king of the giant elephant smiled, "There is nothing worth it."

"Just care about your own judgment."

Xiao Yi smiled, "I think it's worth it. Yanlong blood is more suitable for me."

The giant elephant old demon nodded, "That's worth it."

"Thanks to Old Demon Venerable." Xiao Yi thanked again.

Old Demon Venerable Giant Elephant waved his hand, "Remember the explicit instructions I asked Old Demon Venerable Saint Sakura to give you?"

"Remember." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Do you understand?" the giant elephant old demon sovereign asked.

"Understood." Xiao Yi nodded.

The old demon king of the giant elephant continued to ask, "Then you have to worry about it?"

"Yes." Xiao Yi still nodded.

"That's good." The giant elephant old demon said with a smile, "the old man is relieved."

"Fuck off."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Go, goodbye."

Xiao Yi turned around and left, took a few steps, and paused again.

"Old Demon Lord, I have another doubt."

"What?" the giant elephant Old Demon Venerable asked.

Xiao Yi frowned, "The giant elephant statue, Chilong can't move it alive, so why did I pick it up all at once?"

The giant elephant old demon chuckled, "I didn't say it, it recognized you, you naturally picked it up easily."

Xiao Yi frowned, "This is what I asked, how can this giant elephant recognize me so easily?"

The giant elephant’s old demon’s smile instantly solidified, and he said solemnly, "Do you want to listen to the truth?"

Xiao Yi nodded, "Of course."

The giant elephant old demon said condensedly, "This giant elephant statue, the dragon is hard to shake."

"But... when you stepped into the mystery of this giant elephant, it told me..."

"Say what?" Xiao Yi frowned and asked.

The old demon king of the giant elephant took a deep breath and said in a condensed voice, "It said, it is afraid of you."


Third more.

Update today, over.

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