Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3118: Tenkai Emperor Seal

Above the extreme cold crack.

Xiao Yi sat cross-legged, the sky above his head, in the wind and snow, a divine sword glowing with purple thunder and lightning was absorbing countless starlight power.

Xiao Yi was cultivating, while also thinking about his own combat power.

He returned to the Eastern Region, although it has been more than a year.

However, the strength has not grown much, most of the time, it is still traveling.

On the contrary, one's own mood, Taoism, etc., can be regarded as a substantial increase.

If you talk about retreat and enlightenment, and practice properly, now is the best time.

It is also when his spirits and spirits are at the peak, if he does martial arts enlightenment, he will be able to travel at a rapid pace.

Before officially starting to practice, he still had to review the past and compare his combat power.

The standstill of combat power dates back to more than three years ago.

Raising the Beiyin Palace and fighting the second guardian was his last full fight.

At that time, he was not even the enemy of the two protectors.

His cultivation level, to this day, has not grown, only at the peak of the Holy Venerable Realm.

It is the law of six balances, except for the clearance, everything else is perfect.

That is to say, if according to the law of six balances, he is actually the king, the king of Senluo, the king of Tianshui, the king of dirty soil, the king of karma, and the king of Jinruo.

Based on these five rules, he is fully capable of fighting in the kingdom.

And because of the powerfulness of the law of six balances, he can easily possess the dual combat power of the monarch realm.

When the battle for the changing sky ended, these combat powers were still enough.

But after contacting the ancient forces, it was far from enough, and Beiyin Palace was the best example.

As for his Fire Dao strength, under the Eight Fire Reincarnation, it is probably also the combat strength between the two peaks of the Sovereign Realm.

Swordsmanship, if not counted as Swordsman Swordsmanship, is almost in this category.

After all, his cultivation at the peak of the Holy Venerable Realm is here, only relying on the huge small world and pure vitality that are different from ordinary people, to have the combat power to cross to the sovereign realm.

Coupled with the Eight Fires Reincarnation, Breaking Dawn Promise, and other means, they have the ability to jump around double.

The second peak of the Sovereign Realm should be the strongest combat power that he can normally erupt under this cultivation base.

Of course, if we talk about external forces, this combat power will increase.

Such as Star Swordsmanship, if the combat power is fully deployed, it is enough to reach the Triple Sovereign Realm.

If you use the eight-fire cycle increase to increase your endurance, and then borrow the star slash, you can reach more starlight power, the combat power can reach the triple peak of the sovereign, half of the foot enters the quadruple category.

The two are superposition after all, not fusion, so the improvement is limited.

This was his strongest combat power back then, and now it is almost the same, only a little stronger.

In the two years of retreat in the Fengcha Main Hall, he has cultivated Bajue, but he is far from being a master.

The strength of the normal cultivation base has not increased much either.

In those two years of retreat, more was the martial arts and the practice of these eight unique methods.

If you want to truly exert the power of Bajue, you still have to wait for Dacheng after all.

After that, he returned to the Eastern Region so far.

Xiao Yi opened his eyes slightly and frowned, "All the means are used, the combat power is fully deployed, and he is in the fourth stage of the monarch realm."

"The application of Bajue is still an odd number today."

According to his original plan, he should now continue to practice Bajue, continue his normal martial arts practice, and increase his cultivation level by the way, and step into the monarchy in harmony.

Regardless of the eight must.

If you practice according to his normal martial arts, his fire and kendo should be ranked first.

But, speaking of Kendo...

Back then, his strongest sword was Bingming's sword, which forever blocked the attack of the ancestor of the monster dragon.

However, this sword is strong because he exhausted all the vitality in the small world in his body, as well as the vitality in the four ice patterns, and it burst out instantly.

The first ice pattern is more than 33,000 feet, and so is the small world.

That is quite huge, even more than the amount of vitality possessed by the veteran powerhouse in the monarch realm.

In the case that his own cultivation base has not soared sharply, and the small world, qi spring, ice pattern, etc. have not changed much, the power of that sword will not change.

Even if he jumped a few more times, the small world would grow so much.

Therefore, the power of that sword is almost the same as freeze. If you want to improve, you can only wait for the realm to soar in the future and add enough and strong enough complete martial arts power.

Of course, that sword just caught the ancestor of the monster dragon by surprise, but it was by no means equivalent to the full blow of the ancestor of the monster dragon.

The level of its power remains to be measured.

As for the other confidence in his kendo, star-cutting kendo, his strength has indeed soared the fastest.

But, after all, it is not a long-term solution.

Star Slashing Swordsmanship is strong in external forces.

He was able to get the increase quickly because of the swordsmanship of Star Slashing and the martial arts experience of Sword Sovereign.

In other words, the level of Sword Master Swordsman back then was a ceiling.

As for himself, he will definitely encounter a bottleneck after he has increased at most several times.

If he wants to refine it, he will need a lot of celestial insights to merge with it.

To put it simply, Star Slashing Swordsmanship can be used as the fastest way to increase strength, but it is by no means a long-term way to increase strength.

Xiao Yi frowned, "The magic way I have now is an opportunity."

Why is the ancient power strong?

Bazong Tianjiao, why is the cultivation base amazing?

The road to martial arts is definitely not an easy long road.

Therefore, the warrior needs help to go easier.

Ba Zong Tianjiao, has the careful guidance of the veteran monarch powerhouse, has the vast martial arts experience as a guide, and has countless training resources.

They have a deep foundation that has exceeded 80 million years.

So they can go fast, they can even trot all the way on the long road of martial arts.

However, even for them, after all, they have stagnated on the hurdles of the monarch realm.

The four levels of the Sovereign Realm represent the critical point for the beginner to enter the intermediate level, which makes each of the Eight Sects of Tianjiao retreat.

What about his Xiao Yi?

His Xiao Yi's help is the Eight Palaces, the Eight Wonders of Ancient Times.

But this is not enough.

Mo Dao must be his second help.

Xiao Yi squinted and looked up at the purple electric divine sword in the wind and snow above the sky.

"Star Slashing Swordsmanship, after all, is with the help of external forces, and now the starlight power drawn by the 30,000 spiritual veins is absorbed by the purple electricity, which is enough for me to explode in the future."

"What I should cultivate now is Bajue and the magic way."

At this moment, Xiao Yi finally made a decision.


at the same time.

On the other side, Zhongyu, above the sea to the east.

No, there is not the northeast sea area, but a larger and fierce the east, the sea is forbidden.


The sea area with a radius of one million miles was tumbling and turbulent for a time, and countless treacherous waves swept up.

A dreamy figure broke through the water and rushed straight into the sky.

Below, countless raging waves seem to be cheering for the birth of their new "king".

Above the sea, one after another ferocious aura looked up.

On the firmament, the dreamy figure holds an object in one hand, "The Great Soldier of the Waterway, the Seal of Heaven and Sea, is in my hand."

"Who else dares to refuse?"

The majestic voice seemed to resound across the entire east side of the taboo sea.

Countless fierce auras, bow down and salute.


I don't know how long it has passed, and the fierce sea is flat.

In the sea to the east, in the calm blue sea, a dreamy figure appeared out of thin air.

Those clear and beautiful eyes, like the ocean, looked directly at the ice holy restraint in the distance.

"Hall Master Xiao Yi, it's been more than a year and a half."

The figure covered his mouth and laughed, with a smug and comfortable laugh, "Chuck, I don't know what his expression will be when he finds that Zhongyu has changed drastically after he comes back."

The figure's smile was suddenly cold and icy, "Will it still be the same as it was in the past, with the identity of Yi Xiao, is it impossible to live?"

"Will it be as arrogant as it was a year and a half ago, holding the Eight Temple Wanted Order?"

"When the eight halls are no longer the eight halls, and the middle domain is no longer the middle domain... you, the soul emperor that you obtained by snatching, will also fall."


Second more.

Update today, over.

Yes, you read that right, there are only two changes today.

Think about it, everyone has been a little disappointed these days, so let me brazenly make the disappointment a little bit violent.

Starting today, there will be two changes a day thereafter.

During the Chinese New Year, you will be busy with quality and quantity.

The eighth day of the eighth day should be able to relax, the ninth day of rest for one day, the tenth day of the resumption of the daily three shifts, make up, and break up various matters.

Everyone, sorry sorry.

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