Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3009: Ancient Sage King Kong

Shui Ninghan was stunned.

"In the eyes of Palace Master Xiao Yi, who is the little girl?"

"Don't tell the little girl, Palace Master Xiao Yi wants to persuade me with your three inch tongue."

"Or." Shui Ninghan smiled charmingly, "Hall of Xiao Yi has grown a deputy to return the skin, is he planning to make me fall in love with his beauty and this mouth?"

"If so, the little girl would be very happy."

Xiao Yi shook his head, a trace of disappointment flashed across his face.

"In my cognition, the water girl is really gentle as water, making me feel pity."

"In addition to this better mental strategy than a man, and a talent for martial arts, the water girl can make almost all women in the world ashamed."

"Unfortunately, this is just the surface of Girl Water."

"The real water girl is more powerful than the surface."

"Under the watery skin, there is a heart as delicate as a needle, but unfortunately it is a poisonous needle."

"Under his stunning face, he is narrow-minded, and he must compare himself."

"In my judgment, you are extremely aggressive and ambitious."

"But you also prefer to hide in the dark, manipulate the situation and make waves."

"Say you are a hero, and you don't have that kind of mind. You are often happy and angry, with countless malicious tricks in your heart."

"If you say you are a villain, you don't want to, let alone, you water girl is very capable."

"Say you are greedy for fame, and you always like to play with countless creatures in the palm of your hand as an outsider, and then complacent as an unknown winner in the dark."

"A lot of things, obviously unnecessary, but the water girl did."

"Whatever the water girl does, there must be a purpose."

"In short, you are an extremely complicated person, Ms. Water." Xiao Yi paused, "Well, you are an opponent."

"So, put away your enchanting face like a witch, you are not."

"Take away your acting skills too, you are not."

"Don't think I can't see through you, just don't want to look down on you, don't even want to say something that shouldn't be said."

"What do you mean?" Shui Ning's eyes narrowed instantly.

Xiao Yi sneered, "Then ask Miss Water again, what does Miss Water want to prove like this? Who do you want to prove?"

"You..." Shui Ninghan's expression changed.

Xiao Yi sneered, "Of course, that was just my guess, but the change in Miss Water's expression was confirmed by herself."

"Of course, compared to the face just now, I'm more happy to see Miss Shui's face nowadays."

"Of course, Miss Water can talk to me with a more normal face."

"Okay, very good." Shui Ninghan's face was already gloomy, "Hall Master Xiao Yi, really good at it, I didn't mistake you back then."


Xiao Yi threw out a shackle in his hand, and said coldly, "Hand over the sound, tie yourself in place, and follow me back to the Eighth Hall General Hall, or you may suffer less."

"Want to arrest me to the Eight Halls?" Shui Ninghan gave a chuckle.

Shui Ninghan no longer had that enchanting posture, teasing appearance.

Instead, it was gentle as water, just as it was when I first met Xiao Yi.

This is what the water girl looks like on the surface.

"I said, Hall Master Xiao Yi, you are a wicked person to sue first." Shui Ninghan smiled playfully.

"Xia Yiming first injured me badly, and then wanted to take my life. A few days after returning to the ice palace, he immediately went out of the palace to hunt me down."

"Now that he is inferior to human skills, he was captured by me, and the Lord Xiao Yi actually went to the Eighth Hall to arrest me?"

Xiao Yi said coldly, "Slaying a hundred families in the hidden world, violating my ice palace..."

"Haha." Shui Ninghan jokingly smiled, "Hall Master Xiao Yi is really domineering."

"If I have the ability, even if I slaughter the Hundred Houses of the Hidden World and destroy your Ice Palace, what shall I do with the Eight Palaces?"

"Which rule of the Eight Palaces did I violate?"

"When did the Eight Palaces begin to manage disputes between the major forces?"

Xiao Yi sneered, "Collaborating with Xie Xiu and controlling the Supreme Tower and Lingyan Pavilion to disrupt the Central Region?"

"This one alone is enough for me to come down and want you."

"Heh." Shui Ning smiled coldly, "Hall Master Xiao Yi is now trying to use strong words to deceive others?"

"I control the Supreme Tower and Lingyan Pavilion? Do you have evidence?"

"If not, please Palace Master Xiao Yi not to spit people."

"This kind of hegemonic act of the wicked first to file a complaint is a culprit method."

"Could it be true that as the rumors say, want to call you Xiao Yi a little thief?"

"Tsk tusk." Master Gu Xu sneered, "Ms. Shui also said more to this little thief."

"That silent, sneaky, sneaky, obviously a thief."

"Hall Master Xiao Yi, he must have been a thief, so he has developed such a powerful stealth ability."


Xiao Yi stepped forward abruptly, "He obediently follow me back to the Eighth Hall, or I will capture you by force and choose one."

Shui Ninghan shook his head, covered his mouth and smiled, "Little Thief Xiao Yi, really domineering."

"But, it's not that everyone is afraid of you, everyone will show you power."

"I'm really afraid of you?"

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly, before saying more, he stepped out suddenly, taking the water and leaving.

"Miss Water, be careful." Master Gu Xu and Gu Fu gave a sharp cold cry.


Two invisible forces suddenly attacked Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi didn't dodge or hide, and as his eyes stared, the two invisible forces disappeared instantly.

"A top 90,000 Dao, plus a Demon Venerable level, also want to stop me?" Xiao Yi sneered.

The attack of the two could not even stop Xiao Yi's footsteps.


Just at this moment, a sword rang and a sword aura came fiercely.

"Sword Qi of the Sovereign Realm?" Xiao Yi was startled.


The sword aura was blocked, but Xiao Yi's figure was shaken back ten steps with a loud explosion.


Around, a group of figures flickered.

The astonishing momentum instantly broke through the sky and pressed the earth.

Headed by the three old men.

Around, there are more than a dozen warriors surrounding the Quartet.

"Three Harmony and Triple, Ten Numbers at the pinnacle of the Holy Venerable Stage." Xiao Yi squinted.

Outside the encirclement, Shuining laughed coldly, "You think I don't know you have captured Gu Tao?"

"To be honest, even Elder Gu Tao can be captured by you, which really surprised me."

"But today, you can't escape with your wings."

"To tell you the truth, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Huh." Xiao Yi grinned, "That's right."

"End up." An old man shouted violently.

At the peak of the ten-thousand-sovereign realm, the breath is connected instantly, and the aura soars.

Shui Ninghan smiled, "The tenth elder Lao, the elder elder and the elder twelve captured this evil thief."

"Miss Water, don't worry." The three elders said in a deep voice.

Shui Ninghan looked at Xiao Yi playfully, "Hall Master Xiao Yi, let me remind you that this is not in the Central Region."

"Now, you are always looking for me to provoke, and you have to deal with me first."

"Even if I let you die here today, the Eight Palaces can't say anything."

When the voice fell, Shui Ninghan's eyes were gloomy for an instant, "I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it."


Qiang... a sharp sword, glowing with golden light, came straight from Xiao Yi.


Second more.

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