Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3061: Who is the future?

Bang bang bang bang...

There was a loud noise.

Stereotypes of amazing aura, seem to be contending with this world.

If the world is a cage, then these eight auras are now hitting the top of the cage.

The top of the cage was shocked by the stereotyped momentum.

At this moment, Gu Yuan Tianjun is the master of this world.

The cage was constructed by him.

"Humph." Gu Yuan Tianjun snorted sharply.

The old cold snort came from Gu Yuan Tianjun's mouth, but it broke out in the heavens and the earth.


A thunder burst, like the fury of heaven and earth.

The stereotyped aura that had exploded at the top of the cage was instantly shaken away.


The eight main hall masters spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time.

"Humph." The eight people, ignoring the blood hanging from the corners of their mouths, also snorted coldly.

The eight-stranded momentum returned to its peak in an instant, and it was a bit more violent than before, like a torrent of eight-stranded waves, powerfully shaking the world.

The top of the cage is no longer a blast, but a blast to shake the sky.

Gu Yuan Tianjun unconsciously stepped back, his face flushed, and the blood inside his body rolled.

At this moment, the head of the Demon Hunter took a sudden step.

"Will you continue to fight?"

"Gu Yuan Tianjun, you just live a long life, almost immortal."

"But it's not that it won't be hurt, it's really not dead."

Gu Yuan Tianjun frowned upon hearing this.

Boom...boom...boom...boom...the roar of the stylistic momentum became more and more intense.

The eight main hall masters gritted their teeth.

Gu Yuan Tianjun was unmoved, but a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

The head of the demon hunter squinted, "Just stop here, it will be fine."

"You take your people away, no more fights."

Gu Yuan Tianjun frowned more tightly.

Shui Ninghan's eyes were cold, "Tianjun, this is beyond the 100,000 mountains, and it is already far beyond the middle area."

"If you stop today, once these eight people return to the Central Region, there will be endless troubles."

The head of the hunting monster sneered, "Miss Water, the old man soul teaches you a skill and protects your master who was thoughtful when you were weak."

"You want him to die?"

Shui Ninghan jokingly smiled, "I know that the master of the demon hunting hall is scheming, but you don't have to deceive me."

"My water is cold and I will never kill Master's life."

"Do you think I am your Hallmaster Xiao Yi? Ruthless and impermanent?"

"Eight halls, one hall is missing, the strength has been greatly reduced, and the vitality is greatly injured; if there is no seven halls, there will be no more power to make waves."

"The Master and the Soul Hall will be safe, but why do you need to keep the Seven Halls that have deteriorated?"

In the distance, the ghost hiding behind the eight main hall masters squinted, "Is this still cruel?"

"When I recover, I will eat you, stinky woman."

Of course, the ghost murmured to himself in a low voice, but did not bravely shout.

Gu Yuan Tianjun narrowed his eyes for the first time and nodded.

The old palm slowly stretched out.

Boom...a dragon flame, instantly emerged from the world.

Then, there are two strands, three strands, four strands...

Countless dragon flames seem to hang in the sky.

Heaven and Earth Will, if this dragon flame power is added, what should it be?

Wrath of Heaven and Earth, if Dragon Flame is the power, how might it be?

The stereotyped violent aura, instantly collapsed in the flames.

The eight main hall masters spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Shui Ning smiled coldly, "I said earlier, this world is not your turn to be the masters of the eight palaces."

But also at this time.


In the distance, a wave of momentum came over the sky.

The momentum is full of tyranny, full of vastness, layer by layer, endless.

The imposing rush point was actually Senior Luo.

Senior Luo sneered, eyes filled with madness and coldness, "This is indeed beyond the 100,000 mountains, and it is indeed not within the Central Region."

"But Gu Yuan Tianjun seems to have forgotten that this is the sea to the east, which is the forbidden sea."

"Here is the place where Bing Sheng's strength is stored."

When Gu Yuan Tianjun heard this, his face suddenly changed.

This is the first time he has such a changing face.


Heaven and Earth, the explosion sound at this time has already surpassed the previous stereotyped momentum.

A huge demon of heaven and earth, with its feet on the sea and the sky above its head, a huge dark sword in his hand.

The phantom of the magic path lay behind Senior Luo.

Senior Luo trembling with his old palms, slowly stretched out the huge sword towards the huge magic shadow.

Click, click...

The sky is full of cracks.

This world prison has already begun to crack.

Senior Luo's indifferent face poured out a domineering sneer as before, "Gu Yuan Tianjun has lived too long, it seems that he has a bad memory."

"The old man gives you a long memory today."

"The surname is Luo." The main hall master of the hunting demon screamed coldly.

Gu Yuan Tianjun shook his body abruptly, glanced at the far left and right, "The sea of ​​the forbidden land, **** it."

Gu Yuan Tianjun clenched a fist.

The head of the demon hunter's palace said coldly, "Gu Yuan Tianjun really wants to continue fighting?"

"It's you who came today, not the other one, which means that there is no plan to really fight with us in the Eight Palaces, and hurt both sides."

Gu Yuan Tianjun squinted, "Where do you see it?"

The head of the hunting monster sneered, "Because the other is selfless, just as indifferent as the law, don't be inhumane."

"And you are better at negotiating."

Gu Yuan Tianjun grinned, "So are you."

The Master Hunter sneered, "How about a bet?"

Gu Yuan Tianjun took his hand, "Why?"

"Don't you dare?" The head of the demon hunter still only sneered.

When Gu Yuan Tianjun took up his hand, the dragon flames on the sky and the earth had disappeared.

"What are you betting on?" Gu Yuan Tianjun asked with a sneer.

The master of the demon hunter raised a joking expression on his face, "Gamble, who is right."

"Bet, is it the two of you guardians who have better vision, or the vision of the eight of us."

"Bet, if it were not for us, who would be stunned in this continent, who is stronger, who is the future of this continent."

Gu Yuan Tianjun squinted, "Take the mainland as a bet?"

The Lord of the Hunting Demon Hall sneered, "Heaven and earth are the game, isn't it the future you two are most optimistic about? And the future recognized by our Eight Palaces?"

Gu Yuan Tianjun narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

After a pause, Gu Yuan Tianjun looked at Shui Ninghan and asked, "Dare you?"

"This..." Shui Ninghan's face changed slightly, hesitating.

Gu Yuan Tianjun retracted his gaze, looked directly at the Head of the Demon Hunter, and nodded, "Okay."

Shui Ninghan's expression changed, "Tianjun, wait..."

Gu Yuan Tianjun shook his head, "The old man has already agreed."

Shui Ninghan's face was instantly ugly.

Gu Yuan Tianjun glanced at the eight people, "The old man has always kept promises, you know."

"From today, the old man will not reappear in the mainland."

"And you, if you don't keep your promise, then it's not just the old man who shows up next time."

After Gu Yuan Tianjun said, after catching Shui Ninghan's wrist, he wanted to leave.

Just moving, but slowly turning back, sneered, "The last time I made a bet was thousands of years ago."

"The old man won that bet."

"This time, there will be no exception."

After the words fell, Gu Yuan Tianjun and Shui Ninghan disappeared in place.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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