Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3065: Repair spiritual consciousness

Extremely cold place.

Here is a dangerous place in the north of the Eastern Region.

Snow all the year round, and heavy snow flies, extremely cold.

Here are some like the northern snowy mountains in the Middle Territory, and some cold places in the Demon Territory.

But comparing the two, the coldness and fierceness of the wind and snow, the extremely cold place is far different here.

Generally, above the elementary realm, it is enough to fly in this extremely cold place.

The gap between the two comes from the spiritual gap between the Central Region and the Eastern Region.

On the Eastern Territory side, it is not considered lack of aura, but due to the lack of martial arts, martial arts is damaged, and the aura cannot reach its peak state.

In addition, the Eastern Region itself is not large, which is equivalent to being isolated.

Due to these two reasons, the aura of the Eastern Territory was considered normal to warriors below the Celestial Realm, but it was far from the real world.

On the other side of the Middle Territory, it was the center of the entire continent, with a huge scope. The aura of heaven and earth on that side was dozens of times more than that of the Eastern Territory.

Therefore, it is easier to cultivate in the middle domain, but the dangerous places and all the auras born between the heaven and the earth are more dangerous and stronger.

Now here in the extremely cold place, due to the level of spiritual energy, the scope of this ice and snow is also placed here.

Of course, for ordinary people, this place is already extremely dangerous.

This is, whoo... whoo...

Two streamers flashed across the sky.

That speed is far beyond what the eyes can capture.

I'm afraid it is the peak of the Heavenly Origin Realm, and even the strongest of the extreme earth realm, it is not clear at all, and it is even impossible to determine whether something flew by just now.


Not long.

In the extremely cold crack, two streamers fell instantly.

It is Xiao Yi and Yiyi.


A gust of cold wind and snow rushed to the face.

However, with the strength of the two, the strength of the body can be ignored.

The two walked directly hundreds of meters away, passing through the wind and snow, and a wide crack was visible across the board.

Jumped down.

"Soul power?" Yiyi screamed in surprise, "Is the son's ice storm soul-eater?"

On both sides of the crack, the storm blew, shockingly inexplicable.

Xiao Yi smiled, "Accurately speaking, it is the means by which Venerable Ice's spiritual consciousness left here."

The two descended all the way, below 10,000 meters.

Below, there is still no bottom, like an abyss.

But here at a height of 10,000 meters, there is already a wall of tens of meters in length and width in the spirit power wind and snow.

The two stepped in.

Yiyi was surprised when he saw the scene in the cave.

At the entrance of the cave, there was a barrier of soul power that was hard to see with the naked eye. She recognized that it was Xiao Yi's breath.

In other words, this soul power banning method was left by Xiao Yi.

It was this ban that completely cut off the breath inside the cave from the outside.

Inside the cave, the aura is full, so full that it can even be visible to the naked eye, and the aura is thick as mist.

Amidst the white clouds, one or two brilliant lights flickered from time to time.

Plants are planted among the natural treasures full of vitality.

Here, it is like a heaven and a blessed land, beautiful as a fairyland.

However, after the surprise fell, Yiyi looked down at his feet, but frowned.

Under my feet, there was a clear sound.

That... is the sound of a broken bone.

The ground of the cave is covered with bones.

The ground of the cave was actually paved by layers of bones.

And in the middle of the cave, is a crystal clear ice coffin.

The ice coffin was not covered.

In the coffin, an old man lay quietly.

Xiao Yi walked slowly to the ice coffin and smiled slightly.


Kneel down on both knees.

The sharp bone fragments did not hurt the skin of the knee.

Upon seeing this, Yiyi also followed Xiao Yi and knelt down.

Xiao Yi glanced at Yiyi, chuckled, but said nothing.

His eyes quickly returned to the ice coffin.

"Disciple, I'm back." Xiao Yi proudly spit out five words.

It seems to miss, it seems to be proud, but more, it is joy.

Because this time, he was 100% sure that he could rescue the old man.

Xiao Yi bowed heavily, then got up and couldn't wait to walk to the ice coffin.

Looking at the old man's face that he hadn't seen for many years, Xiao Yi couldn't help feeling mixed.

The old man's face, as before, was chuckling.

That was the smile that the old man had seen before his death, watching him escape far away, watching him safely, and relaxing.

The old man, at the moment of his death, was not afraid of death, but was pleased because his disciple was innocent.

This smile also freezes at that moment, and it has been so far.

No, the old man is not dead, just in a coma.

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and thought to himself.

There was no smile on his face for an instant. Instead, it was solemn and serious.

He is about to start.

Even with his current strength and his current medicine refining skills, he still shows a touch of tension.

It is because the old man in front of him is to be treated at this moment.

He can't tolerate half-point mistakes, not half-point mistakes.

Xiao Yi slowly stretched out one hand and touched the old man's forehead.

He must first take a closer look at the old man's current physical condition.

Pointing the finger, the old man's body inside and outside are all in his perception.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

The physical condition of the old man is the same as before.

There is no vitality in this body.

Even the most important spiritual consciousness is not there.

This, no matter from any angle, no matter which alchemist is replaced, one can only make a judgment that ‘this is a corpse’.

This old man is indeed dead in some sense.

Even if Xiao Yi had exhausted his thoughts here, he put almost all the top and rarest treasures of heaven and earth on the Eastern Region Continent here.

Among them, there are many sacred fruits that are full of vitality, and spiritual flowers that maintain soul consciousness.

However, it has been almost ineffective for many years.

The only thing that can be done is to keep the old man's body without half decay.

In the deepest part of the old man's mind, there is the last trace of vitality, the last trace of spiritual consciousness.

If the whole body is a sea of ​​vitality, this vitality is just a drop of water.

If the complete spiritual consciousness is a lofty mountain, this silk spiritual consciousness is just a grain of sand.

This trace of vitality and spiritual knowledge is the last trace of the old man's legacy.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

With his current level, he can naturally understand the problems of the elderly far more thoroughly than he did in the past.

To save this old man is tantamount to bringing back the dead.

"What I couldn't do in the past, I can definitely do it today."

"One minute of heavenly soul is enough to preserve the last spiritual sense."

"After the spiritual sense is repaired, the body can be restored to life and the dead can be brought back to life."

Xiao Yi's face was solemn, and the light in his hand flashed, and the ice road restriction was crushed.


The soul flew out for a minute and a half.

"Come." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice, manipulating the Heavenly Soul with one hand and pressing it into the old man's body.

As soon as Xiao Yi's eyes moved, the eyes of the lunar sun condensed instantly.

Staring at him, his hands moved together.

He wants to start repairing spiritual consciousness.


First more.

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