Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3073: No tigers in the mountains

Xiao Yi nodded, "I have gone through all the hardships, but I haven't walked in the Sixteen Kingdoms."

The existence of the Middle Territory, the Great Eastern Territory was also known to only a few people, such as Palace Master Yanwu and Senior Sword Princess.

These are also not easy to explain.

Xiao Yi waved his hand and said, "My business is a long talk, and it's more verbose."

"Why don't you elders tell me about the Xiao family of these years?"

His experience in Zhongyu these years is indeed wonderful and rich. Of course, there are countless dangers and countless secrets.

These, it will not be too late to chat with the elders in the future.

He even wanted to know how the Xiao family was in these years and how the elders were.

Grand Elder Xiao Lihuo said nothing, and looked at the Third Elder Xiao Zhong.

As the strongest member of the Xiao family, the Great Elder spent almost all his time in retreat.

The affairs of the family are all handled by the third elder, the acting head of the family. Naturally, the third elder knows more about the affairs of the Xiao family these years.

The third elder thought for a while and slowly said, "The Xiao family has grown stronger and stronger these years."

"Especially Yi'er, before you leave, you left a lot of precious martial arts inheritance, martial arts and martial arts."

"The overall strength and quality of our Xiao family members is rising."

"In Beishan County, the Imperial Palace and Sky Splitting Sword Party have taken good care of us."

"Even the Sword Sect of Splitting Heaven also provides shelter to our Xiao family."

"The strange thing is..." the third elder doubted. "Sometimes, after a few months, or a year or two, there are always some inexplicable warriors who come to give our family a lot of training resources."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi was slightly surprised, "God lost the pie? Where is the warrior?"

The third elder shook his head, "Said it is called the East China Sea Fortress."

"I don't know which force it is. I haven't heard of it. I asked the person who sent it, but it was mysterious and refused to say it."

"Once the princess came as a guest, I asked curiously, but the princess also said that he didn't know."

"Even the king of Beishan County, such a powerful man, who smashed into many places in the mainland, said he didn't know this power."

"Oh." Xiao Yi suddenly said, "It turned out to be the East China Sea Fortress. I have a title over there. It should be my regular salary."

"But the people over there don't like to go out, they often retreat, so the time to deliver things is uncertain."

The third elder frowned, "Such a strange name, don't it be a crooked way?"

Xiao Yi smiled dumbly.

The East China Sea fortress is a gathering place for the strong in the Eastern Region. Its purpose is to contend against the monsters of the abyss and protect the Eastern Region.

"Later?" Xiao Yi asked.

The third elder thought for a while, and continued, "The Xiao family is growing stronger and stronger."

"Everything is going in a good direction."

"Until six years ago." The three elders began to look a little unhappy.

"The younger generation of the Xiao family will also experience abroad. Six years ago, a few months ago, they brought back Huangfuhao."

"Huangfuhao and other distinguished family members are willing to join our Xiao family."

The second elder answered, "In the beginning, I thought that he kept bending down because he was waiting for Shu Yue's good."

"After a few years, we became more aware of this wolf's ambition with another purpose."

"Humph." The third elder snorted coldly, "He wants the martial arts inheritance you brought back from the Heavenly Splitting Sword Sect."

The second elder said solemnly, "One more thing, the old man can't figure it out, he wants to be the head of the Xiao family."

"To be honest, apart from the martial arts inheritance left by you in the Xiao family, it seems that there is nothing worthy of the second son of his majestic family."

"Later I heard that he wanted to fight for the position of the Young Patriarch of his Huangfu family."

The third elder frowned and said, "But this person does have some abilities, and he was quickly risen to the mainland in a short period of time."

"Not only did he set up his own demon hunting team, he also recruited the strong with his own wealth."

"In short, this person has not only increased in strength in a short period of time, but also has a huge power that belongs only to him, just like a hegemon."

"But until this time, he still wants our Xiao Family Patriarch."

The second elder said in surprise, "I heard Shu Yue once said that it was our Xiao family who could help him fight for the position of the young master of the Huangfu family."

"But why, Shuyue doesn't know."

"Oh, yes." The third elder said in surprise, "There is another big event. Eight years ago, many famous Tianjiao on the mainland suddenly disappeared."

"Even the chief Ling Yu of your Sky Splitting Sword Sect, and your senior brother Ye Ming, etc., are all missing."

"This incident was a shock to the mainland at that time."

"Oh." Xiao Yi smiled, "I see."

"I said that Huangfuhao is a mere six of the Tianyuan realm, but he is actually one of the best Tianjiao in the Eastern Region?"

Eight years ago, it was the time when Senior Jian Ji took the arrogance of the Eastern Region to the Central Region.

A group of young talents in the Eastern Region, including the Sixteen Kingdoms Tianjiao and the successors of the Sixteen Main Hall, the top group of the Eastern Region Young Tianjiao, all left.

At that time, Fang's second son of the Huangfu family, who was in his twenties, was waiting for his rise.

The same is true for other Tianjiao, the top Tianjiao that had been pressing on their heads all disappeared, and these first-class Tianjiao should rise up.

But Huang Fuhao was smarter and knew that he would come to the Xiao family to take advantage of it.

With his Xiao Yi's reputation at the time, in the Eastern Regions, who wouldn't sell a bit of face?

Huangfuhao only needs to borrow the name of the Xiao family in Ziyun City, add his own ability and huge wealth, and he can rise quickly and create his own power.

Today, Huangfuhao's wings are already abundant, and he can return to Huangfu's house to fight for the position of the Patriarch of the Xiao family.

Xiao Yi only thought about it for a while, and then understood all these matters.

"Fortunately, you rushed back today, Yi'er, otherwise, you will be defeated by Huangfuhao."

There was a look of anger on the face of the three elders, and there was also a lingering fear of distraction.

"It's okay." Xiao Yi chuckled lightly. "Next time these things, don't smash."

"Even if I didn't come back today, and the position of the head of the Xiao family was taken away, it wouldn't be a big deal."

"I don't have any baby in the Xiao family."

"When I come back, I will solve it."

"You are the best."

The second elder said solemnly, "Shu Yue's matter should also be resolved."

The third elder nodded, "Sixth elder, you bring Bailian and Shuyue."

"Yeah." The Sixth Elder nodded, got up and left.

In the inner hall, Xiao Lihuo also got up, pulled Xiao Yi over and sat on the position of chief.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, but didn't get entangled. He didn't care about this, but it was obviously more troublesome to talk to a group of old stubbornly.

Not long.

A middle-aged man and a young woman were escorted by the six elders and strong family members.

"Kneel down." The Sixth Elder snorted coldly.

The middle-aged man and the young woman knelt together.

It is Xiao Bailian and Xiao Shuyue.

"See Young Patriarch, Great Elder, and Elders." Xiao Bailian said respectfully.

Xiao Shuyue's face was cold, her eyes on Xiao Yi were even bitter.

"Father, he killed my husband, this hatred is not shared..."


Before Xiao Shuyue had finished speaking, the Sixth Elder had already slapped and slapped.

"You are presumptuous." The Sixth Elder's face was cold.

Xiao Shuyue's mouth was full of blood, her silver teeth clenched, and she said nothing.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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