Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3072: Xiao's parents make breakthroughs one after another

Xiao Yi said confidently and proudly, just about to sit down.

The elders sang coldly, but he was startled.

Everyone pulled and pulled Xiao Yi up, "Still sitting? It's going to burn your ass."

"What difference do you want? How can we be worthy of the Patriarch and the ancestors of the Xiao family?"

"I..." Xiao Yi was full of black lines, but didn't know how to explain it.

Just at this time.

An old man walked slowly.

It is Elder Duan Yun.

"Dear elders of the Xiao family, don't have to be impatient or worry." Elder Duan Yun said lightly.

"Yes, yes." The second elder hurriedly said respectfully, "There is Elder Duan Yun who is a strong sword sect, so don't worry."

"But our Xiao family is safer than the Heavenly Splitting Sword Sect after all."

The Sixth Elder said respectfully, "Elder Duan Yun has been willing to stay in Xiao's house for many years. It must be extremely painful for Yi'er."

"I beg Elder Duan Yun to take Yi'er away quickly and take care of him. I am very grateful to Xiao family."

Elder Duan Yun waved his hand, "Every elder of the Xiao family, do you remember what the old man said just now?"

"The Sixteen Kingdoms of Yanlong, no one dares not to sell you the face of the Xiao Patriarch."

"Don't even mention a Huangfu's house in a mere trivial area, even if the Lord of the Sixteen Kingdoms comes, you may not dare to frown him."

Elder Duan Yun did not know how to explain.

The East China Sea Fortress is a secret, far from being accessible to the Xiao family.

For more than ninety-nine percent of the martial artists of the Eastern Region, the Tianyuan Realm is already an existence that is extremely longing for respect.

After all, the Heavenly Origin Realm can already leap over a kingdom in just ten days and walk the mainland with this.

The peak of the Heavenly Origin Realm is already the peak combat power of the kingdoms, the peak power in the world.

As for the extreme realm, it is a legendary existence, rare in the world, and each is a dragon that sees the head and the end.

The strongest of the Xiao family is nothing but a warrior of the Yuanyuan realm.

His realm is limited and his vision is limited, so he does not know how to explain it.

"Elder Duan Yun is kidding?" Grand Elder Xiao Lihuo frowned and asked seriously.

Elder Duan Yun shook his head, "What do you do with these jokes?"

Xiao Yi got up, smiled lightly, "Elder Duan Yun, let me explain."

"Yeah." Elder Duan Yun nodded, "I won't disturb your gathering."

Elder Duan Yun arched his hands and turned to leave.

"Yi'er." Xiao Zhong said seriously, "You can honestly say that what Elder Duan Yun said, is it true?"

"Don't make jokes about your life."

Xiao Yi chuckles, "Back when I was walking in the Eastern Region...The Sixteen Kingdoms of Yanlong, I never knew the ordinary forces of the Huangfu family."

"The third elders, let me talk about the power of the warriors of the Huangfu family."

Xiao Lihuo blurted out, "In the family, there is no shortage of peak powers in the Heavenly Origin Realm."

"The old man has heard that there is a hidden ancestor in the Huangfu family who has been protecting the Huangfu family for many years, and he is an extremely strong man."

Xiao Yi nodded when he heard the words, "Well, not bad."

"Such a force of warriors is indeed regarded as a first-class family in the Eastern Region."

"It's a big tone." The Sixth Elder scolded.

Xiao Yi smiled without explaining, and only walked towards the Great Elder Xiao Lihuo, "I just said that the Great Elder is happy and healthy, so you don't have to worry about stretching your feet."

A light flashed in his hand, and a pill was taken out.

"This is?" Great Elder Xiao Lihuo frowned in doubt, "What kind of pill is this? At the level of the old man's alchemist, he can't recognize this pill?"

Xiao Yi replied, "One body-protecting pill can protect the meridians and internal organs in the body of the great elder."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi tapped his finger.

The finger just touched the forehead of Great Elder Xiao Lihuo.


The Great Elder immediately burst into a breakthrough momentum.

"Is this?" The elder looked surprised, "Four-level cultivation base of the earth element, the old man broke through?"

The Great Elder is still surprised in the future.

Bang... bang... bang... bang... bang...

The breakthrough momentum of the great elder continued one after another.

The fifth layer of the earth element, the sixth layer of the earth element...the eighth layer...the peak...the first layer of the heavenly element...the second layer...

In just a few breaths, the breakthrough of cultivation base was finally fixed at the peak of the Heavenly Origin Realm.

The pale hair of the great elder, like frost, faded away.

Although he still had an old face, it was no longer the old look, but his spirit shone.

"Heaven... the peak of the Heavenly Origin Realm?" Great Elder Xiao Lihuo's eyes widened.

Xiao Yi smiled, "Does the Great Elder have confidence now?"

Xiao Yi is now the peak cultivation base of the Holy Venerable Realm, controlling more than 99,900 complete martial arts.

In addition, there is no shortage of signs of martial arts, and he controls the law of six balances.

If it is said that he can't do it by forcibly changing a region and the laws of heaven and earth in the range of tens of millions of miles, that is something that the Emperor Realm can do.

He also couldn't repair the damaged martial arts in the entire Eastern Territory, because it was large in scope and complicated and troublesome.

However, if he is willing, it is easy to control the world in a kingdom.

It couldn't be easier to mention this little thing.

Of course, it is not a good thing to force Daigo initiation. For Tianjiao, it is detrimental to talent.

But to Great Elder Xiao Lihuo, it was nothing.

The cultivation base stepped into the Tianyuan realm, not only the strength has been greatly increased, but the lifespan has also increased for more than 100 years.

After the peak of the Tianyuan realm, it is the extreme realm that controls a trace of the martial art of heaven and earth.

The matter involved martial arts control, so Xiao Yi didn't force it to improve. He only waited for the great elder to slowly enlighten him, and see if he had the opportunity to break through.


Xiao Yi put out his hands together, and a burst of pure vitality burst out.

The elders exploded with momentum and broke through.

Similarly, the cultivation base is fixed at the peak of the Heavenly Origin Realm.

Xiao Yi smiled and looked at the stunned elders, "I, Xiao Yi, now is also a bunch of peak powers in the Heavenly Origin Realm."

"You elders are confident enough?"

"This..." The Great Elder took the lead in reacting, "While waving my hands, let me wait for my cultivation base to break through to the peak of the Heavenly Origin Realm. Such an anti-heaven means, and a monstrous strength."

"Yi'er, have you reached the legendary ground level peak cultivation base?"

The elder's gaze looking at Xiao Yi had completely changed, as if he was looking at a high god.

The third elder Xiao Zhong cried again, "Okay, very good."

"This has only been ten short years. Yi'er, you are already the strongest on the mainland. No wonder Elder Duan Yun said that even if the masters of the Sixteen Kingdoms come close, you have to sell your face.

"Yi'er?" The elder looked at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi smiled and shook his head, "The pinnacle of the earth? No."

"No." The elder frowned, "That's not foolproof. Huangfu's family may not be without a strong person in the extreme realm."

"However, you have the power to protect yourself after all, so you don't have to flee."

"Oh." Xiao Yi said helplessly, "I will take the time to explain to the elders about the martial art realm."

"Yi'er." Six elders asked curiously, "Where have you been all these years? Why have you disappeared for ten years without any news?"

"Oh, yes, you left Yanwu Kingdom and went to other kingdoms of Sixteen Kingdoms to experience?"

The third elders were also puzzled, "Before you left, you told us that you were going to go to the far door, far, far away, and it is very likely that you would not be able to return to the family for a long time."

"Unexpectedly, it would be ten years after leaving."

"But you have already traveled all over the mainland and all the sixteen countries? After hardships, you have today's monstrous strength."


Second more.

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