Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2815: Liehao Forbidden Land

It was late at night and the wind was cold.

The night is silent, Senhan.

The cultivation base is as deep as Xiao Yi, sitting cross-legged at the moment, he actually feels his body is slightly cold.

The old demon lion mad lion has already left.

Xiao Yi remained silent for a long time.


Perhaps, he didn't have to choose.

Perhaps, he has no choice at all.


Click, click...

Xiao Yi's fist cracked.

"Heh." Xiao Yi's fist suddenly loosened, and he, who had been silent, finally let out a chuckle in his mouth.

"I hate these arrangements, neither they nor you."

"If you have to make arrangements for me, I'll be at ease."

"Of course, it's whatever you want under control."

Xiao Yi said a few times in his heart, no longer thinking about it.


The next day, early morning.

Xiao Yi woke up from the meditation, got up, glanced at the six ghosts and demons, and said, "Go away."

"Yes." Liu Gui Yao replied and followed Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi left Senluo Palace, outside, the leader of Ye Crow was waiting here.

"Something?" Xiao Yi asked indifferently.

The leader of the night crow was taken aback for a moment, "Sen Luo Demon King, it seems that he is not happy."

"Is there?" Xiao Yi said indifferently, "I haven't always been like this?"

The leader of Ye Crow frowned slightly, but didn't ask much. He just nodded and said, "The demon Lord knows that you will leave today."

"The demon king sent me here so that you don't have to say goodbye specially."

"The demon king said, you go to the Liehao clan, he is waiting for you to return in enthusiasm, controlling Tianshui, and not disappointed."

Xiao Yi nodded and said nothing.

The night crow led away.

Xiao Yi also left with Liu Gui Yao.

Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared.

"Meng Binghe?" Xiao Yi was slightly puzzled.

"Master Li." Meng Binghe arched his hands.

Xiao Yi wondered, "Didn't I hear that all the arrogances have already left?"

Meng Binghe nodded and said with a chuckle, "Yes, all of us Tianjiao were not qualified to enter the inner city of Tiandu."

"It's just that before the demon king wanted to recruit his son-in-law, this made an exception to let a lot of talents come."

"The day before yesterday, Master Li rescued the little majesty, the demon king stopped recruiting his son-in-law, and he had already let all the Tianjiao go away."

"But I can follow the giant elephant supreme, so I can stay until now."

Xiao Yi nodded, "What's the matter?"

Meng Binghe chuckled, "The day before yesterday, Master Li asked me about my past. I saw Master Li you asked me seriously, so I thought that you shouldn’t miss your major events, Master Li, so I’ve stayed here to see if Master Li needs to ask me. The place."

Xiao Yi frowned.

Wow... a force of law envelops the surroundings.

"Back then, for what exactly was it to list this Human Race Tianjiao 15 years ago as a taboo, so let's not talk more?" Xiao Yi asked.

Meng Binghe replied, "I have answered Master Li before, and I really don't know."

"In my opinion, that is actually not a big deal."

"At best, our younger generation suffered a big loss in the hands of Human Race Tianjiao."

"Besides." Meng Binghe thought for a while, and said, "Back then, after that Human Race Tianjiao didn't stir up other storms."

"Chilong and I were defeated at the beginning, severely wounded and escaped to the depths of the demon realm."

"And that Human Race Tianjiao, after a short while, suddenly disappeared. I heard that it disappeared mysteriously."

"My judgment is, death, it certainly won't be, but it's more like this Human Race Tianjiao doesn't know where it is."

"Oh, yes." Meng Binghe seemed to think of something, and said, "I still remember what the guy said."

"Specifically, I don't remember, I only know, that guy seems to have come to find someone."

"No one was found, there was a fight in vain, and he left."

"Looking for someone?" Xiao Yi said puzzled.


"I don't know." Meng Binghe shook his head, "but I clearly remember the look in that guy's eyes."

"That kind of look is very complicated. I don't know how to say it. It is full of longing, pain, and many inexplicable emotions."

"In short, it's complicated."

"His eyes are very sharp, he seems to regard everything as a dead thing, but without thinking, he seems to be thinking back to the past, and it is rare to show softness."

"It's a weirdo anyway."

"Presumably, the person he is looking for is a very important person."

Very important person?

Seems to treat everything like a dead thing, thinking back to the past, then showing softness inexplicably?

Xiao Yi suddenly felt familiar with this look.


Xiao Yi frowned more tightly.

Suddenly, Meng Binghe looked solemn and said, "Last night, I took the courage and asked the Supreme Elephant."

"Thinking back about what happened back then, I was already confused."

"The Demon Sacrifice Day 15 years ago was almost the same as the one a few months ago, like history repeating itself."

"The Great Elephant, only one reply..."

"He said that fate is like this."

"Fate is like this?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

"Now I hate the word destiny more and more."


The power of the laws around him suddenly dissipated.

Meng Binghe was startled, "Is there nothing else I want to ask the master?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Thanks, no need."

Meng Binghe also didn't know if he asked three questions, and he could only get some superficial answers, so Xiao Yi was too lazy to ask.

"Farewell." Xiao Yi said, and walked straight away.

Meng Binghe arched his hands and watched Xiao Yi leave.


Whoosh... Xiao Yi rose from the sky.

Six ghosts and demons follow each other like a shadow.

In the sky, air is forbidden, and only Liuheng Demon King has this privilege to fly in the air.

Xiao Yi and his party just came out of Tiandu.


Ahead, the space collapsed suddenly.

A figure walked out slowly.

"Demon Venerable level?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

"Liehao Demon Lord?"

Whoosh... the figure came in an instant and came to Xiao Yi.

The figure is Liehao Yaozun.

Xiao Yi wondered, "Lie Hao Demon Venerable is waiting for me here?"

Demon Lord Liehao nodded and chuckled, "Although, my Liehao clan is closer to the sky than the wild lion clan."

"But with your strength, it will take a lot of time to rush from Heaven to the land of my Liehao clan."

"My deity, I will take you by the way."


Liehao Yaozun's voice fell, and he caught Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi frowned, "As far as I know, you can't cross the void at the level of Demon Venerable?"

Liehao Yaozun said with a light smile, "But you will always hurry faster than you."

"Furthermore, the deity returns to the family land, naturally faster."


Liehao Yaozun waved his hand.

In the air, deep blue water flows condense.

The water flow condenses into a ball, enveloping Xiao Yi and the six ghosts.

"This is..." Xiao Yi was startled.

"Sen Luo Demon King, stand firm." Lie Hao Yao Zun smiled.


In the air, a huge water vortex suddenly appeared out of thin air.


Liehao Yaozun, Xiao Yi and his entourage instantly fell into the whirlpool of water.

In the rushing water waves, the two disappeared instantly.

Just over an hour.


Two figures appeared out of thin air.

It is Liehao Yaozun and Xiao Yi.

"That was the shuttle space just now?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

Demon Venerable Liehao nodded, "Okay, this is my Liehao clan land, within the Liehao forbidden area."

"Siluo Demon King, you can start your comprehension training at any time."


Fourth more. (Make up)

Update today, over.

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