Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3062: Four times, twice, in the past

Far away, somewhere.

The figures of Gu Yuan Tianjun and Shui Ninghan appeared out of thin air.

Two people, Ling Li high in the sky.

"Tianjun..." Shui Ninghan's face was a bit ugly.

Gu Yuan Tianjun's eyes stared into the distance, where there was a peaceful ocean.

However, he knows exactly how turbulent is hidden under that calmness.

There is a sea of ​​taboos.

Gu Yuan Tianjun slowly opened his mouth, his old eyes were a little bit inexplicable.

"Above that sea area, the old man has been there three times."

"The first time, a long time ago, the old man followed the ancestors to remove the roots of those demons, to rectify the name of this world."

"This world, calling the Flame Dragon Continent, it is not the turn of those demons who want to be presumptuous here, and I don't even want to change the day."

This is the first time that Gu Yuantian Jun said the four characters "A Long Time".

Even his eyes revealed a sense of desolation and remoteness.

"The second time, after the fall of the ancestor."

"Between heaven and earth, there is no emperor realm."

"The old man and the other, with all the powerhouses over there, extinguished the last demon spark under that sea area."

"That was our worst injury."

"But it is us who wins."

A trace of pride rushed across Gu Yuan Tianjun's face.

"The third time." Gu Yuan Tianjun's face instantly fell cold, "It was ten thousand years ago."

"It is no longer the monsters that are confronting us, but the entire continent."

Shui Ninghan was slightly puzzled, "The entire continent? The Eight Palaces?"

Gu Yuan Tianjun nodded coldly, "At that time, the Eight Palaces were gathered by the top martial artists on the mainland."

"That day, it was the second time that Eight Halls issued a mainland edict."

"The old man and another strong leader led by no more than a hundred people; but standing in front of us is the overwhelming mainland strong."

"Do you know that feeling of powerlessness?"

"Let your cultivation base be monstrous, and the old man is strong, but when facing the elite of the whole continent, he still has no choice."

"That was the first time in my life that the old man considered whether it was worth protecting this continent."

"The legacy of the ancestors is right or wrong."

Gu Yuan Tianjun sneered, "On that day, the eight boys stood only in the air, but they all listened to their orders from the monarch realm to the ordinary ants."

Shui Ninghan asked questioningly, "Are you the first generation masters?"

Gu Yuan Tianjun nodded, "But in the eyes of the old man, they are just little guys."

"They even made countless strong men fiercely with just one look, even if they face our absolute combat power, they won't shrink back."

"Heh." Gu Yuan Tianjun sneered again, "We have guarded this continent for countless years, and we still have no such treatment."

"At that time, the old man was still thinking about it, but the other one had already chosen to kill."

"Even if you kill all the mainland powerhouses present, you will not hesitate."

"The war broke out in that instant." Gu Yuan Tianjun narrowed his eyes.

Shui Ninghan frowned, "In front of absolute strength, no matter how many people are, it's just a joke."

"No." Gu Yuan Tianjun shook his head, "If that battle breaks out completely, besides me and the other, at least half of the strong men we brought will be buried under the sea of ​​taboo."

"At that time, it was a sword repairman who made a move and prevented the battle."

Before Shui Ninghan asked questions, Gu Yuan Tianjun spit out two words in a deep voice, "Ice Saint."

"He singled out the two of us."

Shui Ninghan's pupils shrank, "In front of the two heavenly monarchs, any existence under the emperor realm is like an ant. Can Ice Saint actually equalize the two heavenly monarchs?"

"Yes." Gu Yuan Tianjun nodded, "So he became the uncrowned king."

"At that time, the eight boys hadn't taken any action yet."

"Before they ran out of oil, they just forced us to compromise and we had that agreement."

"The Eight Palaces can exist, and perform our vocation on behalf of us."

"But the Eight Palaces need checks and balances, and all have iron rules."

"A step back from each other, before the war, the mainland has been stable for tens of millions of years."

Gu Yuan Tianjun shook his head, "I never expected that the old man would step into the forbidden sea for the third time, but it was the first time we were forced to compromise."

"And it is a compromise in the hands of the mainland powerhouse."

"And this time." Gu Yuan Tianjun looked at Shui Ninghan, "This is the fourth time the old man has compromised in the Sea of ​​Taboo."

"Moreover, it's also because of the Eight Palaces."

"Everything is so alike." Gu Yuan Tianjun squinted again, his eyes cold.

"History is always repeating itself, repeating itself again and again, endlessly."

"The years that the old man has lived have even surpassed the average emperor realm; therefore, the old man has seen all the vicissitudes of this continent, and has seen the passage of time."

"Some things are always repeated."

"Today, as in the past, as in the past, as many times a long time ago."

"The mainland is about to give birth to an extraordinary character, who will rise rapidly and even break through the shackles."

"Now, this life is in Eight Palaces."

Shui Ninghan's eyes were cold, "Is that Palace Master Xiao Yi?"

Gu Yuan Tianjun nodded, "If there is no one better than him in the younger generation of Badian, then yes."

"Just like the Ice Saint back then, and like the guy 18 years ago."

"The repeat of history has never been so fast. The last time, ten million years passed."

"Ice Saint fell in the middle of the journey, and there will be that guy after thousands of years."

"Today, it's only eighteen years."

"Benefits are not good. Under all these changes, no one will know what will be derived."

"Since the old man is the guardian of this world, he can only choose to stifle this change in the bud."

Gu Yuan Tianjun looked at Shui Ninghan again, "The old man will keep the promise with the Eight Palaces."

"Then, it can only be solved by you."

"Have you seen that sea of ​​taboos?" Gu Yuan Tianjun looked away.

Shui Ninghan nodded.

Gu Yuan Tianjun said solemnly, "There, it is now the territory of the Shui nationality."

"You belong there."

"Your mother, used to be the strongest king there."

"If you can manage it, then you will grow to the point where you no longer need the protection of the old man."

"There is the most vigorous place in the world."

When Shui Ninghan heard the words, his body trembled instantly.

Heaven and earth exist because of vitality.

The way of vitality is also the strongest martial art in the world, there is no one.

"Go." Gu Yuan Tianjun said leisurely.

"Thank Tianjun." Shui Ninghan saluted heavily.


the other side.

The sea on the east, the shore.

That huge magic shadow has long since disappeared.

"Puff." Senior Luo spouted out a mouthful of blood, his face extremely pale.

"Surnamed Luo." The expressions of the general hall masters changed.

The main hall master Yaozun stepped to the side of Senior Luo, carefully inspecting it.

The ghost walked quickly.

The main hall master of the hunting demon's eyes became cold, "Naughty animal, stop."


First more.

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