Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3064: Second peek

"Hehe." The ghost gave a wretched smile.

However, the smile only lasted for a few breaths, and he instantly fixed himself.

Instead, there was a solemn and frown.

"I shot so fast, the ghost mother shouldn't notice it."

As soon as the ghost looked at the broken soil on the ground exuding ancient aura, he sighed lightly.

"Everyone is dead, so why bother to come alive again."

"The contrast allows the ghost mantis to control the whole life, the walking dead, it is better to die and never wake up."

"Netherworld, nothing good."

"Deadly silence everywhere, how can it be worth this colorful continent."

He has been out of the underworld for a full eight million years.

Eight million years, perhaps not too long for him, such as the former peak powers of the Sovereign Realm.

Compared with the dark realm where he once lived, that endless darkness, where even time doesn't seem to pass, eight million years, it's really not long.

However, he has lived in this world for ninth lives, and his mood has long changed.

The ghost shook his head and narrowed his eyes, "Wang, reappear?"

"Although I don't know what the reason is, but with the king's antagonism..."

The ghost shuddered unconsciously, "If Wang recovers, he will look for the Lord, can I have a good life?"

He knew that the Emperor Yinli once said that the lord of the underworld would definitely seek his lord.

And he is now following his master, Xiao Yi.

The ghost swallowed his saliva, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


the other side.

Within space turbulence.

Xiao Yi and Yiyi have already crossed it.

"Here, it's the same as before."

"It's broken everywhere, it's terrifying."

Xiao Yi said softly, with a slight lingering fear.

However, with his current strength, he is no more worried about the danger here.

"Sure enough, as the eight chief hall masters said, it is not difficult to come from the Eastern Region to the Middle Region."

"On the side close to the Eastern Territory, although the laws of heaven and earth are broken and the space is messy, the laws on that side are not high-level and are suppressed under the celestial realm."

"And on the side of the middle domain, although the law level is high, it is not damaged by itself, it is a perfect law."

"The closer you are to Zhongyu, the safer you are in fact."

After many years, Xiao Yi once again shuttled through the turbulent flow of this space. The doubts and ambiguities of the year can be understood at a glance, and they are fully understood today.

Sure enough, as he had imagined back then, many things may not need to be studied.

He doesn't know, he doesn't know, but he hasn't reached the level, he has been thinking hard, and there is no answer, and it is useless.

When the level is reached, even if he doesn't have to think about it, he can see it all at a glance.

"While returning from Zhongyu, you have to withstand the pressure of the perfect law."

"The large forbidden formation left by Senior Ice Saint just made use of the perfect law power over there."

Xiao Yi said to himself.

Yiyi frowned.

"From the moment we stepped into the space turbulence, the son must be fully capable."

"If I am stronger..."

Yiyi's tone was guilty.

Xiao Yi waved his hand and said with a chuckle, "Don't think too much."

"The main hall masters have already said that if you want to return from the Middle Territory to the Eastern Territory, you need the strength of the monarch realm."

"It's not difficult for me to travel by myself, but I have to take one more person, but I have to bear double the pressure."

"But that's just a little distance."

"Walking back from the turbulent flow of space, the farther, the closer to the Eastern Region, the less the pressure."

"Like today, you and I resist the raging atmosphere here, it's easy."

"Fly farther, I'm afraid we can just ignore the danger here."

Xiao Yi had actually expected this level long ago.

If he comes back alone, he can do it anytime.

But if you bring one more person, it will definitely be more difficult.

Therefore, his original plan was to continue to travel in the Middle Territory, waiting for the cultivation base to completely break through the Monarch Territory, and then flow back through the space turbulently back to the Eastern Territory with Yiyi.

But since the eight main hall masters couldn't wait to ‘rush’ him away, he could only leave early.

As for bringing Du Youyou, I'm afraid he will have to wait for his cultivation and strength to become stronger.


After half an hour.

In front of the two, a light lingered in them.

In the light, there is also a little dark breath.

That... is a familiar breath.

"Eastern Region, here it is." Xiao Yi couldn't stop the joy on his face.

Back then, he traveled through the turbulence of space, and spent a few days, nine deaths.

Returning today, but only half an hour, no surprises and no dangers.

And this half an hour was mostly spent on the turbulence of the space on the side close to the middle domain.

The road after that was easy.


The two of them crossed the space turbulence in an instant.

However, after a short while, Xiao Yi's face changed suddenly.

"Who?" Xiao Yi's pupils shrank and looked directly at the direction behind the turbulent space.

However, there is nothing else there except the wind storm and the broken space law.

"Impossible." Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

With his alertness, he should not feel wrong.

And, once is an illusion, how about twice?

This long-lost sense of peeping and the sense of panic being watched by cold eyes can't be wrong.

The last time, before his first trip, it was also when he followed the Dean Huo to study for many days, first walked into the space, and the figure entered the second space.

At that time, he clearly felt that there was an inexplicable gaze in the turbulence of the third space.

That time, it was like an illusion, and it never happened again.

But this time... it can't be wrong.

But, who has the ability to come and go freely in the turbulence of a dangerous space, secretly spying?

King Realm?

No, at least based on his judgment, even the profound cultivation base of the Eight Sect Master's monarch realm could not be achieved.

In addition, it is impossible for the Central Territory to cross the large forbidden formation of Senior Ice Saint and follow the spatial turbulence at the edge of the Eastern Territory all the way.

"Who is it? No, what is it?" Xiao Yi squinted.

He was suddenly shocked, he couldn't even determine whether it was a human warrior.

"The son?" Yiyi looked at Xiao Yi's face with a sudden change in surprise.

Xiao Yi frowned and said, "Did you feel what's in the turbulence of space just now?"

Yiyi frowned for a moment, then shook his head.

"Fine." Xiao Yi shook his head.

The two were completely out of the turbulent space.

Xiao Yi turned around abruptly, making many handprints in his hand.

Although it is not a blockade, it is a perception handprint.

If something passes through this area, he will instantly notice it.

"Huh." After doing everything, Xiao Yifang breathed a sigh of relief.


Below, there was the sound of flowing sea water.

In the flow of the sea, there is the sound of the blast of rolling waves.

Below is the endless Black Sea that was once extremely dangerous.

Xiao Yi glanced, chuckled, and ignored it.

Ling Li took a deep breath and took a deep breath, making Xiao Yi feel uncomfortable.

"Eastern Region, finally came back."

This piece of Eastern Territory where he rose, this piece of Eastern Territory that gave him a first taste of the wonderful world, this piece of Eastern Territory has many existences that make him worry about and make his heart dependent, and he will always linger in his heart. An irreplaceable world.

"My son, are you going back to Xiao's house first?" Yiyi asked.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "I have been carrying the life card of the elders of the Xiao family. It is no problem. It proves that the Xiao family is innocent and is not in a hurry to go back."

"You have to go to a place first."

Yiyi was puzzled.

Xiao Yi chuckled lightly, with a look of expectation in his eyes, "An extremely cold place."

The two flew in the air again.

A vast expanse of the endless Black Sea, across instantly.

But at the moment of crossing, there was a beautiful figure at the edge of the Black Sea, sitting cross-legged, waiting for a long time.

Xiao Yi frowned.

Qianying raised her head and looked at Gaokong, also frowning.

At that moment, there seemed to be a stream of light flying by, but with her eyesight, how could it be possible to catch the leap of such terrible speed.

"Illusion?" Qianying frowned slightly, a trace of disappointment on her face.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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