Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3011: Bahuofenwei

"Damn it, space shuttle?"

Xiao Yi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his face instantly ugly.

Shui Ninghan could use the glazed illusion to cross the void, which he had not thought of before.

It's space shuttle, this special ability he has only seen and used in the law of Tianshui.

As the supreme treasure of Shuiguang Mansion, Liuli Magic Mask had this kind of ability.

Space shuttle and crossing the void, so that he could not capture these three people in a short time, and even now let these three people escape in front of his own eyes.


This huge land of the sect made Xiao Yi unconsciously stop.

Even if you look at it like this, you can feel the amazing ancient aura coming to your face.

The vast and surging momentum hovered above the sect, and after a little perception, it felt like a huge wave of stocks was overwhelming.

Above the sect, a breath of restraint is looming.

With Xiao Yi's current level and vision, he couldn't even recognize these prohibitions.

In the current world, there are only eight cases that can have such a long and ancient atmosphere and possess so many ancient and powerful methods.

At the forefront of the sect, above the ancient gate, the three characters ‘Ancient Realm Sect’ were written impressively.

"Hiss." Xiao Yi glanced, took a breath and took a few steps back.

The three simple and simple characters, under the gaze, were as dazzling as the blazing sun in the sky, and in an instant, they were like the abyss of the sea, and almost made him unable to extricate himself.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spit out blood.

All the injuries in the body were pulled out at this moment.

"Press." Xiao Yi screamed, his face cold again.

"What about Ancient Realm Sect, I demolished your broken sect."


The eight rounds of fire, instantly encircling the wrist.

The world suddenly changed.

Calm high in the sky, instantly turning into a sea of ​​red flames.

The breath of heaven and earth, instantly hot and unbearable.

The sky is filled with meteors.

With a big wave of Xiao Yi's hand, countless flame meteors crashed down.


The sky and the earth explode, like the end of the day.

However, a series of fast and violent flame meteors impacted and fell, and they were restrained for a moment when they touched the top of the sect, but they instantly lost their momentum.

The flame seemed to be vaporized as soon as it touched the air.

In an instant, countless flame meteors turned into the sea.

However, such an astonishing sound of flame explosion caused the figures of warriors within the sect to jump out quickly.

"Damn, who would dare to be presumptuous outside my ancient realm sect?" With a loud shout of anger, an old man rushed out.

The old man instantly fell a hundred steps in front of Xiao Yi.

Behind him, dozens of warriors with equally astonishing momentum.

"Huh? Is it a Tianjiao?" The old man frowned and looked at Xiao Yi.

"Who is your excellency? Why are you making a noise outside of my ancient realm sect?"

Xiao Yi glanced at the old man with a cold expression, "He Dao Yizhong?"

"Is it just such a person? It seems that I am not loud enough."

The old man's expression changed, "Who is your excellency, and what does the ancient realm sect mean?"

Although the old man is only the first level of the Sovereign Realm, he can obviously feel the powerful aura that oppresses Xiao Yi's body.

With such strength and so young, how could he be a general generation.

The old man hurriedly said, "The old man, the second deacon of Ancient Realm Zong, Ancient Tea, is on duty today."

"If your Excellency wants to be presumptuous for no reason, please stop blaming me for being unkind."

"You're welcome?" Xiao Yi sneered, taking out a token from the main hall in his hand, "Eight Palace, Xiao Yi."

"Xiao Yi? The Lord of the Eight Palaces?" The old man frowned, his face changed again.

"My Ancient Realm Sect and the Eight Palaces have always kept the water from the river."

"Why Palace Master Xiao Yi is making a big fuss outside my ancient realm sect today?"

Xiao Yi said coldly, "I came all the way to pursue the wanted criminal in the main hall."

"The three wanted criminals entered your ancient realm sect at this time and are gone."

"Wanted criminal?" The old man frowned, "Where is the wanted criminal from my Ancient Realm Sect?"

Wow... Xiao Yi waved his big hand, and three streams of light formed a portrait in the air.

The old man glanced at him, "Girl Water? Master Gu Xu and Master Gu Xu?"

"Hallmaster Xiao Yi is joking?" The old man instantly looked directly at Xiao Yi coldly.

"There are three people in the portrait, two of them are the elders of my Ancient Realm Sect."

"The water girl is my ancient realm sect Keqing, and my ancient realm sect's friend."

"It's no wonder then." Xiao Yi sneered, "The three thieves all ran into your ancient realm sect and hid them."

"Either you behave well, or you go back and find someone who can be the master."


"Otherwise what?" The old man interrupted coldly, "My Ancient Realm Sect has never been threatened."

Xiao Yi sneered, "The lord of the palace is pursuing it today, and if he dares to protect the wanted criminal, it is regarded as the same."

"Either behave obediently, or... I demolished your ancient realm sect."

Boom...The breath of heaven and earth is extremely hot again.

"Bastard." The old man's face was furious, "It's not yet your turn to be a little brat to run wild outside the Ancient Realm Sect."

Boom... the old man suddenly exploded in his whole body.

The majesty of the monarchy is monstrous.

"Get off." Xiao Yi yelled coldly.

An ice-white flame wanders the dragon and eats the old man.

The old man is obviously not a general, he recognized the flame at a glance, "Bing Ming You Huo? Rewind quickly."

The old man patted it out with a palm, blocking the flame swimming dragon.

Behind him, a group of ancient warriors retreated.


The old man's palm touched the flame and the dragon for a moment, and the old hands were instantly frozen.

Within the ice, burn marks appeared on the palm of his hand.

The ice is still spreading.

The old man's face changed drastically, and if he continued like this, he would be frozen all over, and then burned to ashes by this powerful flame.

"Broken." The old man didn't forcefully block the flame swimming dragon, instantly shattered the ice in his hands, and quickly backed away.

"Humph, overwhelming." Xiao Yi snorted coldly, already putting out his hands.

In both hands, the flames rushed endlessly.

"Boom my ice palace sect array? I also blasted your ancient realm sect array today."

"When I tear down your broken sect, I will enter the sect to catch the wanted criminal."


In all directions, the flames boiled endlessly.

Within a radius of a million miles, countless heavens and earth auras flooded.

Above the sky, flames and meteors are again densely covered, even more so.

The earth cracked suddenly.

Strips of golden flame molten spit out from the ground, spreading all the way for tens of thousands of miles.

Between heaven and earth, countless flames circling and dancing.

Among them, six are the most huge, with a body of several hundred thousand feet, and force the entrance restriction of the sect.

At this moment, the huge ancient realm sect was like a besieged city.

High in the sky, the sky burns the city, and the molten purgatory under the feet.

In all directions, waves of flame swallowed.

"Damn, hurry up and disperse these flames." The old man's face changed drastically and he shouted.

In fact, there is no need for the old man to speak, with such a big movement, countless figures of warriors have leapt out of the ancient realm sect.

Xiao Yi sneered, his body's vitality mobilized to the extreme in an instant.

"The flame, burn me to the extreme." Xiao Yi put out his hands together.

In the huge gas spring, the vitality was tumbling and consumed wildly.


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