Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3008: Water girl, not a demon

Xiao Yi sneaked quickly, walked, and probed.

This tracking order can record the location extremely accurately.

If you perceive it carefully, it can even be accurate to within a few meters.

And if Xiao Yi doesn't perceive it now, he can only trace it to tens of millions of miles by relying only on his breath.

There is a huge gap between tens of millions of miles and a few meters.

But there is no other way.

He can only trace to the edge of the southern range, and for the remaining tens of thousands of miles, he can only slowly sneak in and slowly explore.

Xiao Yi walked all the way, silently.

When the search range is reduced to hundreds of thousands of miles, he can immediately perceive the jade pendant and determine the location instantly.

Within a mere hundreds of thousands of miles, even if the water girl was aware of it, she could instantly rush to Yiming's side at his speed to avoid accidents.


After a few hours.

"Not yet?" Xiao Yi paused, frowning slightly.

This area, already outside the southern edge, is in a wasteland.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, thinking.

At the edge of the northern part of the Central Region, beyond the edge, there are endless snow mountains in the north.

On the edge of the western area is the defense line of Dongfang Home and the Demon Realm.

Outside of the southern edge, he had never been here to experience.

As far as he knew, beyond the southern edge, there was a huge wasteland with complex terrain, somewhat similar to a demon domain.

But on the other side of the demon realm, there are dense primitive ancient forests, within which are all kinds of dangerous terrain.

Simply put, the overall scope of the demon domain is still the monster forest.

But beyond the southern edge, there is wasteland. There are not many towering trees, but there are countless rain forest grasslands with countless poisonous miasma and dense mud.

If you look down from the sky, it's not that the demon realm is full of green forests, but a desolate place with white fog and trees.

This area is huge, no less than the demon domain.

Inside, although it is inaccessible, it is not without warriors walking.

As far as Xiao Yi knows, there are also sects and martial artists here, but they are not dense, rather rare.

In terms of the degree of danger, it's not big.

However, I don't know why, a strange feeling arose in my heart.

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head slightly.

Not to mention that with his current strength, he can ignore many crises.

Besides, the side beyond the southern edge is not a dangerous place at all. There is also a big city of warriors, but it is less.

"No matter." Xiao Yi temporarily suppressed this inexplicable strangeness.

The figure flashed, and continued to sneak in to investigate.

After half an hour.

"Still not." Xiao Yi frowned, but his eyes became cold.

"There are only tens of thousands of miles left."

Xiao Yi glanced into the distance, and within tens of thousands of miles in front of him, was the place where the breath on the other side of the jade pendant was.

He can be violent now.

The perception was released instantly, not only covering the jade pendant in his hand, but also covering a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

As soon as he sensed it, Xiao Yi knew the exact location instantly.

Boom... Dragon Flame Fire Wings have already gathered momentum to explode and condense.

With the explosion of flame, coupled with the space travel, the distance of tens of thousands of miles was instantly spanned at this moment.


The moment Xiao Yi's figure flickered, the surrounding area was completely empty.

In the wilderness, a few meters away, there was only a piece of jade pendant floating in the air.

The jade pendant is connected with the aura of the jade pendant in Xiao Yi's hand.

In other words, Xiao Yi has found his position now, but... how about people?

Xiao Yi's face changed, but before he was surprised, his eyes suddenly cold.

He stepped on his feet, turned around, and looked directly at a dozen steps away.

There is still nothing but air and desolate land.

"Come out." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

In the air, there is no response.

Xiao Yi sneered, "Liu Li Magic Cover, really amazing."

"If Ms. Shui stayed in the glazed illusion and stared at me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to find it."

In the air, there is still no response.

Bang... Xiao Yi hit a fiery blade in his hand.

The blade was extremely fast, but the air a dozen steps away suddenly dissipated, as if hitting something solid.


A few steps away, there was a burst of brilliance.

In the air, strands of dreamy colors drift away.

Several figures appeared out of thin air.

The leader, wearing a blue long skirt, is the water girl.

On the left and right, there are two old men, it is Master Gu Xu and Gu Fu.

"Tsk tusk, you deserve to be the Lord Xiao Yi, really amazing." Shui Ninghan smiled.

"I thought that Palace Master Xiao Yi was cheating on the little girl, but I didn't expect it to be discovered."

"Where is Yiming?" Xiao Yi didn't mean anything.

He knew that the water girl's mouth could speak flowers, and it was just a waste of time to speak with her.

Shui Ninghan smiled sweetly, "It turns out that the Hallmaster Xiao Yi had traveled thousands of miles away from the southern edge to find the ice palace Tianjiao Xia Yiming.

"The little girl just saw that Palace Master Xiao Yi had suddenly exploded from tens of thousands of miles away.

"If you guessed it correctly, Palace Master Xiao Yi has sneaked all the way for nearly tens of millions of miles with the trace letter order."

"Up to these limits, the Lord Xiao Yi felt confident that he had rescued Xia Yiming in an instant, and only then did he violent."

"But after I arrived, I found no one here and no trace of Xia Yiming, so I was dumbfounded."

Xiao Yi frowned.

Shui Ninghan chuckled, "Is it disappointed?"

"The little girl believes that being cautious, like Palace Master Xiao Yi, must have already sensed her surroundings."

"There is no breath of Xia Yiming here, he is not here."

In Shui Ninghan's words, there was no maliciousness, no coldness, only a chuckle, more like an old friend who simply talked to Xiao Yi.

"It's okay." Xiao Yi sneered, "It doesn't matter if Yiming isn't here, you just need to be here."

"Oh." Shui Ninghan smiled, and even a trace of crimson flashed across his face, "It turns out that Palace Master Xiao Yi came here to find a little girl?"

"Looking for your follower Xia Yiming is just a guise excuse, is the little girl really looking for?"

"Hall Master Xiao Yi has never seen such a thought about a little girl in the past."

"Could it be..." Shui Ninghan pretended to be surprised. "It was said that the master of Xiao Yi Hall had an animal heart with a beastly heart and a guilty look and bold expression. Is it true?"

"Enough." Xiao Yi interrupted coldly, "My Ice Palace protector said that your water girl is a demon, I don't believe it."

"Oh?" Shui Ninghan was slightly surprised, "Hall Master Xiao Yi actually helped the little woman speak? It really surprised the little woman."

Xiao Yi said with a cold face, "In my previous cognition, Girl Water is very good."

"Gentle like water, quiet and pleasant, resourceful, talented, and the world's women, few people can match you."

Shui Ninghan smiled, "Should the little girl be happy to be so highly appreciated by the Lord Xiao Yi?"

"Or, Palace Master Xiao Yi is already willing to bow down under the little girl's pomegranate skirt?"

"I said, enough." Xiao Yi's tone was cold.

"The water girl in my mind is not such a demon."


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