Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3108: 30 million disciples

"The head of the magic door?" Xiao Yi sneered.

"What's good?"

Huge eyes condensed, "My magic door, I can't give you any benefit. The only thing I can give is strength."

"Strength?" Xiao Yi squinted, "just to my liking."

"How can I give it?"

Huge eyes were filled with joy, "So, are you willing?"

"Let me see the benefits first." Xiao Yi said coldly.

This is the first time he has heard of this magic door.

As for the head of the magic door, he is even less interested.

And speaking of benefits, these huge eyes are so ‘shabby’ to **** his purple electricity and spiritual veins, what benefits can it give him?

Now, he was just full of doubts, trying to clarify these things.

The martial arts meaning of this thing, how can it fit the Six Frightening Demon Sword so much.

What is their existence?

What is the magic door?

Intuition tells him that he will know more secrets.

And these secrets are probably what the eight old guys refused to tell him.

Apart from these, he is not interested in anything else.

He has the right to fart the words of this resounding ‘Huantian Devil Emperor’.

At this moment, the huge eyes nodded in satisfaction, and the body slowly moved away.

Behind him is a space entrance.

"Here is the entrance of the Demon Tomb."

"If you want to gain the power of the Demon Dao, you must first visit the Demon Ancestor."

The tone of the huge eyes was already serious.

"Devil Tomb? Demon Ancestor?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"There is no vitality in it." Xiao Yi said inwardly, and also slightly slowed down his worry.

As for whether there is fraud in it, he is not worried.

If this monster enters that space, its strength can be greatly increased. If it counters his Xiao Yi, it doesn't need to stay here at all.

In the previous chase, it could escape into it, instead of pretending to be a ghost and scaring him away.

If it wanted to harm him in it, this monster was good at illusion and very deceitful, and would not make up such an unreliable reason.

"Let's go, lead the way." Xiao Yi said coldly.

The huge eyes turned around and flashed into the space.

Xiao Yi frowned, and the same figure flashed and stepped into it.


As soon as Xiao Yi stepped into it, a wave of dragon flame instantly added to his body, and his footsteps suddenly moved back.

This is just his subconsciously cautious behavior.

If there is an accident, Long Yan's feet can protect him for a moment, a moment, enough for him to exit this space.

However, there was no crisis at this time, instead an ancient desolate breath came to his face.

As far as the eye can see, there is no such thing as a tombstone.

On the contrary, it was empty.

This is obviously a huge and desolate space.

Xiao Yi looked intently, and in the distance, there seemed to be two figures sitting cross-legged.

However, there is no life above the figure.

In other words, it was a corpse.

Huge eyes, already flashing forward.

Xiao Yi followed.

In the distance, before the two figures, the huge eyes no longer float and stand, but fall to the ground.

It has no face, but what is leaking out of its eyes is a touch of sadness and respect.

"See Demon Ancestor."

"This is the Demon Ancestor?" Xiao Yi looked at the two corpses sitting cross-legged in front of him.

Well, it's not a monster.

On the contrary, it is two old men.

His face looked like an old man, but other than that, there was no other old state.

There is no gray hair and frost on the temples.

On the contrary, he has black hair, and his body feels healthy.

If it were not for the lifelessness of these two bodies, they would not look like corpses anyway.

If it hadn't been for the huge eyes to call out a "devil ancestor", no matter how you looked at it, the two corpses were not like monsters, but human warriors.

"Which is the Demon Ancestor?" Xiao Yi asked.

Huge eyes cold, "both of them are Demon Ancestors."

"The Demon Ancestor is two brothers."

Xiao Yi pouted, "But they are all dead."

"Why are their bodies here?"

Huge eyes said coldly, "This is the Demon Tomb, and the body of the Demon Ancestor is naturally here."

Xiao Yi waved his hand, "What I mean is not to bury it or burn it, and enshrine it."

"The two corpses are just thrown here, it's not a problem."

The huge eyes are already bloodshot, "You are your worldly creatures when you are the demon ancestor? Bury it and burn it for worship?"

"The Demon Ancestor, if you don't enter into reincarnation, the world will never die."

"Spiritual consciousness is not restricted by reincarnation; the body can't even be damaged by the laws of heaven and earth."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Impossible."

"In this world, apart from the Valkyrie, nothing can last forever."

"The so-called demon ancestors cannot escape death after all; although I don't know how strong they were in their lives, they cannot be eternal in their lives. A corpse after death is naturally even more impossible."

The huge eyes are already bloodshot, "Only time can slowly consume the body of the Demon Ancestor."

Xiao Yi shrugged.

"How long have these two bodies been kept here?" Xiao Yi asked.

"It's the Demon Ancestor." The tone of the huge eyes was already angry.

"The physical body of the demon ancestor has been here for a long time, and I can't remember it for so long."

Xiao Yi asked, "How long have they lived?"

"How long have you lived?" Huge eyes sneered, "The Demon Ancestor already existed before this piece of heaven and earth."

"It was the Demon Ancestor who brought vitality to this heaven and earth, and allowed this heaven and earth to create creatures."

Xiao Yi curled his lips.

The words of these huge eyes are full of nonsense, I am afraid that I believe I am a fool.

Huge eyes noticed Xiao Yi's face, and said coldly, "You are just a little guy, you don't know the reputation of the demon ancestor."

"When the devil ancestor changes the sky and the day, so that the creatures of this world can exist, you have not been born yet."

"Heh." Xiao Yi sneered, "I was not born at my age, when any old monster with a respectable level of ten thousand years or so was majestic."

"You..." The huge eyes were obviously short of breath.

Xiao Yi asked, "In your mouth, the Demon Ancestor is so strong, why did he fall?"

The huge eyes were obviously overwhelmed with violent angry looks, "The Demon Ancestor, is to protect the disciples of the Demon Dao and protect the Demon Dao's inheritance and death."


Looking into the distance with huge eyes.

Xiao Yi followed his gaze.

The distance is an empty space.

However, in the open space, there seems to be a thin mist in that desolate breath.

At this moment, the fog gradually cleared.

There, a group of figures were sitting together, densely packed, with no end in sight at a glance.

There is no life in the figures.

That... all corpses.

"Hiss." Xiao Yi took a breath, his scalp numb.

"All dead?"

Huge eyes solemnly said, "That is my disciple of the magic road."

Xiao Yi reacted, "The 30 million disciples of the Demon Path in your mouth are the corpses with no end in sight?"

Huge eyes solemnly said, "They are great disciples of the magic way."

"Don't come here." Xiao Yi glanced all the way, looking into the distance.

The corpses were all sitting cross-legged, densely packed, but neat and tidy.

Xiao Yi frowned and asked, "This is the Devil Tomb. Shouldn't they be placed in the front?"

"Why are these two demon ancestor corpses put in front?"

Huge eyes said coldly, "No one has moved the corpse here."

"Thirty million disciples of the Demon Road were like this when they died."

"When the two demon ancestors fell, it was the same."

"The Demon Ancestor, just before he died, he was still guarding the disciples behind them."

The tone of the huge eyes became more and more agitated, "Do you think the demon ancestor will be like those despicable villains? Seeing profit and forgetting justice? Greed of life and fear of death?"

"What is the magic way? Not to become stronger, but to protect."

"This is the magical principle that the Demon Ancestor taught us back then."

Xiao Yi nodded, "It seems that these two guys are not those magic sticks, and there is some truth to their words."

"Bastard." Huge eyes burst out with breath.

That amazing emperor realm aura pressed Xiao Yi violently, "If you dare to offend the profane ancestor, this emperor will never die with you."

Xiao Yi glanced at him, "Don't stop dying, I'll kill you, just one thought."


Second more.

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