Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3111: Mage demon body

"You can realize the magic way by yourself." Xiao Yi nodded, already guessing.

"Are there any restrictions?"

The huge eyes solemnly said, "The teachings of the Demon Ancestor back then are vividly visible."

"The most amazing and brilliant person can feel the profound mystery of the magic way."

"Those who are not talented need to let him explain."

Huge eyes looked directly at Xiao Yi, "The Demon Ancestor said that only the most amazing and stunning creatures in the world can have the ability to smell the magic way in the world and begin to comprehend."

"I understand." Xiao Yi squinted, and his mind was stunned.

If you guessed it correctly, the first generation of the main hall masters of the Black Demon Hall and Shura Hall are like the ancient emperors, who have realized the magic way by themselves.

Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it seems that the first generation of master hall masters and this so-called magic door are actually not related.

In this way, the big eyes didn't know the Eight Palaces, and they didn't know the secrets of those ancient years.

Huge eyes squinted, watching Xiao Yi's expression change in his eyes, "Boy, what are you doing with a sigh of relief?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi sneered.

"You so-called magic door, I don't look like a good thing."

"You..." The huge eyes were angry.

"Okay." Xiao Yi shrugged, his face calmed down a bit, "I'm done asking what should be asked."

"Now, it's time to talk back to you."

Xiao Yi looked at these huge eyes carefully, "I really don't want to understand, how can you be trapped here in the imperial realm?"

"You boast so loudly, who can have that ability?"

"In addition, how can you, the emperor realm, look like paper, with such unbearable strength?"

The huge eyes replied sadly, "Of course, only the Demon Ancestor can trap this emperor."

"Before the demon ancestor fell, this demon tomb was placed under a ban, covering the entire extremely cold sea."

"This emperor's cultivation strength is all under the suppression of this ban."

"This emperor is the last guardian of the Demon Sect, and the last inheritor of the Demon Path. Nothing should be lost."

"Under the suppression of this ban, although the emperor's strength is suppressed, the aura of the magic way is also suppressed, and even this piece of heaven and earth can't be perceived."

"As for you." Staring at Xiao Yi with huge eyes, "The emperor still has the means, but it's a pity that everything is invalid in front of your eyes."

"Heh." Xiao Yi sneered, "It's no wonder that when I fell on this seabed, you didn't really show up and swallow me."

"Sure enough, you couldn't help me from the beginning."

In this extremely cold sea, in fact, since he fell, he has already sensed a mysterious and powerful forbidden existence.

It's just that he can't see through.

So at the beginning, he had already guessed this.

This ban, this big eye cannot be broken, and because he has the eyes of the lunar sun, its illusion is just a joke, so don't worry.

He still plans to think about how to deal with this big eye for a few days.

After all, it was a real Emperor Realm, and it was fake if it was not shocked.

Perhaps, it will be useful for another.

"I will save you for a few days." Xiao Yi said coldly.

If these weird things are released or are not handled properly, it will be a disaster.

A trip back to Xiao's house made Yiyi not worry, and hurried back immediately afterwards.

Xiao Yi turned around, Zidian had already recaptured, ready to leave.

"Boy, where are you going?" The huge eyes were alarmed, "You have gained the inheritance of my magic door..."

"Stop it." Xiao Yi turned around and interrupted in a cold voice.

"This thing is useless to me, I didn't promise to enter your magic door, I just said to get some benefits."

"Besides, this is also called a benefit?"

"Why don't you call it?" The huge eyes said coldly, "You will be able to cultivate the demon body and possess the monstrous strength that disregards this continent."

"Devil?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

"Yes." Huge eyes proudly said, "Magic, omnipotent."

"If you cast a demon, you will become a demon, and you will be omnipotent."

"I have long since smelled the magical aura left by the ancient emperor on your body. You have already cultivated the magical way."

"Unfortunately, you haven't cultivated a demon body."

"Anything? A joke." Xiao Yi sneered.

"I don't deny that the magic way is very strong, but what I got from the ancient emperor's inheritance is enough."

"As for the monster of your magic door, I am not interested."

If a power calls it a demon, it is not always good.

In addition, he himself has entered the state of the magic way, knowing how fierce and crazy the magic way is.

The magic way, although it can greatly increase the strength of the warrior, it can also make the warrior fall into madness, fall into the killing without knowing it.

That kind of crazy and bloodthirsty means, by no means ordinary warriors can bear.

Simply put, the magic way is equivalent to the fierce way.

"What?" staring at Xiao Yi with huge eyes, "The fierceness in your eyes, the fierceness in your body, and the explosive killing intent, all prove that you are a warrior who pursues the ultimate strength."

"Magic Way, just can give you what you are after."

"Isn't the omnipotent four words enough to make you tempted?"

"Think about it, everything in the world can be your power to forge a demon."

"Neither the heavens, the earth nor the creatures, the grass or the tree, the sand or the stone, can all be the tonic that you swallow and turn into your own strength."

"As long as you are willing, you will be able to surpass your current strength in a very short time."

The words with huge eyes are full of ‘melting’ allure.

"The emperor has seen part of your memory, and you desperately need strength."

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold for a moment, "All things in the world can be swallowed as a tonic. What is the difference between this and the evil way?"

The huge eyes were proud and proud, "Oh, do you know evil ways?"

"The difference is big."

"Evil ways, but some tricky tricks."

"Evil repair requires various restrictions, formations, and methods in advance to devour the blood of human warriors and monsters."

"Furthermore, the evil way can only swallow the essence and blood of living beings, at best, it can't be more pure and pure."

"And our magic way can be swallowed with a wave of hands, and everything in the world can be turned into magic power."

"What is the difference between our magic way and evil way?"

Xiao Yi's eyes became colder and colder, "In this way, your magic way is more cruel than the evil way, and it is even more dehumanizing."

"I take back what I just said."

"I don't have to keep these days of life for you."

Xiao Yi's eyes changed abruptly, and an invisible whirlpool was born under the eyes of the Taiyin Sun.

"Boy, you..." With a panic in the huge eyes, he finally understood what Xiao Yi meant.

But for an instant, this fright turned into extreme anger.

"It turns out that you are just like those ignorant villains, just like the so-called honest and respectful people."

"What is cruelty? What is the extinction of human nature? This world is born with the weak and the strong..."

Xiao Yi interrupted in a cold voice, "The weak eating the strong and the slaughtering of creatures are two different things."

"Strength for the sake of strength, this is the devil."

"For the sake of strength, this is a martial artist."

"If the demon is as you said, then luckily I didn't repair it."

Once the demon body is cultivated, knowing that the power of the world can be swallowed can increase its strength, and it will become the most deadly temptation.

That would be even crazier and annihilate humanity than evil cultivation.


Second more.

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