Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3110: demon

"Forbidden the sea in the east?" With huge eyes listening to Xiao Yi's words, he chuckled, "Yes, some guys once called us the land of the magic way."

Xiao Yi squinted.

He hadn't heard of the four words of the land of the magic way.

But the taboo sea in the east, he had heard of it, but he had never set foot.

But as far as he knows, there is the territory of the aquarium.

Regarding the aquarium, he is also unknown, but the eight masters of the palace have been in contact with it.

"The sea in the east is obviously the place of the aquarium." Xiao Yi said coldly.

"Shuizu?" Huge eyes chuckled, "The emperor knows that they are quite ancient races."

"But this does not conflict with the sea in the east, which is the land of our magic way."

"The sea in the east is so big that you kid can hardly imagine it."

"In those years, the entire eastern sea was the land of our magic way, and the Shui Clan was just one of the powerful clan."

"In those years?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"Yes." Huge eyes replied, "And if the emperor didn't guess wrong, since our disciples of the magic path have fallen and even disappeared, the Shui Clan has become the overlord of the east sea."

"That's why you little guys think that the sea in the east is the territory of the aquarium."

The tone of the huge eyes became more and more arrogant, "In those days, the sea in the east was hailed as a place where only the **** of war could travel."

"War God?" Xiao Yi's face was startled, "Have you seen?"

"No." Huge eyes replied, "not to mention that this emperor is a disciple of the demon road, even the demon ancestor can never have seen the **** of war."

"Why?" Xiao Yi frowned, "Could it be that..."

Xiao Yi paused, "The realm of the Valkyrie is completely illusory, or it doesn't exist at all."

"No." The huge eyes were affirmed, "The Valkyrie does exist, this is what the Demon Ancestor said."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

In this case, it is almost exactly the same as the words of the Yinlihuang Emperor.

What Senior Yinlihuang said in those days was ‘the **** of war does exist, this is what the master said’.

Its owner is the first generation of soul emperor.

Of course, Xiao Yi did not delve into this illusory matter at this moment.

He was just talking about the word "wushen" by this guy, which aroused interest.

What he wants to know more now is what happened in that old age.

"How long was the time in your mouth?" Xiao Yi asked in a deep voice.

"How long?" The huge eyes were silent for a while, as if thinking.

After a long while, Fang Dao, "I can't remember, it's too long, too long."

There is no time in the mountains, and the cold is not knowing the years.

In the icy darkness of 10,000 meters under the sea, after a long period of time, it will never see the sky, even if it is not a clear year.

"Perhaps." The huge eyes continued, "Judging from the information that the emperor has obtained from your human warriors, it should be the so-called ancient years in your mouth."

The tone of the huge eyes has already brought a touch of depression.

Xiao Yi frowned.

Ancient years? That is quite a long time.

"Forget it." Xiao Yi's eyes of the Taiyin Sun were still staring, he knew that these big eyes were not lying.

"Speaking of the ancient emperor, have you really met the ancient emperor?"

Huge eyes replied, "Yes, he cultivates the magic way, he is also one of the disciples of the magic way, but not exactly."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

The huge eyes slowly said, "Because he doesn't believe in the demon ancestor, and he is not the magic way obtained by entering my magic door."

"The emperor has only met him once, when he first became the emperor."

"When he was not in the emperor realm, he was already the most amazing and powerful warrior in your human race, with countless methods."

"The Array Dao, the Soul Dao, the Medicine Dao, the method of combat, the art of stargazing and the primordial gathering, etc. are omnipresent."

"Based on this, he realized the magic way by himself, and also used the magic way to step into the emperor realm."

"The moment he attains the throne, he is able to dominate the world and not fear the laws of the world."

"Based on his own magical perception, he pursued it all the way to the east of the sea, the land of our magical way."

Xiao Yi rushed through the ancient emperor's cave. This is probably the strongest emperor he knows the most, even better than the sword emperor and the silver lion emperor.

Because in the ancient emperor's cave mansion, he personally contacted the test left by the ancient emperor, he won one by one, and he had the chance to reach the end of the cave mansion.

In his mind, the ancient emperor was not only a powerful emperor, but also a warrior whom he admired and admired.

He couldn't imagine the ability of those many means, almost omnipotent.

The huge eyes continued, "That was the first time this emperor saw him."

"Of course, those are the years before, and this emperor can't remember even more."

"At that time, this emperor was just a seeker under the seat of the Demon Ancestor."

Xiao Yi understood the meaning of these big eyes, "You mean, the magic way, in fact, you don't need to enter your magic door, can you feel cultivation by yourself?"

"Naturally," replied with huge eyes.

"One, enter the demon gate, listen to the teachings of the demon ancestor, and be the orthodox demon disciple."

"One, if you are cultivating in a casual way, you have realized from the world."

"The magic way is also one of many martial arts of heaven and earth, which exists between this heaven and earth."

"The ancient emperor belongs to the latter."

Xiao Yi sneered, "Since I can feel it, what am I going to do in your magic door?"

The huge eyes chuckled, "Your words are exactly the same as when the ancient emperor asked the demon ancestor."

"At that time, the Demon Ancestor didn't care about such a contemptuous and disdainful tone."

"The Demon Ancestor only said, Demon Sect, never forced anyone to enter and who to leave."

"If you come, if you don't understand, I will teach it; if you don't come, you understand by yourself, that's better."

"If you doubt it, Fang Lai; if you realize it, you can leave it."

"Humph." Huge eyes sneered. "The **** of the ancient emperor, I'm afraid I didn't know what kind of person he was talking to at the time.

"In the end, the ancient emperor did not enter our magic gate, nor stay in the sea to the east, but left without permission."

Xiao Yi sneered, "Kegu, the first emperor."

"And your magic door has completely disappeared in the long river of history."

The huge eyes were angry and bloodshot, "That's just those cunning villains..."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

The words of the huge eyes also stopped abruptly.

Xiao Yi didn't care about these, but he probably understood them.

What he wanted to ask most was the Eight Palaces.

"If you don't even know the Eight Palaces, you don't even know the first generation of masters." Xiao Yi asked in a deep voice.

"According to your age, when the Eight Palaces was founded, the magic gate was long gone, and you were already under this seabed."

"That is to say... the Shura battle body and the Six Frightening Demon Swords were understood by the first generation masters themselves."

Xiao Yi could only come to this answer.

Huge eyes replied, "This emperor doesn't know what Shura battle body is."

Xiao Yi's hand condensed, and a martial arts technique popped up.

The huge eyes sensed for a long while, "Amazing, is this really created by your Human Race warriors?"

Xiao Yi nodded.

The huge eyes continued, "To be precise, this is a magic technique."

"Demon?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"Yes," replied with huge eyes, "the demon among the demons, the strongest flesh in the world, the demon."

"On the contrary to this emperor, the demon in the illusion, the most luminous in the world, the phantom."


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