Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3119: Double cultivation... No, double cultivation

Eastern Territory, above the extremely cold crack.

Xiao Yi sat cross-legged, already practicing.

Cultivation in the magic way may cause a lot of troubles, or even hidden crises that he doesn't know.

However, he now has no right to think about it.

There are still many things waiting for him to solve in Zhongyu.

He didn't know why the eight main hall masters forced him to leave, but he was definitely extraordinary.

There are a lot of things like the next change of sky.

What he needs most urgently now is the improvement of strength, and nothing else.

Now the Xiao family is safe, and he has no worries about the future.

Waiting for the eight great achievements, or the increase in strength, or the ghost notification to him, these three, any one of them, is when he returns to the Central Region.

He didn't know what the hidden crisis was.

But he was convinced that if he didn't have enough strength when he needed strength, and watched what he didn't want to happen, then he would regret it.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi opened his eyes again, frowned slightly, and looked up at the purple electric divine sword in the sky above his eyes.

"The meaning of the martial arts in this area has been disturbed by the purple electric sword and countless starlight powers."

This kind of interference does not matter to the fighters here.

After all, the Eastern Region Martial Artist's cultivation base is only under the Celestial Realm.

The celestial realm is considered the first complete martial art, and the terrestrial realm is only 10% of a martial art.

Therefore, the martial artist here is not considered to have practiced in the martial art of heaven and earth, and it will not be affected.

But as far as Xiao Yi is concerned, practicing martial arts here other than the Star Slashing Sword Dao will be troubled by it.

Xiao Yi frowned, "If I cultivate at my level, if I concentrate on retreating and comprehend martial arts, it will also affect a large area of ​​the atmosphere of heaven and earth."

Xiao Yi was not interested in causing other commotions, but wanted to practice quietly.

There are few warriors in the extremely cold land, so they are the best.

But now, it has to be changed.

Xiao Yi thought for a while, chuckled, "I have it."

Whoosh... The figure flashed and left.

Before leaving, he glanced at the purple electric sword on the sky.

These big eyes are just an accident; besides, no one can understand his purple electricity.

He doesn't need to stay here.


After a long while, Xiao Yi hurried back to Xiao's house.

In the mansion of the Young Patriarch.

Yiyi blinked her beautiful eyes and asked in doubt, "The son is going to go out and retreat?"

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, "This time I retreat, in addition to martial arts insights, there may be applications in methods and so on."

"At my level, even if I move my fingers, it can arouse the aura of the entire Beishan County, and cause a lot of panic, let alone an attempt at means."

"I want to go to the Great Wild Kingdom."

"Remember the desolate place on the other side of the Great Desolate Kingdom before we ended our tour a few days ago?"

"That area, tens of thousands of miles, is desolate, not to mention warriors, monsters are rare."

Yiyi nodded, looking at Xiao Yi with beautiful eyes, "Yiyi also go to accompany the son?"

She knows very well that their retreat at this level, especially with their wholehearted comprehension, can be said to be cold and unconscious.

Xiao Yi also knew the same.

"Okay." Xiao Yi chuckled, "That desolate and quiet place, with you, is comfortable and cozy."

Yiyi was overjoyed, "Yiyi will go and get ready immediately."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.


After half an hour, the two flew away from Xiao's house.

Within a moment, he returned to the place where he ended his tour last time, the desolate land of the Great Desolate Kingdom.

Xiao Yi felt it for a moment, and determined that there was no warrior in the entire area, before he laid a ban.

In addition to the formation, a few simple spirit gathering formations were laid down so that warriors tens of thousands of miles away could increase their cultivation speed.

This is the compensation for his temporary occupation of this area.

Xiao Yi sat down cross-legged and officially began to practice.

On the side, Yiyi only stayed quietly, sitting cross-legged, but was not completely involved in the practice.

She just wanted to know that when he woke up, she would know for the first time.


One month later.

Xiao Yi woke up from the retreat with a few drops of sweat on his forehead.

Yiyi reacted instantly from the side, slender hands and sleeves, wiping off sweat from Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi chuckled lightly.

"The son?" Yiyi asked suspiciously.

"It's okay." Xiao Yi shook his head, "The magic way is really powerful, extremely fierce."

"But the demons that arise from this will become more powerful and will put a certain pressure on my Dao Heart."

Xiao Yi couldn't remember how long he hadn't had an inner demon.

However, after cultivating the Demon Way, there was a slight hint of Devil's Hardship.

Yiyi frowned slightly, "With the son's ability, the tenacity of the Dao Heart, and the purity of the Jianxin, even the Demon Dao should not be enough to corrode."

"It will not produce much pressure."

This is indeed the place where Xiao Yi is perverted, and it is also beyond the reach of countless young people.

"This month, the son should be repairing many times in a row." Yiyi said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded and chuckled lightly.

"Magic Dao is a huge martial arts system."

"The Shura battle body, the so-called monster, I will continue to practice."

"And the other demon ways, the undead demon of the medicine path, the fire path, and the burning demon, I am also cultivating."

"Don't worry, this is not too much pressure on me."

As Xiao Yi said, he glanced at Qiankun Jie in his hand and gave a wry smile, "My 30,000 spiritual veins, although they were absorbed by Zidian."

"But in my universe ring, there are still a lot of heavenly materials and earth treasures, a lot of cultivation resources."

"But, it's still difficult to cultivate the magic way."

Back then, the Asura battle body was already amazed at the monster blood that it needed to consume.

In the past, for a long period of time, the training resources required by the Asura battle body were comparable to those needed for the cultivation of his huge small world.

It wasn't until after the Holy Venerable Realm that the small world soared and expanded, before it countered.

But his gas spring of three thousand three hundred and thirty-three feet was already amazing enough.

It is conceivable that the Shura battle body requires huge training resources.

Nowadays, the practice of the magic way has actually countered Shura's battle body.

Cultivating demons, as well as the demons, undead demons, burning demons, and so on, are more able to'eat'.

He has even cultivated many ways, even if it is his Xiao Yi's wealth, if he cultivates for a long time, it will seem a little overwhelming.

Yiyi took out a few Qiankun Rings, "The son can use my cultivation resources."

"In the past when I was in the Holy Moon Sect, my cultivation resources were inexhaustible, far beyond what I needed."

"Over the years, a lot has been saved."

"Before leaving the sect, Master also gave me a lot of cultivation resources."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Holy Moon Sect things..."

Yiyi took the lead and said, "This is Yiyi's thing, and it's also the son's."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Forget it, I still have enough, let's talk about it later."

"The son..." Yiyi wanted to say something.

Xiao Yi interrupted with a chuckle, "Your son, I'm hungry."

"Yiyi is going to cook." Yiyi replied cleverly.

Xiao Yi rested briefly for a long time.

At night, Xiao Yi was once again immersed in cultivation.

On the side, Yiyi sat cross-legged and did not concentrate on cultivating, but under the bright moon on the sky, her aura continued to grow.


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