Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3012: Forced into the ancient realm

Within the ancient realm sect, a group of strong figures quickly jumped out.

Within a few breaths, the sky above the Ancient Realm Sect was densely covered with no less than a thousand people.

One by one, the strong men tried their best to disperse the flames.

However, the countless wandering flame dragons are good to say, but the flame meteors in the sky and the flame lava under the earth are surprisingly powerful.

Especially the six largest flame dragons, almost no one can beat them.

In the distance, Gu Cha looked at the foreground and his face was full of surprise.

Those dense figures are all his ancient realm sect martial artists, among them there are dozens of deacons, all martial arts kings.

However, it was actually lost to these countless flames, and outside the gate of the ancient realm sect, it was chaotic and embarrassing.

All this was caused by the anger of the young man in the sky.

"Deacon, be careful."

At this time, there was an exclamation in the dense silhouette.

A deacon in the kingdom was fighting fiercely with one of the six flame dragons, but was burned into nothingness in a short time.

"Six Deacon." Gu Cha's face changed drastically.

The huge purple flame swimming dragon actually swallowed the six deacons in one bite, and there was no bones left.

"Nine Deacon." Another exclaimed.

One of the six flame dragons, the terrifying black flame dragon, looked like a real fierce black dragon, and swallowed another one directly.

"This...this...this..." Gu Cha's body trembled.

Six-headed flaming dragon, purple, terrifying temperature, burns everything, no strong one can get close.

Black, like a real black dragon, fierce and inexplicable.

There is another, with a demon spirit soaring into the sky, like a giant boiling dragon, which is difficult for hundreds of disciples to join forces.

The most crippled side was actually devouring vitality. Over a hundred disciples joined hands and even fell to the ground weakly to get close, and vitality quickly passed away.

The six-headed flaming dragon shook the sect. It was difficult for all the deacons and nearly a thousand disciples to resist.

"Hurry up and invite the elders to come." Gu Cha's face changed drastically.

He had already understood that in front of this terrible evildoer, no matter how many people there were, it would only be a joke.

Although the flame has not been burned into the sect, once the gate restriction is broken, this monstrous flame will instantly engulf the entire ancient realm sect.

Although the Zongmen Great Array is strong, these flames are also continuous, as if it will never stop.

High in the sky.

There was only indifference on Xiao Yi's face.

Shui Ninghan, he settled.

As long as this sect is broken, he will immediately enter the ancient realm sect to take people.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, his eyes changed instantly.

The left eye is lunar, the right eye is the sun.

Under the perception of heaven and earth, the entire ancient realm sect has a panoramic view.

"So many powerful people?" Xiao Yi was startled.

"Huh? Yiming breath?"

He only wanted to see where the three of Shui Ninghan were hiding in the ancient realm sect.

At this moment, in addition to the aura of the three of Shui Ninghan, even the breath of Yiming is also in the ancient realm sect.

"Huh? What a terrible breath?" Xiao Yi stared into the distance of the Ancient Realm Sect, his face changed drastically, and the perception of heaven and earth disappeared instantly.

The eye of the lunar sun also retracted instantly.

He only needs to know that Yiming is in it, it doesn't matter what kind of strong there is.

He wanted to catch Shui Ninghan, but he just didn't know where Yiming was. After catching Shui Ninghan, someone would obediently put Yiming back.

Now that Yiming is directly in the ancient realm sect, that would be even better, just get people out.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes and stared at the big gate below.

"Boiling demon fire, burn." Xiao Yi cried secretly.

A plume of boiling flame instantly joined in the gas spring in his body.

The energy consumption of the tumbling Qi Spring instantly multiplied tenfold.

Xiao Yi's body trembled, and his body was instantly uncomfortable.

With both hands out, Xiao Yi strengthened his body and said, "Eight fires, melt."


Xiao Yi shouted violently.

Boom...The eight-stranded monstrous flames instantly merged and exploded over the ancient realm sect.

At that moment, the world seemed white.

The whole world seemed to freeze in a moment.

When everything returned to normal, Xiao Yi's figure had disappeared in the sky silently.

The large forbidden formation over the ancient realm sect has collapsed.

The monstrous flames were just shaking the sect before, and at this moment, it has instantly pressed into the ancient realm sect.

As you can see, the ancient realm sect is a sea of ​​flames, with flames rushing.

Xiao Yi's figure had already fallen into the ancient realm sect and wandered through it.

"Tsk, such a weak sect." Xiao Yi sneered.

Now, taking advantage of the chaos, he sneaked into it, first rescued it and said.

Just at this time.

Dozens of steps ahead, a figure blocked the way.

It was an old man with a cold face.

"Take advantage of the chaos to sneak into my ancient realm sect, the master of the eight halls, is also so despicable?"

The old man looked directly at Xiao Yi coldly.

"Next job?" Xiao Yi sneered, "What is it that you protect the wanted criminals and catch me Ice Palace Tianjiao?"

The old man squinted his eyes, "It's just ruining an outer gate, so I'm so defiant, can I consciously choose my ancient realm sect?"

"It's meaningless to be ignorant."

The purple electricity in Xiao Yi's hand appeared out of thin air, "It's not yet your turn to stand in the way for me, get out of here."

Xiao Yi suddenly violent.

Sharp sword, hit the old man directly.

A ray of purple thunder and lightning, glowing with light, flashed in the air.


The Purple Lightning Sword was stopped in an instant.

The old man, with only two fingers, it is difficult for Zidian to enter the inch.

"So strong." Xiao Yi's pupils shrank.

Not far away, a figure walked out slowly.

"Elder Eighth, I told you earlier, this little thief is very rampant."

The figure is an old man, just the Gu Xu who fled before.

"Gu Xu?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

"Tsk tusk." Gu Xu sneered, "Little thief Xiao Yi, I really don't know if you are stupid or really crazy."

"Single-handedly, would you dare to come to my ancient realm sect to run wild? That is your own death, no wonder others."

The old man held the sword in one hand and glanced at Gu Xu, "Uncle Six."

"Yeah." Gu Xu nodded, "The Eighth Elder will quickly capture this evil thief."

The old man nodded, flicking his finger, and Zidian was shocked.


The eight-stranded star light instantly fell from the sky.

Xiao Yi wielded a sword in one hand and hacked with all his strength.


A sword-qi mammoth rushed out instantly.

The old man narrowed his eyes and said, "Some ability."

The old man blasted out with his full palm, stopping the sword energy mammoth, and blasting it to pieces with another palm.

But in front of him, Xiao Yi was no longer visible.

"Want to run?" The old man's eyes were cold.

In the distance, Xiao Yi moved forward swiftly, with an extremely solemn expression on his ugly face.

The Ancient Realm Sect is one of the eight sects, and the strong inside is like a cloud.

His previous predictions were still low. Judging from the perception of the world just now, the number of strong men and the power of warriors in the ancient realm sect far exceeded his previous judgments.

"Don't love to fight." Xiao Yi said inwardly.

"Rescue Yiming, directly moved away with Ice Venerable Hall."

Boom... Behind him, there was a burst of momentum.

The eight elders chased after him.

Xiao Yi didn't turn his head back, but snorted.

"The ice storm eats the soul, burns silently."

The storm of ice and snow came out.

The surrounding flames also went violently.

Fire and ice are intensifying, encircling the back road.

"Broken." The eight elders moved the palms of the wind, the ice and fire disappeared, and he blasted Xiao Yi's back with all his strength.

Xiao Yi reacted extremely quickly, slashing with a backhand.


The eighth elder didn't move, but Xiao Yi was heavily bombarded, a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Yi sneered, then retreated with the help of the force, and went straight to the depths of the ancient realm sect.


Second more.

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