Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2814: Each other's price

"Not bad." The Old Demon Lord Mad Lion nodded.

"The law of Tianshui has the reputation of being unharmed in a hundred battles and never dying."

"If you learn it, your life-saving ability is several times more than today."

"But." The old mad lion demon paused, "I am here today, not to tell you this."

"The old man wants to ask, do you understand what the demon monarch means now?"

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "What does Lao Yaozun mean?"

The mad lion old demon chuckled, "With your mind, you don't have to say that the demon king is interested in you, right?"

Xiao Yi gave a wry smile.

The mad lion old demon said, "The demon king specially asked you to sit down in the first place today, just to make you feel the feeling of being in that position."

"The so-called not seeking his position without his position."

"You can see clearly now that you are there."

Xiao Yi nodded, "I understand."

"Although strength is respect, but sometimes, the so-called status, the so-called authority, can make people see many things and see the faces of many people."

The old demon lion mad lion smiled, "So, even if the demon king is aloof, he actually sees everyone under his throne clearly."

"This is the perception brought by strength, but it is also the benefit brought by the position of authority."

"Monster, you probably felt it today."

Xiao Yi said nothing.

Mad Lion Old Demon Venerable continued, "Since the demon king wants you to go to the land of the Liehao clan, I hope you can control the law of Tianshui."

"That proves that Yaojun wants you to truly control Liuheng."

"It's to let you experience the feeling of that status, and hope that you control Liuheng, the demon's meaning is self-evident."

"You, almost determined, are his only successor."

"A few months later." The old demon lion's face was dignified for a moment, "This day, this demon domain will be under your control."

Xiao Yi took a deep breath and remained silent.

The old mad lion demon stared at Xiao Yi, "Remember what the old man said to you when you were injured by Xingluo Desperate Cone?"

"What?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"Price." Mad Lion Old Demon Venerable blurted out.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

He naturally remembered what happened at that time.

At that time, the two forces of law in his body were competing against each other, and there was almost no other way to save him.

The Old Demon Lord Mad Lion said at that time that the demon king must have a way to save him, but he needs to pay a certain price.

At the same time, he will also pay a certain price when he is alienated.

Xiao Yi frowned and said, "For a long time, I have understood the words of the old mad lion demon lord, whether he is hesitant to talk or pretending to be deep."

"But this is the only thing that I haven't figured out yet."

"The price, what is it?"

The old mad lion demon nodded slightly, thought for a moment, and then opened his mouth, "At that time, in fact, you don't need to risk taking the ghost and the fruit."

"Let’s not talk about the danger, let’s say that there may be many changes on the way."

"Any accident can kill you."

"So, you could have had a better choice."

Mad Lion Old Demon Venerable said solemnly, "If you were willing then, fully accept the identity of the Demon King of Sun Luo, and go to Tiandu as the successor of the Demon Lord. As long as the demon Lord pays a certain price of backlash, he can reverse the law Confrontation, save your life."

"However, this premise is worth the price the demon king paid."

"It can make the demon king backlash, you can imagine the price is not light, the backlash of the law of heaven and earth is quite terrifying."

"At that time, you were almost the only successor to the demon king. As long as you are willing to recognize this identity, the demon king is definitely willing to pay the price."

Xiao Yi frowned, "How can the words of the old demon lion sound strange?"

Old Demon Lord Mad Lion said solemnly, "Because I haven't said your price yet."

"My price?" Xiao Yi frowned in confusion.

The old demon lion nodded, "If you are willing to recognize the identity of this successor, your price will be..."

The mad lion old demon squinted his eyes, "will die at every turn."

"You will face a terrible character."

"Who?" Xiao Yi was surprised.

The old mad lion demon said coldly, "A person who will kill you and take your life."

"Who?" Xiao Yi asked again.

The old mad lion demon said condensedly, "You will inevitably meet a lunatic who once turned the demon realm upside down."

Xiao Yi's heart burst, and suddenly he remembered something.

The old demon lion has a killing intent in his eyes, "Today's Demon Hunting Palace...the main hall master!"

"Sure enough." Xiao Yi said inwardly, but still exclaimed, "What?"

"Is it strong?" Xiao Yi still asked.

In the eyes of the Old Demon Lord Mad Lion, there was a hint of aftertaste, "For those days in those years, any old Demon Lord, any Demon Lord, including Monarch, will never forget."

"During that period, the demon king's ambition to dominate the demon realm was almost destroyed by this lunatic."

"In a black costume, he captured the eight great demon kings alive, and killed the eight million powerful beasts of the demon king."

Xiao Yi squinted, "Monarch, and Old Demon Venerable, are you not his opponent?"

"No." Mad Lion Old Demon Venerable shook his head, "He is just crazy enough, like a madman who wants to kill him at any cost."

"The five Demon Venerables at that time were still young guys, but they had just entered the realm of Demon Venerable."

"Our five Old Demon Venerables are nothing but a step into the level of the Old Demon Venerable."

"And this lunatic, strength and realm, are nothing like us."

"Then...?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"But he just did it." The old demon lion suddenly gritted his teeth. "The eight great demon kings were the strongest under the demon king at that time. All of them have grown up and are at the level of the demon sovereign. Sweep the demon realm."

"But he was absolutely killed."

"Including the son of the ancestor of the demon dragon, who once controlled the laws of Tianshui, known as the demon king of Tianshui who was harmless in a hundred battles; the body of the black dragon, with monstrous power, was blood stained on the spot."

The son of the ancestor of the Demon Dragon was the former Tianshui Demon King under the seat of the Demon King.

"This lunatic killed a dim sky, and the whole earth was stained with the blood of my monster clan powerhouse."

"That strong suit, stepping on the blood of my monster clan powerhouse, finally dragged the blood-stained body away from the demon domain."

"What kind of enmity?" Xiao Yi asked in a deep voice.

Mad Lion Old Demon Sovereign shook his head, "It's not a feud."

"You just need to know that this madman will come to you."

"And you, all you need to do is kill him first."

Xiao Yi was taken aback, "My strength?"

Mad Lion Old Demon said coldly, "So you need to grow faster and grow stronger."

"In a few months, Demon Lord and I will definitely solve him."

"And you, as long as you grow strong enough, Yaojun and I will give you the opportunity to kill him personally."

"At that time, this day, this demon realm, you can justifiably control it."

"This is your price."

"I..." Xiao Yi wanted to say something.

Old Demon Lord Mad Lion said coldly, "If you don't find him, he will also find you. You have no choice."


Third more.

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