Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3109: I met Gudi

Xiao Yi said like this.

The tone, although disdainful and frivolous.

However, he looked at the two Demon Ancestor corpses and the countless corpses sitting behind him, always dignified and inexplicable.

He does not deny the strength of these corpses.

Especially the two so-called Demon Ancestor flesh bodies, which are definitely the strongest aura he has ever seen.

Even the Silver Dragon Emperor is not as old and powerful as the aura of the two corpses.

And the dense corpses behind him.

Xiao Yi glanced at it, and the aura was stronger than others, everywhere.

This is still the lingering breath of the dead body for many years.

If they were alive, how strong should these so-called disciples be?

Xiao Yi shook his head, "The Demon Ancestor? The Demon Dao? No matter how strong you are in your life, after death, there will be only one cold corpse."

"The strong? Oh, he was shocked by the situation during his lifetime, and after death, he scratched the loess."

Xiao Yi couldn't help feeling a little.

When a person's strength is unprecedentedly strong and almost invincible, it is inevitable that he will float and be overconfident.

Just as he is now in the Eastern Region, consciously invincible.

However, the statue of the demon beast of the Xiao family woke him up.

And here, the so-called Demon Tomb, as well as the existence of the so-called Huantian Demon Emperor, gave him even more cheers.

Of course, this was his first contact with the existence of the Emperor Realm.

The so-called first time is naturally the big eyeballs, the living emperor realm, not the spiritual consciousness and tombstone aura that Xiao Yi encountered in the past.

Xiao Yi retracted his gaze to look into the distance, turned to stare at the two corpses in front of him, stepped back, and bowed slightly.

"Don't get me wrong, this is just a gift from the strong."

"People die like a lamp, and I give him respect for the strong."

Xiao Yi glanced at his huge eyes, straightened up, and turned away.

"Let's go."

"Where?" The huge eyes were unhappy, "You haven't given the defeated Demon Ancestor, you want to get that benefit?"

"You have no choice." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

"Death, and I destroyed everything here, or you are obedient to yourself."

"Joke." Huge eyes sneered, "Are you afraid of death when you become the emperor?"

"As for destroying the demon body here, haha." The huge eyes smiled disdainfully.

"Devil, reincarnation is not bound, heaven and earth are inexhaustible."

"Back then, even if it was that guy's Excalibur Sword, it could hurt the demon ancestor's status at best..."

The words with huge eyes are not finished yet.


A sword without a blade appeared in Xiao Yi's hands out of thin air.

"Kill...Kill the Excalibur..." The huge eyes were shocked, but they reacted instantly.

"Oh, the sword hasn't opened the front, but it's a broken sword..."


A splendid sword suddenly condenses.

Xiao Yi sneered, "My Bingluan sword is invincible."

"I have never seen anything that can withstand its sharp edge. I don't know if the two corpses of the demon ancestors are enough."

"Or, try?" Xiao Yi grinned.

The Bingluan sword in his hand slowly fell towards the two corpses of the Demon Ancestor.

"What a sharp sword." The pupils of the huge eyes shrank, "No."

Bingluan sword suddenly freezes in Xiao Yi's hands.

Xiao Yi smiled, "How, have you decided?"

Xiao Yi had always been confident in his Bingluan sword.

And these huge eyes, at any rate, are the true Emperor Realm, and they should have enough vision and judgment.

The huge eyes hesitated for a while.

After a long while, he blinked his eyes, his tone was unwilling, "This emperor will give it to you."

If this huge eye has a fist, it must be clenched at this moment; if it has a face, it must also be pale at this moment.

"The emperor shouldn't take you into the tomb."

Xiao Yi sneered, "I am not interested in staying here."

"Let's go, it's not too late to go out to benefit me."

He didn't like the desolate atmosphere here.

In addition, he had already sensed that space entrance when he came, and it was a freeze-frame entrance.

The entrance to the space will always exist and cannot be manipulated and dissipated.

He wants to come and can come anytime.

He was also stunned at the moment.

It's no wonder that it chased this guy before, and it didn't run away after chasing it to this area. It would rather stop and pretend to be a ghost, trying to scare him off as an ‘Old Emperor’.

Of course, just now he closed tightly and was about to strangle this guy. It retreated a few minutes, but never retreated.

Behind it is this magic tomb.

This demon tomb has always existed here and cannot be moved at all.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure flashed out of this so-called demon tomb.

Outside, it was still 10,000 meters below the sea, cold and dark.

Huge eyes followed out.

Xiao Yi looked at his huge eyes, but said nothing, but the meaning was obvious.

The huge eyes flickered.


A ray of light instantly shined a hundred miles around.

The dark seabed is no longer dark, but a piece of light.

"This is the inheritance of the magic way." The huge eyes said coldly.

"It's accepted." Xiao Yi sneered and felt vigilantly.

Under the eyes of the lunar sun, it was indeed a martial arts inheritance.

Xiao Yi accepted, the light jumped into his mind.

Xiao Yi probably watched it once, his face suddenly changed.

"How is it possible, this is the Shura battle body."

"You..." Xiao Yi stared directly at the huge eyes suddenly.

There was doubt in the huge eyes, "What kind of Shura battle body?"

Xiao Yi frowned, and there was a terrible wave in his heart.

He is by no means a fool.

Although the inheritance of the magic way is not exactly the same as the first to twelfth floors of the Shura battle body, the two are almost the same.

And this big-eyed monster, how can there be a magical figure that can only be triggered by the six frightening swords?

The Shura battle body and the Six Frightening Demon Swords are obviously one of the eight must-sees in ancient times, but they are the Eight Temples methods.

The guy in front of him definitely knows the secrets.

Even more, it itself is secretive.

"If I ask you next, you'd better not lie." Xiao Yi suddenly had cold eyes.

That was the real coldness, the real killing intent.

"Under the eyes of my lunar sun, even if you have half a lie, I can instantly detect it."

"If you lie to me, you will never have a chance to regret it."

"I don't have much patience, and I have a bad temper."

He left Zhongyu because the eight old guys forced him to leave.

They forced him because they had something to hide from him.

Now, the Xiao family of the Eastern Region is not hindered, he only waits for an opportunity to return to the Central Region.

Today, he is determined to clear all these doubts one by one.

"Do you know the Eight Palaces?" Xiao Yi asked coldly.

The huge eyes trembled suddenly, and it did not doubt the threat in Xiao Yi's mouth.

At this moment, it even had a slight illusion that the kid in front of him was more terrifying than the disciple of the magic road.

The frivolous expressions on his face are just things that have not touched the depths of his heart that are truly moving.

Huge eyes hesitated for a while, and replied, "I know, but I don't know."

"Why?" Xiao Yi asked.

The huge eyes replied in a deep voice, "When the emperor fell on this seabed, there were no eight palaces."

"Probably..." The huge eyes thought for a while, "Ten million years ago, some warriors passed through here from time to time and landed on this seabed."

"The emperor caught them one by one and absorbed their spiritual consciousness."

"From their mouths and bodies, they know the so-called Eight Palaces."

"After that, about ten million years ago, the mountains were shaken, and almost no strong people fell here."

"Later, some little guys will fall, but they are all weak."

"From their mouths and bodies, I don't know the Eight Palaces anymore, only that there is a Demon Hunting Palace."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

This is obviously the dividing point after the Ancient War, the change after the separation of the Eastern Region and the Central Region.

He didn't need to know the secrets of the thousands of years after the ancient war.

He probably consulted the dossier of the Eight Palaces.

What he needs to know is that this is more valuable.

Xiao Yi asked in a cold voice, "Do you know the ancient emperor?"

As the dividing point between the ancient years and the ancient years, the ancient emperor must be the key.

"Gudi?" With huge eyes, he thought about it again and chuckled.

"You think the illusion phantom that the emperor condensed just now is fake?"

"The phantom of the old man is just like that guy from the ancient emperor."

"Yes, the emperor has seen him, right in the east of the sea, where is our magic way."

"Forbidden the sea in the east?" Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.


Third more.

Update today, over.

It should be that after the chapters of the past few days, we will end the trip to the Eastern Region and return to the plot of the Central Region.

This update for a few days will be very late, because it takes longer than usual to consider.

So in the next few days, everyone shouldn't stay up late, wake up and watch.

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